32- Flash Lure

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As Barry works with Wally, Katrina heads to the kitchen with Iris, "So how long till they start butting heads?" Katrina asks Iris.
"Twenty minutes" Iris smiles at her.
"I give it ten" Katrina smiles back at her.

"God, this was a terrible idea wasn't it?" Iris says to her.
"No...no, it isn't..it's" Katrina looks at Iris, "yeah I don't know if it's going to go well" she says as Iris hands her a mug of tea.
"Dad, just wants the two of them to get along" Iris says as they both take a sip of their tea.

"Oh, I get that, they're both his boys. But right now, Barry has got a lot going on right now. Ever since they came back from Earth-2 you've seen how he's been. Always lost in his thoughts, and then there is this whole King Shark thing" Katrina says.

"Wait, King Shark?" Iris asks her. "The crazy half-shark that attacked Barry months ago?" she asks her.
"Yeah, it's back" Katrina says as they suddenly hear a crash, the girls put their mugs down and rush toward the noise.

"Yeah, it's back" Katrina says as they suddenly hear a crash, the girls put their mugs down and rush toward the noise

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"Where's the Flash?" they hear, "I know the Flash is here". Rushing to the other room, they see King Shark has torn part of the house, as Barry stands in front of them, and Joe is on the steps his gun drawn. "I can smell him" King Shark says.

"Everybody get out!" Joe shouts, as him and Katrina now having her hidden gun drawn, both start firing at him. Barry rushes Wally and Iris upstairs out of the room, but Wally trips on the stairs. Barry uses this opportunity to speed away reappearing on the street as Flash.

"Where is he?" King Shark demands.
"Right here" Barry shouts and King Shark crawls back off the house.
"Flash, Zoom wants you dead!" King Shark says to him.
"Yeah, I know, then you get to go home, right? Well, guess what, man? The breaches that Zoom used to bring you here, they're all gone. I closed them, for good. There's no more Zoom. There's no way back to your Earth. You're going to be locked up here for a very long time" Barry says as he races around King Shark.

King Shark watches him run around as he then swings his arm, hitting Barry, who goes flying in to a nearby parked car. King Shark starts to advance at him when he hears tire's screeching.

"You might be fast, but not as fast as I am in water. You're not gonna catch me, Flash!" King Shark says as he runs off. A group of SUV's go driving by Barry, as the last one comes to a stop behind him.
"You okay?" John comes out of the vehicle asking Barry.
"Oh, yeah, I'm good. I think he broke a few things, but I'm good" he says to them.

Katrina helps Iris, Wally and Joe clean up, as worry was growing inside her, not being able to go help Barry.
"I don't suppose my homeowner's insurance covers a Sharknado attack" Joe comments.
"I don't understand you people. Jaws busts through your house like the Kool-Aid Man. The Flash shows up, without his partner Bolt, but still it was The Flash, and you are all just acting like it's no big deal" Wally says to them.

 The Flash shows up, without his partner Bolt, but still it was The Flash, and you are all just acting like it's no big deal" Wally says to them

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