Chapter 17

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Welcome to Chapter 17 - wow what can I say, this story just reached 1k reads which is crazy - thank you so much for everyone who has read, voted and commented on this story so far - here is the new chapter, pre warning contains gifs - enjoy!!!

Time seemed to stand still for everyone as the gravity of what had just happened seem to hit them all at different stages, Lydia dropped down to her knees unable to stay standing any longer at the sight of one of her best friends lying dead in front of her. Derek had turned away unable to look at the body of the man he saw as his little brother, he shook his head knowing he needed to find Stiles and Commander Backley and get out of there.

"Morgan, Emily and Rossi are you okay to help me find Stiles please?" Derek asks tears slowly running down his face as he spoke with them.

"Yeah sure, Hotch is getting Reid to the Jet with some of Commander's team while the others search for Commander Blackley himself." Morgan advises before slowly stepping around Scott's body heading back towards the doorway where we had originally been.

"I'm sorry about Scott! He seemed like a really good guy." Emily states patting my back before walking past me as Rossi helps me check the room to our left as they go to the right.

As I step inside I feel my heart drop again at the sight inside, I stop walking and just stare at the sight in front of me. I know he has some crazy healing abilities but how was he going to come back from this one.

 I know he has some crazy healing abilities but how was he going to come back from this one

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"Morgan Emily, we found Stiles. Can you grab the med kit please?" Rossi radios out as I quickly check around the room for any sign of life before making his way over to Stiles to check on him as Rossi searches the other side.

As Derek reaches Stiles he gently moves his hand over Stiles's face closing his eyes so it looked more like he was sleeping before resting his hand on his neck to check his pulse. As he reaches his neck Stiles gasps awake making him jump as Rossi comes over to join the pair.

"Stiles! It's okay we have you, just take some deep breathes for us." Rossi advises hushing Stiles trying to calm him down.

"Is, is everyone else okay?" Stiles breaths out as more blood runs out of his mouth as Rossi and Derek look at each other as though deciding what he should be told.

"Commander Blackley is currently unaccounted for, Reid got hurt protecting JJ but he is going to be okay but lets not worry about anyone else but you right now." Derek advises trying to change the subject so he doesn't need to tell Stiles right now about Scott.

"Sourwolf, what is it? I know something is happening, just tell me please. You can't lie to someone on their death bed now can you?" Stiles advises taking more deep breaths as the colour starts to drain from his face.

"Firstly we both know that this is not your death bed, secondly don't call me Sourwolf. It's Scott, he didn't make it I'm sorry Stiles." Derek advises tears slipping down his face as he hears movement behind him and sees Morgan, Emily and Lydia arriving in the room.

Stiles closes his eyes as though trying to understand what Derek had just informed him as guilt races over him, if he hadn't of been so silly this would have never happened and Scott would still be here, as Stiles opens his eyes a sudden realisation hits him as Lydia appears within his eye line.

"Sti, what is it? I know that face, it's the same face Reid pulls when he has an idea." Morgan asks placing the med bag down and coming to stand nearer to Stiles.

"I can save Scott! I can transfer my power to him and bring him back. I just need to get to him! Ahh, why can't I move?" Stiles shouts looking quite frustrated as he keeps lifting his head higher before it drops down again.

"You are literally been impaled through the chest by a metal pole. Wait, can't you feel that?" Emily asks while handing Rossi some gauzes to apply to the wounds as Derek leaves to go get Scott and Rafael.

"I can't feel anything! Why can't I feel anything? Why can't I move??" Stiles asks panic setting in as his voice starts shaking.

"Hey, it's okay. Look at me and take deep breathes, everything is going to be okay. We can handle anything as long as we have each other." Lydia advises stroking his head calming him down and easing out his breathing as the others try to work out how they are getting him out of here.

"How is any of this okay? Scott died because of me, Andrea escaped, Reid is injured, Mark is missing and apparently I have another child I had no idea about. None of this is okay!" Stiles advises sharply as tears run down his face as his breathing becomes more laboured.

"It's okay as you are going to save Scott and Reid, we are going to find Commander Blackley and Andrea while keeping you and Riley safe and we will locate your daughter. All you need to do right now is hang on!" Lydia advises sternly as Derek arrives back with Hotch and Rafael carrying Scott in his arms.

"Stiles, are you okay?? What's going on, Derek said you can bring Scott back?" Rafael spills out as he lies Scott on the floor next to where Stiles is.

"No I'm not but right now it is not about me. I am going to bring Scott back the same way I did with Riley. Hotch, is Reid okay?" Stiles advises moving his head so he can look at the pair better.

"Yeah, he's okay. JJ is with him on the Jet, his injuries looked worse then they actually are. Right now we need to focus on you, how can we help?" Hotch advises looking very concerned at Stiles's current situation.

"I need someone to pass me his hand and then everyone needs to step back, you may want to cover your ears also as he has quite a loud roar. Afterwards..." Stiles stops talking as he starts coughing up blood before his eyes roll into the back of his head.

"Stiles!!" Hotch shouts as he rushes over to move Lydia away as Rafael, Derek, Morgan and Rossi carefully lift Stiles off the pole and lie him on the ground with his hand gently brushing against Scott as he reaches the floor.

As soon as his hand brushes against him a jolt of electricity is seen going into Scott causing everyone to back away from the duo they do as advised by Stiles and cover their ears.

As soon as his hand brushes against him a jolt of electricity is seen going into Scott causing everyone to back away from the duo they do as advised by Stiles and cover their ears

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Thank you for reading - yay Scott is back alive!!! - new chapter will be up soon!!!

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