45-Zombie Girder

546 23 1

Season 2 x 21

Barry and Katrina watch as they are in a swirl of light, they see one another, unsure what is going on around them, lighting flashes all around them. Both of them are then pulled away from one another, and Katrina gasps as she wakes up. Sitting up in the bed she had awoken in, Katrina looks around confused as she was in a room she hadn't seen in years. Getting off the bed Katrina tries to figure out where she really is, as she then leaves the room. Katrina heads down the hall, and then down the stairs, where she spots someone else she hadn't seen in a long time.

 Katrina heads down the hall, and then down the stairs, where she spots someone else she hadn't seen in a long time

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"Alfred?" Katrina says to him.
"Good to see you Miss Ivory" he says to her, "but I'm not Alfred" he then says.
"You're not?" she asks.
"No" he says to her.

"Then what is all of this, it isn't real then" she says looking around the room.
"How do you feel, being back here?" Alfred asks her.
"I..I don't know how I feel" she tells him.

"We thought you'd be more comfortable talking to someone who looked familiar, and in a place you knew" he says to her.
"What do you mean we? Who is this we?" she asks him.
"That is a little hard to explain" he then says, "why don't you sit Miss Ivory" he says pointing to the chair nearby. She does so, still trying to understand what she is seeing, as he sits in the opposite seat, "How much do you know about the speed force?" Alfred asks her as he sips his tea.

"It's the source of mine and Barry's power. It's what makes us speedsters" she tells him.
"Yes, and no. When the first sub-atomic particle sprang forth from the Big Bang to form reality as you know it, we were there. When the last proton decays, stops vibrating and plunges the universe into heat death, we'll be there, too." He says to her.

"Wait, what you mean I am speaking to the Speed Force?" she asks him, and he just nods at her. "That's just like saying I'm talking to gravity or light, or.." she stops talking still confused by it all. "I..I just, I need a moment to think" she then says.
"It's okay, if you do, Barry is also speaking to the Speed Force, having the same reaction as you, it is a lot for the two of you to understand" Alfred says to her.

"So what you're trying to say is Barry is here somewhere too, also talking to the source of our power. Mine happens to look, like one of the men that raised me, while I'm guessing Barry's looks like who Joe" Katrina says to him, and he nods at her." This is just trippy" she says.

He lightly laughs, "We pretty much invented trippy here" he says.
"Okay, well as much fun as this has been, and as much as I want to know why I was brought here, I need to find Barry, we need to go back our friends are in danger from Zoom" she says as a shadow goes by the window.

"Wait, did you see that" she asks as it goes by again, and she looks at Alfred.
"You're not going back, neither is Barry, at least not until" he says to her as the shadow goes by again.

"Until what exactly?" she asks.
"Until you catch that" Alfred says, pointing to the doorway. Katrina looks at him for a moment before heading for the door that leads out of the manor. Looking outside she sees the shadowy figure as it runs down the pathway.

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