Chapter 26

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Welcome to Chapter 26 - I would like to say a massive thank you to everyone who has read, voted and commented on this crossover - this is quite a long chapter so going to dive right in, pre warning there is two gifs involved - enjoy!!

Time seems to freeze both inside the Visitors room and where Stiles, Kate and Andrea are currently stood in a sort of standoff, the only real movement is Stiles's eyes moving around the room as though he was looking for something.

"It has been a while since we were last face to face like this, if I remember correctly it resulted in you and Scott dying and me getting away free as a bird. What is to stop history repeating itself right now?" Kate states breaking the tension that had slowly been building in the room, Stiles unfazed by the words starts to wander to a shelf to his left before brushing his hand over the various jars and boxes present.

"I can think of several reasons but at the moment I think I will keep them to myself. How about you Andrea dear, can you think of some reasons why things are different this time?" Stiles asks in almost a mocking tone as he stops to look back at her with this knowing glint in his eye.

"They are here, aren't they?" Andrea asks and everyone watching the monitors look over towards where the twins are playing without a care in the world.

"I don't know, are they?" Stiles asks winding her up knowing each little notch of annoyance towards him directs some of it away from his children.

"Enough games!! We know they are here; we know where they are right at this very moment and we know who is guarding them." Kate snaps breaking the intense starting contest that has started between Andrea and Stiles, Parrish and Morgan nod towards each other before moving several chairs in front of the door securing them further from any potential attacks.

"You know what we also know Stiles, we know that you are slowly dying. Right now, I can feel the poisons circulating through your body slowly making its way back to your heart. You may have somehow gained this ability to come back to life, but your time is running out. How many more times can you drag yourself back from deaths cold grip?" Andrea states as she starts moving slowly towards Stiles with Kate not far behind her both with a sly, cold and calculated look about them.

A cold shiver ran across the Visitors room as the weight of Andrea's words are felt, Stiles was dying and there is nothing any of them can do about this but the surprising thing for them all was that Stiles seemed unaffected by this information as though he already knew or at least suspected.

"Did any of you know?" Garcia asks the room in general as tears slowly run down her face as everyone shake their head apart from the twins who walk together in sync and stop in front of the adults.

"Do not cry! Hope holds no fear!" The twins speak in unison before turning back around and head back towards where they had been drawing like nothing had happened.

"Alright that was somewhat creepy!" JJ states before looking back towards the screen and notices that Andrea and Kate are now almost within touching distance of Stiles before a loud bang is heard echoing through the air.

"Hope holds no fear!" Stiles states before grabbing a glass jar off the shelf and smashes it down at his feet before the contents slowly start moving around his body as though moving on their own, Andrea and Kate slowly back away unsure what this was and what affect it may have on them.

"What is that? What did he just do?" Sheriff asks concerned at what his Son has just done but calms quickly as he spots the look on Scott's face. Maybe this is what Deaton had brought into the Hospital with him.

"He has chosen to live!" Scott states before heading towards the barricade doors and starts moving the chairs away but is stopped by Rafael.

"Scott, have you lost your mind? What are you doing?" Rafael states holding onto his Son to stop him moving anymore from the barricade at the door.

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