Chapter 28

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Welcome to Chapter 28 - thank you so much everyone who has read, voted and commented on this crossover, your comments truly do make my day - so I decided to not be mean and leave you waiting for too long to know what has happened - enjoy!!

As Lydia walked away from Stiles, she felt like her heart had just broken into a million pieces, everything inside of her was making her want to turn around and run back into his arms and let him tell her that everything was going to be okay.

As she got further enough away, she pulled out her phone and dialled the number that was responsible for the pain she was feeling and had just caused.

"It's done, now where is she?" Lydia states firmly into the phone as soon as the number picks up, her hand shaking as she holds the phone to her ear.

"What is done? You need to be more specific than that if you want to ever see her again." Kate's voice snarls down from the other end of the phone as Lydia can hear Andrea sniggering in the background.

"I broke Stiles's heart and refused his marriage proposal. Now tell me where my mother is!" Lydia snaps into the phone as tears battle there way out of her eyes before she quickly wipes them away.

"As promised, we will send you the location when we see fit." Kate states before promptly hanging the phone up, as she does the phone and Lydia fall to the floor as Lydia starts allowing the tears to flow freely not even bothering to stop them.

"What have I done? I have lost him, the only man I ever truly loved." Lydia states aloud feeling like a foolish child at been allowed to be played and used by them.

"Now I wouldn't say that Lydia, as they say there are plenty more fish in the sea." A man's voice speaks from near her as she lifts her head to see the blurry outline of someone once considered an ally but is now an enemy.

"Theo? How are you here right now? Last time I saw you, you were been led away to the Station." Lydia asks while rising to her feet and picking her phone up, while keeping her eyes focused on the man in front of her.

"Let's just say Stiles is not the only one with friends in high places. I believe you are already familiar with one of them, isn't that right Mark." Theo states before Lydia hears footsteps behind her as Mark comes into the clearing.

"Hello again Lydia, it has been a while." Mark states before heading over to stand next to Theo who was smugly smirking at Lydia.

"What do you both want? What makes you think I won't scream right now and get everyone to come." Lydia states with only a slight amount of confidence in her words after what happened recently.

"True you could do that and face the person who's heart you just ripped out and stomped on, or you can team up with us to stop Kate and Andrea to help save your precious Stiles and rescue your mother." Mark advises Lydia who starts considering her decisions, knowing the most logical thing was to head back towards Stiles and his team as they were the experts in this.

"Answer me this, why suddenly do you both want to stop Andrea and Kate? I thought you were all on the same side, trying to kill Stiles and his children." Lydia asks hoping to gather not only some clarity but more information in case she chooses to go to Stiles instead.

"That was never our intention to harm Stiles or any innocent children, Stiles has saved both of our arses more times than we truly care to admit." Theo admits and Lydia was surprised he was big enough to admit that.

(A/N Britishness coming out again, I just love that word)

"We were both blinded by the power and money been offered we lost sight of our values. Stiles and Henry gave me a choice back in Egypt and offered to protect me, I refused then but I am just hoping by helping you now they may offer me the same chance again." Mark advises showing a more softer side to himself, more so than he normally shows anyone.

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