Chapter 30

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Welcome to Chapter 30 - sorry for the delay in updating, my Gran died so needed a few days away from writing to be with my family - I would like to say a massive thank you to everyone who has read, voted or commented on this crossover, it has just reached over 8k views which is bonkers as I didn't expect that - as a treat here is an extra long chapter, enjoy!!!

A sense of stillness had fell over the group as they returned back to the cabin to collect Garcia, Arnold and their belongings, no point hiding out here anymore. The place they all needed to be right now is at the Station setting up tip lines or search grids out looking for the children.

As they walked through the door a moment of sadness hit them all and those inside, the last time they walked into this cabin it was just without Stiles, but he had arrived not long afterwards but now it is without Lydia, the twins and Stiles.

"Great you are all here, tea is on as I have a feeling you all may need some. I have already sent out Amber alerts for the twins, all modes of transport within a twenty miles radius have been alerted and on standby, a tip line has been set up and I spoke with Araya Calavera who is coming with reinforcements, apparently Stiles made her Godmother to the twins so she is claiming this as a personal attack on her family." Garcia rattles out in one breathe as everyone steps inside with Scott and Sheriff been guided into seats while Henry and Morgan head to get changed.

"Garcia, take a deep breathe before you pass out. I know we need to move quick but we also need to take a moment to compose ourselves." Hotch advises placing a calming hand on her shoulder as JJ and Rossi head to the kitchen to start pouring the tea as Arnold comforts Chelsea.

"No because if I stop then I need to think about what has happened and right now I can't until we locate Lydia and bring her Mum and the twins home safe. For Stiles." Garcia states as her hands shake slightly as JJ hands her a cup of tea, which she gratefully takes a sip from.

"Wait, Garcia did you say Araya Calavera is on her way to Beacon Hills right now?" Derek asks as everyone notices that him, Peter and Chris have paled slightly at this bit of information.

"Yeah she said she would meet us at the Station within the hour, she did state that on this occasion only that the only focus is finding the twins while stopping Kate and Andrea once and for all." Garcia states as the colour returns once more to their faces.

"I want to go see him. Before we head to the Station, I need to see my son please." Noah states his voice breaking as he speaks for the first time since Stiles's body was taken away.

"Of course, we need to collect Melissa and Deaton along with speaking with Security in case they both arrive there looking for Stiles." Rafael nods from the arm of Scott's chair, the person occupying the seat was unnaturally quite since everything had occurred.

"Garcia, have you had any look tracking Lydia's movements since she left here?" Emily asks as Garcia sits down at her desk with Morgan next to her trying to provide what comfort he could.

"Yeah, using satellite images of the area I found her. She was approached by two men before going with them towards the roadway where she enters a car with darkened license plates. Facial recognition identified them as Theo Raeken and Mark." Garcia advises sending the pictures over to the main TV screen for everyone to see.

"What on earth is she doing with them? Did they kidnap her because right now I can't deal with anything else?" Scott voices out his voice breaking and shaking at the same time.

"Not by the look of this, it appears they had a conversation, and she went with them willingly." Morgan states which confuses everyone except Henry as he remembers what happened in Egypt.

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