Chapter 12

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Welcome to Chapter 12 - yep I decided to be nice and do a double update today - here is the new chapter, enjoy!!!

Everyone present in the conference room within the station was still trying to come to terms with what they had just witnessed, the only one not affected by what had just happened was Commander Backley.

"That's it buddy! Keep it going as long as you can!" Commander Backley states walking closer to the screen as though he was speaking directly at Stiles.

"What's going on?" JJ asks her own tears coating her face at the thought of losing her team mate and friend.

"He's doing exactly what he was trained to do! He's lowered his heart rate down to such a level where he appears to be dead but actually isn't. This is helping his powers to kick in and heal any damaged caused by Andrea's attack." Commander Backley explains as he turns away from the screen to face everyone who looks shocked at what he just said.

"So he's okay?" Garcia asks as she stops typing looking up with hope on her face as the Commander address the room.

"For now but he can only keep this going for a short time period. Soon they will know he is alive and will start the torture all over again. Please excuse me while I ready my team and we will meet you at the airfield. Flight leaves in one hour, I can't guarantee anyone a seat home though." Commander advises before heading towards the door.

"Don't worry, we will find our own ride home if need be." Scott states stopping the Commander as he reaches the door and places a hand on the handle.

"Stiles said the same answer the first time I ever said that to him." Commander advises before leaving the room, leaving those inside hopeful and scared.

"Alright we have one hour to prepare everything. Garcia, you need to get us all the information we need about Stiles previous mission in Egypt as I think something that happened there will tell us now where to find him now. Rafael, call the Director and advise him of the new arrivals and the plan. Peter, you need to stay here and protect Riley with Deaton and Garcia while keeping us informed on any changes . Everyone else prepare to leave within the next thirty minutes." Hotch advises handing out orders as he pulls out his own phone and starts typing on it before walking out.

The Pack all gather around Sheriff and Riley as the BAU leave to gather their required weapons and gear except for Garcia who is currently preparing all the details they need. As the Pack gather they can't all help but look closely at Riley as he is moved gently from Sheriff's arms to Peter's arms.

"He really does look like a mini Stiles, doesn't he?" Scott states laughing through the tears coming down his face as he leans forward and gently messes the hair on top of Riley's head.

"Yeah he does, but how is he alive right now? The story Stiles told Andrea, it sounded so real but how can it be?" Derek states looking concerned and confused as to what he had heard Stiles say.

"It's because he wasn't lying, that's why it sounded so real." Garcia states from next to them as she stops typing and looks towards them.

"What do you mean? How can it have been real if Riley is here right now?" Sheriff enquires wondering more what had happened to Stiles and Riley.

"When he first started with the BAU, he wasn't the same as he is right now. He was quiet and jumpy and always seemed more affected when the case they were working involved children more than the others." Garcia explain as everyone takes a seat as the BAU and Rafael come back into the room taking their own seats ready to listen.

"There was this one time during a case, Stiles had to stay behind with me as he hadn't been medically cleared to fly, I managed to get him to open up a bit about himself. He explained that before he joined the unit, he had an overseas mission that got very personal for him and someone he loved dearly was killed right in front of him."

"He explained how he had then been injured during shortly afterwards to the stage he was declared as deceased but then the next thing he knew he was waking up alone in the middle of a desert. Stiles then explained how he managed to reach the extraction point and somehow managed to save the person that he thought was dead." Garcia finishes explaining what she knew as a silence spread across the room.

"Maybe that is what awakened his abilities? Stiles has always had a hidden talent, maybe the trauma he suffered along with his own death sparked the powers inside him." Deaton advises rising from his seat and walking over to the screen with Stiles on.

"What are you trying to say Deaton? You think Stiles is Supernatural!" Liam asks making sure that he was understanding Deaton correctly as it seemed so unlikely.

"Supernatural in a different way, I think he is what is known as a Spark. I have had this feeling about him ever since the Nogitsune incident and I think his death has fully released his power." Deaton advises his eyes still focused only on Stiles as he still remains unmoving.

"The other Sparks I have met before are so different to Stiles and are normally born to Supernatural's but don't inherit the powers of their parents. How are you so sure?" Peter asks sounding just as shocked as everyone else present in the room.

"I think he is right, it explains so much about Stiles and who he is as a person. What other person do you know could form a trusting relationship with Peter and the Calaveras?" Chris advises stepping forward also his eyes watching the screen.

"I'm guessing that is how he is doing that?" Morgan asks pointing to the screen with Stiles on as everyone watches the visible injuries disappear and notice the colour slowly returning to his features.

"We need to leave now, plane leaves in fifteen minutes. Garcia, are the details loaded on the tablets?" Hotch advises grabbing his bag along with everyone else rising to their feet ready to leave.

"Yeah all loaded. I have also sent the video link to the plane so you can keep an eye on him while in the air. I would advise Commander Backley to fully explain the Egypt mission as I feel some things are still missing." Garcia advises before watching everyone leave hoping that when she next sees them Stiles would be back with them. 

Thank you for reading - new chapter will be up soon!!!

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