Chapter 3

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Welcome to Chapter 3 - yep you are been treated to a double update, due to the length of this chapter I am just going to head straight into it so enjoy!!

Once everyone was gathered back in the meeting room, the doors were firmly closed with the blinds down so no one could see or hear what was been discussed. Derek Hale had managed to catch up with Scott and bring him back to the station, he was currently sat at the table in between Isaac and Chris writing words on a piece of paper.

"I know Stiles has told you all about the Supernatural but has he ever told you about a creature called the Nogitsune?" Derek Hale asks the room with his questions mainly aimed at the BAU members.

"Yeah a little bit, he didn't really go into much detail about it but he advised that a few years ago you defeated it after it had killed several people including one of his friends. That's all he would say about it, we didn't push him any further as we could see the pain in his eyes." Emily explains to the room while the others nod their heads.

"It is definitely an experience none of us wish to revisit but due to this we need to, a few years ago there was series of three-fold deaths or sacrifices been completed. The lady completing them took Sheriff, Melissa and Chris and was prepared to sacrifice them to gain more power but Scott, Stiles and Allison decided to do a substitute sacrifice to save their parents, they basically drowned themselves in a tub to gain the location of where they were been held." Lydia starts to explain knowing this was to hard for either Scott or Chris to talk about.

"They all were under the water for sixteen hours, they were warned that this would leave a darkness around their hearts but they didn't care. The trouble was during this time a door into their mind was left open allowing the Nogitsune to gain control over Stiles's mind. At first it was just nightmares to the extent he couldn't tell when he was awake or dreaming, to not been able to read and eventually it caused it him to have the same symptoms as his Mum before she died." Lydia explained but stopped as noticed Derek Morgan had his hand raised in the air like a child at school.

"Sorry to interrupt but is this why for some reason he counts his fingers when he wakes up sometimes or has a panic attack? Also what happened to his Mum?" Derek asks what the others was currently thinking.

"Yeah it's his way of knowing if he is awake or dreaming, you have extra fingers in dreams so he needs to counts his or someone else to reassure himself. His Mum suffered with a condition called Froto-temporal Dementia that she died from when Stiles was eight, he was with her when she died." Sheriff explains everyone noticing the pain in his voice as he speaks.

"Before we knew what was happening with him, he went missing for several hours before he was found in a Coyote Den screaming. He was taken to the hospital and that's where everything went wrong, Derek and Kira had found evidence that the Nogitsune had been activated but it was too late as the wires for the MRI machine had been cut causing a lot of chaos and destruction, during this time Stiles disappeared again and we didn't see him for another two nearly three days." Lydia continued her explanation of what or who Void Stiles was.

The BAU patiently sat and listened well everyone explained everything that had happened previously and who Void Stiles was and what had happened including Malia relaying what she knew of there time together at Eichen House. A quite moment was held as Isaac explained Allison's death, the pain of her death still felt by those who knew her dearly.

"So that's what happened, he has never spoken to any of us about what he remembers but ever since then he has been changed. In someway it was like he rebuilt himself in everyway, it was as though he was protecting himself and others against this ever happening again but it wasn't enough." Sheriff finished off and looked down to his shoes as though feeling guilty over what has happened.

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