Chapter 22

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Welcome to Chapter 22 - I am sorry for the delay in updating, it has been a crazy time recently - can I please say a massive thank you to everyone who has read, voted and commented on this crossover, it really does mean a lot to me. Also can I just say wow, this has just reached over 3k views!!!

Here is the new chapter, enjoy!!!

Sheriff POV

A sense of relief floods over me when the radio message came in to say they have him and they were coming home but then instant dread fills me, the previous radio message had confirmed that Reid had been injured but who was the other.

Deep down I already knew the answer but something was hoping I was wrong, as Garcia quickly packed up her things and Deaton called the Hospital preparing them for the arrival I decide I better wake Riley up, he is going to be so happy his Dad is coming home.

I turn back to the sofa he was lying on and notice that he is already awake cuddling his blanket looking towards me, I head over and scoop him into my arms before sitting down wondering whether he is fully going to understand what is happening.

"Hey RyRy, Gramps has some good news for you. Dadda is coming home!" I state bouncing him slightly on my lap as I speak before a large smile appears on his face as he seems to understand what I said.

"Dadda home with Ali!" Riley states before wrapping me in a tight hug which I give him back unsure how to answer him as they never actually said who was on board.

"How about we go grab some stuff from our house for Dadda and then go see Melissa to see if she has any ice cream while we wait." I advise after a few moments before standing with him wrapped in my arms and start heading back to Garcia and Deaton.

"You are both more then welcome to join us, I know you are both just as worried as us." I advise Deaton and Garcia who both look surprised at the request.

"I am going to have to meet you both there, Scott messaged asking me to get something for him from the Vets." Deaton advises before grabbing his jacket and heading out of the door.

"So Lady Penelope, shall I get the car?" I ask her making her laugh as Riley snuggles into my neck.

"Lead the way Parker!" Penelope advises as she grabs her bag and laptop and leaves the room with me and Riley heading towards the car.

After a quick stop at the house to grab some supplies, we were heading to the hospital Riley was in the back cuddling his teddy while looking out of the window. Garcia was swapping between her laptop and phone and seemed to be getting more stressed.

"Are you okay? You seem to have been quite quiet since we last heard from everyone." I ask as she checks her phone for what felt like the tenth time in a space of a few minutes.

"Yeah just worried you know, we have been through a lot together as a team but I don't think anything quite matches up to this. I just think I will feel a lot better once they are all safely back on the ground and I can give them a tight hug." Garcia advises placing her phone down and looking towards me, her normal happy smile wavering slightly as her nerves sneak through.

"It's okay to worry about who got hurt, believe me I worry about Stiles everyday. It got worse when I learnt about the Supernatural, even more so when he had a bad time and then even worse so once he was taken from us." I advise hoping to help ease some of her nerves as well as my own ones.

"I'm the same, they are my family so every time there is a new case I just pray they all get back to me safely. I fill my office with things that make me happy to try and hide some of the darkness I see or the worry I feel." Garcia advises checking her phone again before placing it back on her lap.

"Have a look inside the glove box!" I state now realising maybe this is the reasons Stiles sent me these or made sure I had them close by.

As Garcia opens the glove box, she slowly reaches forward and pulls out the contents from inside. She leans back into her seat holding the photos in one hand and a stress relief squishy in her other hand.

"Stiles gave me those on his last visit home, he knows I worry about him just as much as he does for me. So he gave me the picture of you all together at the BAU and a picture of the pack from the last meeting before they all went there separate ways." I advise as I pull into the hospital car park and stop in my assigned space, a nice perk of been the Sheriff is always having a place to park.

"The squishy he gave me saying if I ever met Garcia and she needs something to make her smile, give her this and her beautiful smile will return." I advise as she looks at the unicorn squishy before giving it a quick squeeze and the smile reappears.

"You know for my birthday he gave me a full range of these, some were never before released ones but all he would say is he knows someone who he now owes a favour." Garcia advises before placing the photos back inside of the glove box closing it back up while still holding the squishy.

I get out of the car and grab Riley before we all head into the hospital to find Melissa, as we step through the doors she is waiting for us to arrive. The look on her face is something I have seen before, it is certainly not something I wish to see again.

"Melissa, are you okay? What's wrong?" I ask as soon as we reach her while Riley reaches out his arms to receive a hug from Melissa.

"I am glad you both came, hey Riley! We just got a radio message advising they will be arriving in the next thirty minutes. As you are aware we have been advised to prepare for two incoming tramua's, we received more news, Garcia one of them is your team member Reid." Melissa advises and I reach to hold Garcia's free hand as she squeezes tightly onto mine.

"How bad is he? Is he going to be okay?" Garcia ask her voice shaking slightly as she asks the question, I know how close they are all are.

"He was caught up in the explosion saving Stiles, JJ managed to get him back to the Jet and stabilised him. He currently is unconscious and has been since the explosion so that is concerning me currently, we won't anything more until he is here and we can run more tests on him." Melissa advises and I can't help but think about the guilt Stiles must be feeling at the idea of Reid getting hurt saving him.

"So Reid is one of the traumas, who is the other one?" I ask fearing I already know the answer, seeing as the mission was to save him.

"Dadda! Dadda sleeping again for a long time!" Riley states as he squeezes tightly on the teddy he is holding. How could Riley know such a thing?

"How did Riley know it is Stiles? We have only just been given the details, with Scott advising me he needs the most private room possible for Stiles." Melissa advises looking towards Riley with a look of curiosity on her face.

"Honestly, how bad is it?" I ask trying to prepare myself for whatever is about to come my way, this time I feel Garcia squeeze my hand in comfort.

"From the brief explanation I got from Scott, I would be very worried if there hadn't been evidence he could come back to life." Melissa advises as I feel my heart drop in my stomach, what has happened to my sweet boy.

"We have also been requested to not let Commander Backley into the hospital and I did also get one more strange request, for two cots to be placed into Stiles room. One for Riley and another for a surprise guest." Melissa advises and I realise what she has said with what Riley had said earlier.


Thank you for reading - new chapter will be up soon!!!!

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