Chapter 2

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Welcome to Chapter 2 - thank you already for the votes and comments on this story - read on to see if your guess is correct - enjoy!!

Scott was sat waiting in the interview room, his Dad had placed him in here to calm down after Theo had left after providing his cryptic message. Scott always wondered why he always let Theo have this power over him, even when he was here before Stiles had tried to warn him but he didn't listen and look what happened.

The door opened into the room and in walked Rafael and Derek Morgan, as soon as the door closed Scott turned and started going off.

"I'm sorry okay, I know I shouldn't have gone off on him like that. It's just last time he was involved it almost fully destroyed everything." Scott starts ranting at the two who just take a seat and wait for him to release the held in anger.

"What happened last time? Am I right in thinking that he is a Chimera? More precisely the First Chimera of part Werewolf and part Werecoyote." Derek states and Scott stops and stares at him with a confused expression on his face.

"Yeah he is a Chimera, how did you know? Do you and your team know about the Supernatural?" Scott asks finally taking the seat opposite the two men now he was feeling calmer.

"Stiles. We had a case not long after he started that had Supernatural elements, he was given permission to share the details of all the Supernatural. I believe it was Derek Hale who had given permission for this on the pretence that we would not share what we know." Derek explained and Scott nodded to show his understanding of what Derek had said.

"Well last time Theo caused trouble for us he was working with a bunch of insane scientists called The Dread Doctors, they chose people with a genetic chimerism and gave them Supernatural abilities. He arrived our senior year of High School saying he was a Werewolf looking for a pack and heard about the True Alpha in Beacon Hills and wanted to join us, I had no reason to not believe him but Stiles didn't trust him at all." Scott starts explaining everything knowing there is no need to hide anything.

"An incident happened with Stiles about a month after Theo had arrived, he was attacked by a Chimera who was looking for revenge on him and his Dad. He attacked Stiles in the car park where Stiles managed to fight him off and ran into the School trying to escape but he followed him, he climbed the scaffolding and grabbed a pin that dropped metal bars down striking and killing the person chasing him."

"Stiles never told anyone what had happened but Theo saw it all and decided to use this to his own advantage to break the pack apart so he manipulated the truth when he told me what had happened so it was made for me to think Stiles killed him on purpose and not in self-defence. Why did I believe him? Why didn't I just let Stiles explain everything to me when he tried?" Scott finishes off dropping his head into his hand and sobbing into them.

"Listen to me that wasn't your fault, we see this everyday with our job where people manipulate others for there own personal gain. Sometimes it isn't until something else happens that you realise this was happening." Derek states as he moves his seat around to sit next to Scott placing a comforting hand on his back.

"You got that right, when he thought we were broken enough Theo decided to let his full intensions known. He used the influence of the Supermoon to make Liam, my Beta, angry with me as his girlfriend Hayden was dying but I refused to give her the Bite to save her so he manipulated Liam into thinking that if he killed me and took my powers he could save her. He locked us in the Library with Mountain Ash and Liam almost killed me. I was weakened as Theo had been poisoning me with Wolfsbane." Scott started explaining again now he had calmed down slightly.

"If Mason hadn't of arrived when he did Liam would have killed me but at the same time this was happening Theo had met with Stiles to give him the ultimate choice, he had to chose whether to save me or his Dad. The Sheriff had been attacked by a Chimera, he was bleeding out heavily and was close to dying."

"Stiles asked him why he was doing all of this, Theo explained he wanted to become a proper Werewolf along with been an Alpha of my pack as no other pack was like mine. He advised he wanted Malia: the Werecoyote who's natural instinct is to kill; Lydia, a Banshee surrounded by death; Kira, a powerful Dark Kitsune; Liam, the Beta with anger issue and Stiles." Scott stops speaking and looks as though a thought just hit him as to why this is happening.

"Scott, what is it?" Rafael asks noticing the look on his son's face who is now rummaging through his pockets and pulls out his phone before typing fast.

"I think I know what is happening right now but I need to call Chris." Scott rushes out before placing the phone to his ear.

"Chris, we have a problem here. Stiles is missing and I think Theo has him and they are trying to get him back. Please tell me it is safe and secure." Scott rushes out into the phone and then seems to hold his breathe while waiting for the answer.

"Scott, breathe. I know about Stiles, me and Isaac are already here in Beacon Hills. You need to gather everyone and meet us at the old Dread Doctor lair there is something you need to see." Chris states down the phone before hanging up as Scott rises to his feet.

"We have to go, Chris is here and he found something. We need to meet him at the Dread Doctor Lair." Scott advises leaving the interview room with Rafael and Derek behind him.

Everyone left the station in their respective vehicles and met at the Dread Doctor lair where they found Chris and Isaac waiting for them, the Triskele box held tightly in Chris's hands.

"Chris and Isaac, I'm so glad you are both here right now. This is Unit Chief Aaron Hotchner, SSA David Rossi, Derek Morgan, Emily Prentiss and JJ, this is Dr Spencer Reid. They work with Stiles at the BAU in Quantico, Virginia." Sheriff states as they all meet up with his and Scott's eyes fixed firmly on the box in Chris's hands.

"Nice to meet you all, just wish it was better circumstances. Sheriff and Scott, it's okay it hasn't escaped. I brought it with me as I did not want it out of my sight especially with what is happening. Follow me and I will show you what I found." Chris advises waving everyone to follow him into the Lair.

The first thing everyone noticed was the fresh blood splatter coating the wall and a small puddle on the floor near what looked like an operating table. The BAU split up with the Sheriff to clear the rest of the Lair, making sure Chris and Isaac hadn't missed anything before all gathering again.

"He was here, the blood is his also. Seems like we just missed them, why would Theo even risk bringing him here." Scott states his eyes looking around trying to spot any sign of which way they could be.

"Chris, you told Scott you wanted to show us something. Is it just this or is there something more." Lydia asks her voice shaking slightly as she tries to hold her emotions together.

"Well at first it was just this but then I found this and my fears of what was happening was confirmed. I think Stiles left us a message or should I say left Scott a message." Chris states walking to a space on the floor and shining his torch on the area revealing words present on the floor.


"Scott, does that mean anything to you?" JJ asks looking at Scott along with everyone else.

"It means a condemnation of memory, a few years ago me and Stiles found the same words written on the ground, when the Dread Doctors had resurrected an old creature. This is a warning from Stiles, Theo is trying to bring back Void Stiles!" Scott states before walking out of the Lair leaving the BAU confused by what he meant.

"Who or what is a Void Stiles?" Rossi asks looking confused and scared at what this could mean.

"Let's get back to the station and we can explain everything once we are there." Derek Hale states leading everyone out of the Lair as he heads off after Scott.

Thank you for reading - next chapter will be up shortly!!

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