24- Barry, You Gotta Stop

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They hear it and head back into the cortex, "Tachyons! 87th and Avenue J" Cisco informs Barry.
Katrina looks at him, "Be safe" she says as he kisses her, and he speeds to his suit and then speeds out of there.

"Must be one of Mercury Lab's off-site facilities" Cisco says.
"Hack into their security-" Harry says.
"I've hacked into their security feed" Cisco says.

"You're one step ahead" Harry says.
"I'm one step ahead of you" Cisco says as they then see Dr. McGee and Reverse Flash on the screen.
"Uh-oh" Cisco says, "Barry, hurry up!" he informs Barry.

They watch as Barry phases through the wall and pushes Reverse-Flash away from Dr. McGee, and he makes sure she is okay. She runs away, as Barry then goes up to the machine, and punches it destroying Thawnes way home. The two speedsters then take off running, as they watch them on the screen racing through the streets, "Oh, it's on" Cisco says. Worry grows inside Katrina as they watch the two speedters racing one another.

"I should have gone with him" Katrina says.
"No, you were right not to. It would mess the timeline" Harry says to her, as they continue watching.
"Get him, Barr" Joe says.

They then see that Barry has caught up to Thawne and he throws him down, "Not fast enough, Thawne" they hear him saying as he pushes Thawne up against a wall. " I will never lose to you again!" Barry says as he punches the man. He continues to punch Thawne, before tossing him against another wall, "This war between us, it ends now!"  Barry says anger in his voice as he starts to repeatedly beat up Thawne.

"Barry, you gotta stop!" Joe shouts as they watch Barry.
"Barry! Barry listen to me, you don't need to kill him, just bring him to us" Katrina says to him.
"Get the cell ready!"  Barry tells them and a sigh of relief washes through Katrina.

They all stand in the cortex watching Thawne on the monitor as he sits in the cell Barry had put him in. Katrina places an arm around Barry once he had come back to the cortex, not wanting to let him go.

"Hey he can't..?" Joe asks making a phasing gesture with his hand.
"Phase his way out? No, he can't do that" Cisco tells him.
"It's the same cell we used to hold Dr. Wells last year'' Caitlin tells him.

Suddenly Barry pulls away from Katrina, "Barry where do you think you're going" Katrina asks him.
"I'm going down there" he says to her.
"No you're not" Harry says making Barry stop.
"The more he learns about you, the more you will alter the timeline" Harry says.

"He killed my mom!" Barry shouts.
"He's from the future, he hasn't done that yet. He doesn't even know you're The Flash, and you need to keep it that way" Harry tells him.
"You already said that his mother's gonna die no matter what we do" Joe then says.

"Ramifications, any time anybody messes with the timeline. And it's impossible to predict what those ramifications are gonna be" Harry says.
"Barry, you caught him, and you stopped him from killing Dr. McGee. In my book, that's a win" Caitlin says to him.
"This doesn't feel like a win" Barry then says.

Just then Katrina's phone vibrates, "It's Patty she wants to see us" she says looking at Barry as her and Barry leave the lab.

Katrina and Barry walk into their lab to see Patty sitting there waiting for them, "Hey" Barry says to her.
"Hey, we got your text" Katrina says to her.
"I wasn't sure if you guys would come and see me" she says, "I just feel like you've suddenly decided to avoid me" she says to them.

"Patty we're not avoiding you, just been really busy" Katrina says as they walk past her.
"Busy speeding around Central City" she then says and they both turn to look at her. "I know you're The Flash, Barry, and you are Bolt, Kat" she then says.

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