Chapter 1

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Welcome to Chapter 1 of my new crossover where I combine the two shows I love of Criminal Minds and Teen Wolf - so please enjoy and let me know what you think!!

As the plane touched down on the tarmac silence filled the air as the team prepared themselves for what they were about to face. They had been in this situation before but that was in relation to a case, this time is different he had just gone home to visit his family.

----------------------------------------flashback time-----------------------------------------------------------

As Rafael steps out of the lift at the BAU he remembers his last visit there, it hadn't been long since Stiles had started working here and he had stopped by to make sure he was settling in well but to also gain his help on a case.

But now this time was different, the call that he had received from Scott less then three hours ago has changed everything, as he walks into the Ball Pen he notices that everyone has gathered in the main meeting room.

"Agent McCall, its lovely to see you again. Everyone is gathered as requested, this way please." Aaron Hotchner greets Rafael and guides him to where everyone was, they all stare at him as they entered the room. Rafael feels guilty calling them in but this is a top priority situation and was the only team he trusted with this situation.

"I'm sorry to call you all back from your well earned time off but we have a top priority situation that we need you all on right away." Rafael starts to explain before he is cut off before he can explain any further.

"Hang on, not everyone is here. Where is Stiles?" Derek asks noticing the young agents absence from the room.

"This is why you are all here, three hours ago I received a call from my son Scott to advise me that Stiles is missing. He was due to meet a group of friends but never arrived, his jeep was found over turned by the local Sheriff's department around an hour ago." Rafael explains as he loads the pictures onto the screen of what he had received so far.

"The entire area has been swept and no sign of him has been found, the local CSI department recovered some blood inside the jeep along with Stiles's credentials and gun. I know this is going to be hard for you all as he is one of our own but I also know Stiles wouldn't want anyone else on this case, you have the full support of the local Sheriff's office along with any FBI resources in the area." Rafael finishes explaining before sitting around the table along with everyone else.

"Has his family been informed yet?" JJ asks with her eyes locked on Stiles photo on the screen.

"Yeah they know, it was Stiles's fiancée Lydia who originally reported him missing to Sheriff Stilinski and then it was the Sheriff and Deputy Parrish who found his jeep." Rafael answers well receiving a few confused looks from everyone in the room.

"Sorry did you say Fiancée? Also why does the Sheriff's surname sound so familiar?" Rossi asks the room hoping someone would know the answer.

"Ah yeah I forget how private Stiles can be, yeah he is engaged to a lovely young lady called Lydia Martin. The reason Sheriff Stilinski's name sounds familiar is because Stilinski is Stiles's surname, the Sheriff is his Dad." Rafael explains while clicking the button to show the pictures of Stiles and Lydia, Stiles and his Dad and Stiles and the Pack.

"Okay, let's head to Beacon Hills and bring him home. Wheels up in 30 minutes." Hotch states standing up before walking out the office and slamming the door closed.

------------------------------------------end of flashback--------------------------------------------------------

The plane ride had been the quietest ever known as they loaded into the SUV's Rafael took the lead one so he could direct them to Sheriff's station. The journey through the town was quick but the team notice that there was a hype of activity, people with torches and maps spread everywhere they looked.

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