33- Future Version

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Season 2 x 16

Katrina stands on the edge of the cliff in her Bolt suit standing beside Barry in his Flash suit as they are looking down. Cisco tosses a rock and they watch it fall, "Whoo-hoo!" he says, "uh...it didn't look this deep on the map" he adds.

"That's 'cause maps are flat. This is like 1,000 feet deep" Barry says to him.
"Well, you two wanna get faster, maybe plummeting to your death is the motivation you two need" Cisco says as he walks away going over to Caitlin.

"So, to reach escape velocity, you're both gonna have to go" Harry walks over to them as he makes a calculation and rights it down, "that fast" he says showing them.
"Okay, well that fast is just impossible, we can promise you that" Katrina tells him.

"Uh-uh! Uh-uh!" he says to them, "Nothing in life is promised except death" he then says.
"Edgar Allen Poe?" Barry says.
"Kayne West" Harry says.

"If it makes you feel any better, Evel Knievel cleared a line of cars that was twice this long, and he didn't even have super powers" Cisco comes over to them saying, "Ah, unless you count that sweet-ass ride" he adds.

"Cisco, do you even hear yourself?" Katrina asks him.
"Well, look, you two are gonna be fine. I'm 80% sure of it" Cisco says to her.
"Okay" Barry says.

"76, like a strong 72" Cisco goes on saying and Harry indicates to him to shut up, "I can't stop. Caitlin, help" he then says.
"If you both don't feel ready, you probably shouldn't do it" Caitlin says to them.
"Not helpful" Cisco says to her.

"Look, Zoom's still out there. And once I find a way back to Earth-2, I have to be faster than him" Barry says. "And I mean, right now, I wasn't even fast enough to save Jay" he says.
"Once we find a way, and we have to be faster, remember Barry we are in this together. Losing Jay wasn't your fault" Katrina tells him.

"I have to try" Barry then says to the team, as he walks away. Katrina follows him, as he gets to the starting point, "You sure you want to do this too?" he asks her.
"Barry I told you we are in this together" she tells him, as they then get in the running position. The two of them take a deep breath, as they let the electricity flow through their bodies before they take off running.

The run past the group, as they get to the edge and using all their momentum they run as fast as they can trying to make the jump. "They're gonna make it" Caitlin shouts as they make the jump. Katrina makes it all the way across, and she stands there smiling at Barry as he then starts to fall.

"No!" Caitlin calls out,
"Oh, damn" Harry comments as they run toward the edge.  They then see Barry being carried back to them in a net being held by drones.
"Why'd you have to bring those drones along, Cisco?' 'Oh, I don't know'. You're welcome, everyone" Cisco remarks, as Barry just shakes his head in frustration. Katrina then makes the jump back across, and Barry can barely look at her.

Once back on land, the team packs up their things, and head back to the lab, once there Barry and Katrina speed in switching out of their suits and back into normal clothes, causing Jesse's popcorn to go flying.
"Scooch" Cisco says to Jesse who was sitting at one of the computers.

"What?" she asks him as she stands up, "Oh, how'd it go?" she then asks.
"Well they are not a red and blue splat on the side of a mountain" Harry tells her.
"That's our new definition of success?" Cisco says as he sits in the chair Jesse just left and starts eating her popcorn.

"It's one of them" Harry tells him.
"So, you didn't make the canyon jump?" Jesse asks the speedsters.
"I could make it, but Barry didn't" Katrina tells her.
"What else can we try?" Barry asks.
"A bigger canyon" Cisco says to them, and they look at him, "Okay, fine, no more canyons" he says.

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