27- A+

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(Season 2 x 13)

Barry and Katrina were racing around Central City shutting down each and every breach except for the one in STAR Labs. Cisco was counting down them as they reach the last one, and Barry does the honors of tossing the reactor into it. Once they finish there they head back to the lab, were Barry tosses the reactor to Cisco, "He shoots, he scores" he remarks as Barry and Katrina take off their masks.

"Not bad for a guy who got a C in gym" Barry says to him.
"D plus" Caitlin puts her hand up saying.
"Straight up F, right here" Cisco laughs as they look at Katrina.
"What" she says to them.

"Let me guess A's" Barry says to her.
"A+" she smiles at them, "What I was trained by Batman of course I excelled in gym" she says and they laugh.
"I can't believe it; we closed all the breaches" Caitlin says.
"All except the one. Our last way to Earth-2" Barry sighs.

"Ready?" Harry then appears asking.
"Yeah, I just have a few things to take care of first" Barry tells him.
"Just a reminder, Allen. Clock's ticking." Harry says to him.
"It always is"Barry says to him.

Later at the West-Allen household, Barry and Katrina were having dinner with Joe and Iris, "You know, you haven't made lasagna since I left for college" Barry says to Joe.
"Well, college is a hell of a lot closer than another Earth" Joe says to him, as Barry sits back in his chair, "Hey, did you tell Henry?" he then asks him.

"No, all right, look, if he knew, he would just try to talk me out of it, and he probably would so..." Barry says to him.
"Dad, can you give the three of us a minute?" Iris then says to Joe.
"Yeah, I'll make us some coffee" he says as he gets up and leaves.

"Look Iris, I know that this is..nuts is the only word I can think of right now, but it's not like I've ever done anything dangerous before" Barry says to her.
"Look, I, I get why you're doing this. Innocent people are in danger. That's always been the direction that you've run in. Even, even when you ran a little bit slower" she says making them all laugh, "I just... I want to make sure that you're not doing this because you think that you don't have anything left here anymore" she then says to him.

"Iris, this isn't about what happened with Kat and I, I know what I have here. I love my life, I love my job, being the Flash" he looks at Katrina taking her hand in his, "I love you" he says to Katrina, "I love you and Joe" he says looking at Iris, "I'm not trying to escape. I promise" he tells her.
"Go, win, Barry, and then come home" Iris tells him.
"I will" he tells her smiling at the two woman.

Later Barry and Katrina were up in his room, "You still okay with me going over there?" Barry asks her.
"I told you, Barry, I am on your side with this. I understand you want to go there and help save Jesse, what I want to know is why I can't go" she says to him.
"Because one of us needs to stay here to protect our world, and I wouldn't trust it anyone else's hands" he smiles at her.

"Fine, but if you run into the other me, don't go racing off with her for kisses" she says to her.
"I promise I won't, she probably doesn't even know the other me exist on Earth-2" he says to her.
"You better tell me when you get back what the other you and I are like" she says as she kisses him.

"I'm sure you don't want to hear those details" he tells her.
"You know I would, come on we probably should get to the lab, Harry has been getting Cisco to text me for the last five minutes" she says to him.
"Let's go" he says to her, as the head off for the lab.

"All right, Barry, listen to me. You're about to go through the looking glass. You're gonna see things that look and feel familiar, but they're not. Up is down, black is white, and do not let yourself get sucked in emotionally, and good luck" Jay tells Barry as they reach the breach in the basement of the lab.

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