Chapter 19

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Welcome to Chapter 19 - apologises for the delay in updating I hadn't realised how long it had been - I never know what to write here except thank you for the lovely comments, votes and reads - here is the next chapter, pre warning it is a long one - enjoy!!!

As the question fell over the silent room, all of them contemplating the actions that led them to this very moment, how the Commander had impacted each of their lives particularly the retrieval of Stiles.

"We can figure that out later but right now we need to get back to the Jet." Hotch advises commanding the room all of who just nod in response.

"Sir if I may, we have a private hanger just outside of the city that Stiles helped us acquire. If you get a message to your Jet we can rendezvous there." Chelsea advises the room while pointing to a map on the wall of the location.

"That could work, I can text JJ to get the Jet there. How can we get there? We are not exactly well equipped to make that hike and be able to carry Stiles between us." Morgan advises looking around the room at everyone, noting they all looked half beaten down.

"We can assist with that also. Out back we have unmarked jeeps that can all of you to the location, it is already fitted with the car seat and place to lie a stretcher." Henry advises and no one misses the mention of a car seat in his description.

"Car seat? As you can see Riley is not with us so we will not require a car seat at this time." Emily states to the couple who look confused at the statement.

"Oh no we weren't on about Riley, we were on about her!" Chelsea states pointing towards the door way as Peter walks in carrying a young girl who looked identical to Riley.

"Dadda!" The young girl shouted before Peter placed her down on the ground before she ran over to Stiles and started shaking him as though waking him from a nap.

"Is that? But how?" Scott asks staring down at the little girl who was still attempting to wake Stiles up by any means she knew how.

Before anyone can answer the front door slams open before been roughly shut as a man turns to face several guns pointing directly into his face.

"Whoa, whoa it's okay this is my partner Arnold. He has just been preparing everything for your arrival along with making sure you haven't been followed." Chelsea quickly ran out before everyone lowered their weapons sending apologetic look his way.

"Wow, there is a lot more people in here since the last time I was here. Ah I see Stiles has been annoying the wrong person again but looks like he is in good hands this time. Lieutenant Arnold Shortstaff at your service, I served with Commander Backley here in Operation Nightfall." Arnold advises waving to everyone as the tension leaves the room once again.

"Dadda won't wake up!" Allison advises as Scott walks slowly towards her with Chelsea with him as he didn't want to scare her.

"Ali, Dadda has a boo boo at the moment so is sleeping to make it all better." Chelsea advises as she brushes the hair out of Allison's face.

"Hey Allison, I'm Uncle Scott. I have come to bring you and your Dadda back home to Beacon Hills to find Gramps and Riley." Scott advises holding out his hand for Allison to shake which she reaches out her small hand and slowly grips his.

"Riley with Gramps!" Allison asks her voice filled with such hope and joy for someone so young but the look in her eyes show she has been more then her young age should have seen.

"Yeah he's with Gramps all safe and sound. Shall we go on a little adventure and find them?" Scott asks staring into Allison's face as a large smile appears on her face before she wraps him tightly in a hug.

"Hank you, Uncle Scotty. Dadda needs to wake up first though!" Allison states pulling away from Scott and turning back towards Stiles as she lifts her small hand up and smacks it directly into his chest over his heart as it glows a deep blue.

As her hand makes contact with his chest Stiles's gasps for breath before his eyes shot open and he rapidly sits up his head moving around quickly.

"Yay! Dadda's awake now, we can go see Riley!" Allison advises before launching herself into Stiles's arms who seems stunned at first before wrapping his arms tightly around his daughter never wanting to let her go again.

"Good job Ali Cat! Go get your stuff together, Emily can help you!" Stiles advises placing his daughter gently back onto the ground before she rushes off towards the bedroom door grabbing Emily's hand as she goes.

"Status update, Stiles!" Henry asks as soon as the door closes and Stiles has had a moment to compose himself.

"Around one hour before my heart stops again, no moment from my waist downwards currently also Mark is here but current location is unknown." Stiles lists off like it was a normal occurrence for him but seeing as how often this seemed to happen everyone guessed it was.

"Here drink this, we need to flush out what ever he injected into you before your heart stops again." Arnold states handing Stiles a bottle of water that seems to have several green leaves floating in it.

He gratefully takes it before downing the entire bottle within a few mouthfuls before emptying the contents of his stomach into the bin that had been placed within reaching distance of him. As he wipes his mouth he gently lies back on the sofa and looks at the worried faces staring at him.

"It's good to see you all breathing again!" Stiles jokes while nudging Scott gently on the arm who has perched himself next to Stiles on the sofa.

"Good to see you breathing again, Stiles." Scott states mockingly nudging him back as the two gently laugh at each other before wrapping their arms around each other.

"How did you find out about Allison? When Andrea told you about her, your reaction was as though you had no idea!" Derek advises as the two release each other as Lydia gradually makes her way towards Stiles.

"Thanks to Henry here, after I found out that Andrea was alive I alerted him and he tracked her movements and uncovered Allison. As you can probably guess he worked out right away who she was, I received a message from him not long before I was taken and I asked him to help her." Stiles advises looking towards his friend as Lydia comes and swaps places with Scott.

"Hey Lyds!" Stiles states before leaning forward and planting a kiss on her lips before wrapping her into a tight hug.

"I've missed you so much!" Lydia cries into his shoulder as his he gently rubs circles into her back in a comforting way.

"You were with me the whole time." Stiles's whispers into her ear causing fresh tears to pour from her face as the bedroom door opens once more.

"Dadda, why so sad?" Allison asks as she heads back over to where Stiles and Lydia have just broke apart from their hug.

"I'm not Ali Cat, these are happy tears. Allison, I want you to meet someone very special to Dadda, this is Lydia." Stiles advises as his two favourite girls meet each other properly for the first time.

"Nice Mamma!" Allison states before wrapping her arms around Lydia's neck squeezing her tightly as Stiles stares upon the scene in front of him.

"Ready to go home everyone?"

Thank you for reading - new chapter will be up shortly!!!!

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