Chapter 6

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Welcome to Chapter 6 - sorry for the delay in updating, pre warning this chapter is going to end in a weird place but its due to me getting over excited and writing two chapters worth - so enjoy this new chapter!!

Everyone was still reeling from the information they had just received, they were also struggling whether or not to trust Peter or not given his past but they knew if what he was saying is true and that Stiles trusted him then they needed to trust him at least until Stiles was rescued.

As Hotch opened his mouth to speak a gasp was heard from the screen to show Theo retracting his claws from Stiles head who drops to the ground instantly wide eyed and not moving.

"I must say Stiles, of all the minds I have visited over the years yours is the most impressive." Theo states as the door to the room crashes open to reveal Kate stood their here eyes flashing as though she was trying to stay in control.

"What have you done? Look at him, how are we meant to get the information we need now?" Kate storms over to Theo and Stiles kicking Stiles onto his back where he remains unmoving.

"He'll be fine, Stiles here is a very convincing actor when he needs to be. Besides I think we have been thinking to small with him, the Nogitsune is nothing more then a bug on the windscreen compared to the power he has hidden within himself. " Theo smirked as he explained to Kate unaware that the BAU and the Pack could everything he was saying.

"You have to be joking right, him really the weak pain the arse human has more power then the Nogitsune. Yes I was surprised along with everyone else when I heard that he had survived but it just confirmed the strength of the McCall pack which is why we need both what he is hiding along with the Nogitsune." Kate states looking furious over the entire situation that Theo had now placed them in.

"No I am deadly serious, he is hiding it very well from those who know him best but that power is deep down inside of him waiting to come out. I'm guessing you heard about Operation Nightfall in Egypt that was a multi agency taskforce operation that was reported on the news after it was over but very few details were actually released." Theo enquires to Kate and in the watching group Hotch, Rossi and Rafael take a step closer to the monitor having heard only whispers of this project.

"Of course, how could I not? No one I have contact with knows exactly what the project was or what happened in Egypt. All they know is this was a highly classified, need to know operation sanctioned by the President of the United States of America." Kate explains causing the others watching to take more interest in what is been discussed.

"Well what if I can tell you that right here with us is the very Agent with the code name of Nightfall. The entire operation in Egypt was created around or about Stiles." Theo revealed and a collective gasp was released from Kate and those watching.

"That's impossible!! What is so special about Stiles Stilinski that the President himself would action an Operation on foreign soil?" Kate asks surprised at the information she was receiving about the person currently lying on the floor at her feet.

"Exactly, you have other Agents captured or in danger so why have a multi agency taskforce travel halfway around the world for just one person? What ever happened I am unable to access through his memories as he has tightly locked them away so the only way to get the answers we need is to torture them out of him, you never know we may unlock his true hidden powers." Theo advises before leaving the room allowing Kate time to mellow over the information she had been given.

She stared down at Stiles before swiftly turning away leaving him completely alone for the first time since the phone camera had become operational. The watching group remained staring at the screen for a few moments as though in a daze before they break themselves out of it.

"Garcia, are you able to find anything on Operation Nightfall or Nightfall? Also see if you can pull up any details on Stiles in between his time leaving the FBI academy to joining us." Derek Morgan asks while walking to stand behind her as she starts quickly typing on her computer.

Rossi, Hotch and Rafael start whispering between themselves, speaking low enough that the Supernatural creatures in the room are only able to catch small glimpses of what is been discussed.

"Seeing as you three whispering in the corner seem to know about this, do you care to share what you know? Also when was Stiles in Egypt?" Sheriff asks breaking the three men out of their private conversation.

"We are only able to provide you with limited information at this time, I need to make a call to Washington to get permission to access the full mission details. Excuse me please." Rafael states walking out the room into the Sheriff's office to get privacy away from everyone else.

"The details we have are rumours or the very limited amount of details contained with Stiles folder when he was transferred to us. During his time at the academy Stiles was flagged as an outstanding student with high potential in all areas, he was a fast study and physical had improved compared to where he started." Hotch starts to explain to those gathered while they kept their eyes on the screen watching for any sign of movements from Stiles.

"After his graduation from the academy he was tasked with a highly sensitive personal mission that required him personally to complete, at this time he was given the code name Nightfall. We have never known why he was chosen and what made it so personal to him. The mission was based in Quantico where he remained for three months before he fell off the grid completely, it was reported he missed check ins and no contact was able to be made."

"About a year later he was spotted in Cairo, Egypt with a known associate of his, not long after we located him he sent a short transmission on a private network requesting for immediate assistance. From what details we have on the report when the assistance arrived it was a blood bath and Stiles was mortally wounded with a scatter of reports reporting he had been declared dead by medical team but then arrived a few hours later fully healed and ended it." Hotch finished explaining as Rafael entered back into the room and stood back next to him.

"Why were we not informed of any of this at the time? A whole year he was missing, Rafael you only told us he was on mission but never once had the curiosity to tell us he was missing or even out of the country." Sheriff states sounding hurt and betrayed by the lack of information he had received.

"I couldn't, the mission was classified and due to the nature of the mission we had to keep you all in the dark. Believe me when I say there were times I wanted to tell you but knew I couldn't but now I can. Garcia, you are been given access to the full official files including all witness testimonies and all agencies debriefs of what occurred." Rafael explains and everyone can see the hurt he carries in his face over what he had to do.

Thank you for reading - what was personal about this mission?? what happened in Egypt??new chapter will be up soon!!

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