Chapter 16

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Welcome to Chapter 16 - thank you everyone for your lovely comments and for still continuing to read this crossover - hold on to your hats as this chapter is about to send you through the ringers - enjoy!!!

Everyone's ears are still ringing from Lydia's scream which had shattered all the windows in the building and those surrounding them. As they composed themselves enough they realise that Andrea had vanished from the room.

As they race over to the window, they notice the pick up truck below them with Andrea now sitting on the back before it speeds away. Everyone's attention moves to Stiles who's eyes fixed staring at the wall opposite him, even though they all knew he was currently dead.

"Commander, how long until he is back to normal?" Morgan asks while applying pressure bandages with the help of Rafael to Stiles's many wounds that seemed to litter his body.

"Last time I saw him this damaged it took about six hours for him to fully heal but we don't have time to wait. Step back and trust me." Commander Backley instructs everyone before pulling a round metal ball out of his pocket.

"Why are you carrying the Death Star in your pocket for?" Lydia asks causing several people to stare at her confused and surprised that she knew what that was.

"Don't look so surprised, please remember who I love!" Lydia clarifies and everyone understands, all fully aware of Stiles's obsession and deep love for Star Wars.

"To answer your question Lydia, Stiles gave me this after our last mission here finished and he had fully explained everything to me. He advised me if the need arises stab this in his heart and it would bring him back." Commander advises before stabbing Stiles directly in the heart before cautiously taking a step back.

After a few moments nothing seems to be happening, until Stiles shoots up from his seat and starts looking around the room frantically.

"I'm okay!" Stiles shouts out, his voice sound strained before he starts taking more deep breathes calming himself down.

"No were near okay but we needed your help getting out of here!" Commander advises before grabbing one side of Stiles and hauling him to his feet before waiting for Stiles to get his bearings.

Once Stiles is able to stand on his own Commander hands him the spare gun he was carrying before they start heading out of the room. As they reach the staircase Stiles freezes and starts looking around before counting the doors on the landing in front of him.

As he finishes counting he steps to the left of the staircase and starts heading down the corridor with everyone trailing behind him slightly confused over what he is doing. As Stiles reaches the final room, he starts stamping on the floor all around the room as though looking for something.

"Stiles! What's going on? We need to get out of here, extract team will be here in less than an hour." Hotch advises concerned over the mental wellbeing of his co-worker and friend, that recently had felt more like a stranger as he learnt more and more things about him.

"Can't you feel it? It's radiating all around the room but I can't pin point the exact location." Stiles states before he starts tapping on different parts of the wall as everyone watches on in confusion.

"I'm sorry but I don't feel anything Stiles, come on we need to leave." Scott advises stepping into the room to get his friend before freezing in place.

"You feel it, don't you!" Stiles ask as he notices that Scott has frozen and is now looking around the room also.

"Yeah I do, I have never felt anything like this before in my life. It's as if the room itself is alive and radiating power but how?" Scott explains before he starts dragging his hand over the opposite wall to where Stiles is currently.

As the two tap the walls there is a sudden change in the sound as Stiles hits a new space on the wall, he gently starts tapping around it before pulling a knife out of his boot and slices open the wallpaper to reveal a hidden door.

"Well I will be damned! Alright, on the count of three you open it." Rossi advises training his gun on the door with one hand as he counts down with the other hand, once he got to zero Stiles pulled the door open.

As Stiles looked inside the room he waved for everyone to drop their weapons as he bent over to take a closer look at what was inside. As he continued to examine what he had found he realised he had led them all into a trap.

"Everybody out, right now!!" Stiles screams before pushing everyone back towards the hallway as a ringing sound is heard from inside the room before a loud explosion rocks the building knocking people both inside and outside to the ground.

Shouts from the group kept behind in Beacon Hills can be heard coming through the radios but no response comes from those who the message was intended for as they all lay unconscious or dead over what remains of the corridor area.

A scattering of coughing and groans start to fill the area as people start moving and shifting rubble of themselves and slowly return to their feet and start looking around for their fellow comrades. Rafael managed to return Lydia, Morgan and Derek back to their feet before heading carefully to try and locate Scott.

Hotch rises to his feet gingerly before shifting a fallen unit off JJ and Reid, once he moves it he notices that Reid seems to have covered JJ with his body to protect her from any damage from the cabinet but he hadn't been so lucky

"I need help over here, Reid is hurt bad. JJ, are you okay?" Hotch shouts out catching the attention of Morgan who comes over with Derek to help while Rafael and Lydia continue to search for the others.

"Yeah I'm okay, thanks to Reid." JJ advises as Reid is gently moved off her and she helped back to a standing position.

As the medics start tending to Reid the others help to continue to search for Commander Backley, Scott, Stiles and Emily, after carefully making it over more rubble they find Emily doing CPR on Scott who's face is covered in small cuts and is extremely pale even for him.

"Scott!! Come on Scott, you are too strong to die like this!!" Rafael shouts pushing Emily out of the way before carrying on the CPR himself.

After several minutes Rafael stops and checks for a pulse on his Son, as those watching hold their breath waiting for the answer. As his hand drops away he lets out a loud scream before dropping himself down onto his Son, begging for him to wake up and they all know what's happened.

Scott McCall is dead!

Thank you for reading - R.I.P Scott McCall 😭😭💔- new chapter will be up soon!!!

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