26- Trusted You

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The next day Katrina sits on Barry's lap, as they are watching the news coverage from yesterday's meta attack in the cortex, "hey" they hear Joe say as he walks in, and Barry spins them around, "I ran background checks on everyone involved in this Tar Pit mess, came up empty. I mean, they all have records, but they're sealed, so...Can't read them" he tells them.

"Well, that's 'cause you're bound by ethics, Detective West" Cisco says as he starts typing away on his computer.
"How many felonies are we committing breaking into sealed court records?" Joe asks him.

"Oh he's only breaking three, or four" Katrina says,
"No, five" Cisco calls out, as he then brings the records on the monitor.
"Well, looks like they had been sealed because the records are all from juvenile offenses" Katrina says, "been there" she mumbles then.

"They weren't arrested together" Joe then says.
"No, but look at this. They serves in the same juvenile detention facility. Actually, Monteleone and victum one were bunkmates" Cisco reads showing them on the monitors.

"Who do we have shacked up with vic two?" Barry then asks.
Cisco types away on the computer, "Bronwen, comma, Clark. Well, good luck finding him, he has a ton of addresses, and I can't seem to find anything current. I'll run his picture through facial recognition." Cisco says.

"That won't be necessary" they then hear Iris saying as she comes into the cortex. "In this case, I am facial recognition. I know exactly where we can find that guy. And Dad, you are not gonna like how" Iris says.

"Okay, you can tell me about it on the way" Joe says to Iris. "What is that?" he then asks as he sees Harry carrying an odd device.
"Breach implosion reactor" Harry tells him.

"Sorry I asked" Joe says as he then leaves with Iris.
"You two ready?" Harry says looking at Katrina and Barry.
"Yeah, let's do this" Barry says as he follows Harry with Katrina close behind.

"Have fun fixing the universe, you three" Cisco says as they walk past him.
Barry then notices Harry holding his shoulder, "Hey Harry. What's going on? You seem like you're in pain" Barry asks him.
"No, no, I have a headache" he says to them as he continues walking ahead of them.

The three of them stand outside, as Harry sets up the reactor, "If our calculations are correct-" he says.
"And they are" Katrina says.
"And they are, when this device detonates it'll collapse the event horizon on this side of the breach, therby shutting off any connection to Earth-2 permanently" Harry tells them, as Barry yawns, and then makes Katrina yawn.

"You two okay?" he asks them.
"Yeah, we're just a little tired. I don't feel like myself, I'm good though" Barry tells them.
"Yeah" Harry says as he turns his attention back to the reactor.

"It's gonna work, Harry" Barry says patting him on the back.
"Yeah, yeah okay, you two ready?" Harry then says to them.
"Yeah, give it to me" Barry says as he then takes the reactor, he takes a few steps and using his speed he tosses the reactor. They watch as it hits the breach, and it explodes, then disappears, Barry looks back at Harry and Katrina, "Come on!" he says to them. Both Harry and Katrina walk up behind Barry, who is reaching out for the breach, and nothing happens. "We did it!" he laughs as he hugs Harry, "Come on! You just rewrote the laws of physics. Don't smile or anything" he says to Harry.

 Don't smile or anything" he says to Harry

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