Chapter 7

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Welcome to Chapter 7 - yep you are been treated to a double update - here is the next chapter, hopefully it will answer why this was so personal to Stiles - enjoy!!

A coughing sound was heard from the screen behind them as they all focused on the screen to see Stiles starting to move and wake up. Stiles rolled over and used the chair to lift himself off the ground before slowing sitting himself in it taking a few deep breathes and rubbing the back of his neck like he does when he is nervous.

"Well look who finally decided to wake up!" Theo's voice rings out from the door way where he is standing watch Stiles with Kate.

"Ah look its Thing 1 and Thing 2 or is it Dumber and Dumber. What can I help you with now? Wait I know, how to give up and surrender or is it what deal can I make to save myself?" Stiles sarcastically asks causing him to receive a punch across the face from Theo.

"I really need to teach him the right times to use his sarcasm and when to keep quite." Rafael states shaking his head as the BAU nod in agreement.

"Funny but I think you can help us with something more important. Tell us about Operation Nightfall" Kate enquires looking at Stiles directly in the face wanting to see his reaction.

"Sorry, Operation what? Never heard of it, oh hang on was it that one on the news a few months ago." Stiles asks back staring Kate directly in the face showing no sign he was aware what she is on about.

"Okay I will start with an easier one then, tell us about Riley then?" Theo smirks at Stiles as he dives forward at the sound of the name and starts repeatedly punching Theo in the face before he is dragged away and tied onto the chair once again.

"Who's Riley?" Scott asks the room taking his eyes of the screen while Stiles is currently been beaten.

"I don't know, that is the first time I have heard that name mentioned and nothing is in the report we have currently." Hotch explains flipping through the paperwork he has in front of him.

"Garcia, any luck getting the files yet?" Derek Morgan asks hoping she has access so the questions they have can be answered.

"Sorry sweet cheeks its still downloading currently. Should be a few more moments." Garcia advises franticly typing on her computer trying to speed the process along.

"So the question still remains, who is Riley and what is their connection with Stiles?" Derek Morgan stated as Peter stepped away from where he had been standing and places a file on the edge of the table that he had been holding since he arrived.

"This is the other reason I am here, in here contains all the information you require on Riley. You have all said Stiles has changed since you met him, maybe this will explain why. I need to go I have something I need to do but he is at the Hale Vault, the entrance closest to the school sign is your best point of entry." Peter states before walking out the office leaving everyone staring at the file on the table.

Emily made the first move and leant over to grab the file Peter had dropped on the table as the sound of Stiles grunting in pain was filling the quite room again.

"Stiles, who is Riley?" Kate asks pulling his face to look at her, as he looked at her he just spat directly in her face causing her back away in disgust.

"Go to hell! Just kill me as I will never speak!!" Stiles screamed at the pair before the beatings and torture started again more aggressive then previously.

"That's enough! Let's leave Stiles time to think again about his answer, one way or another you will answer us even if we torture you to death for it." Theo advises as everyone leaves the room once again leaving him alone his body shaking slightly.

"Forgive me Riley, I'm so sorry this never should have happened to you. It should have been me!" Stiles cries out before starting to sob with his chin resting on his chest.

Emily opens up the file and reads the information contained inside, everyone watched as her eyes filled with tears as she read the details contained.

"Emily? What does it say?" JJ asks concerned at what was causing this reaction from Emily as she is normally the most composed of them all.

"Garcia, can you pull up these details please?" Emily asks showing Garcia the file who gasps and starts silently crying as she pulls the details on to the screen next to the live stream of Stiles.

Riley Scott Stilinski

DOB: 11/01/2019

Father: Agent M Stilinski (Stiles/Nightfall)

Mother: Unknown

Status – Deceased, murdered in Egypt

"Wait, Riley Scott Stilinski!" Derek Hale exclaimed aloud after reading the details showing on the screen before everyone turned to Lydia.

"Stiles had a son!! How did we not know about this? Lydia, did you know?" Scott asks as tears ran down his face looking towards Lydia.

"It was a bad time for me and Stiles when he was in the academy so we split for a short period and he had a drunken one night stand. Nine months later me and Stiles had patched things up when the door bell at his flat rang and he found baby Riley on his door step with a note saying she couldn't look after him and was sorry for ruining his life. A week later she was found dead, suicide." Lydia explains her eyes fixed on the screen in front of her as relayed the story.

"Why didn't he tell us? He could have told me, I would have helped him. Rafael, did you know about this?" Sheriff asks looking heartbroken at the thought he had a Grandson he would never meet.

"Stiles asked me not to say anything, he wanted to tell you himself during his visit home but then everything went wrong. The highly personal mission that Stiles was assigned on was the abduction of Riley Scott Stilinski, now normally these are not handled directly by the parents but due to who had kidnapped him it was necessary." Rafael explained looking down at his feet knowing the trust he had gained with his son over the years may be damaged.

"Who had kidnapped him?" Derek Hale asks through gritted teeth as he was feeling more angry at the situation.

"A lady by the name of Andrea Adele, we couldn't tie her to Stiles or Riley but Stiles confirmed the ID passed off security footage located but never said who she was." Rafael states the name as Garcia quickly typed the name in the system and sending a photo onto the screen underneath the picture of Riley.

"That's not possible! There has to be some mistake." Lydia states in a state of shock staring wide eyed at the photo in front of her.

"Lydia, why who is that?" Reid asks curious as to what is causing such a reaction from Lydia as she had remained quite calm during this time.

"That's Riley's Mum!"

Thank you for reading - so the plot thickens, what really happened in Egypt? How is Riley's Mum still alive?? - new chapter will be out soon!!

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