Chapter 11

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Welcome to Chapter 11 - thank you everyone for your vote and comments, I am so glad that everyone is loving this crossover - here is the new chapter, enjoy!!!

Everyone gathers around and closely looks and could see that everyone who had ever been involved in Stiles's life was present, including Allison, Aiden, his Mum, Boyd and Erica. Everyone tears up as they look at the faces of those that they had lost and for the fact that Stiles had done this so Riley knew who they all were.

"Alright so we have done what Stiles wanted and collected Riley from the Vault, can we now go save my son?!" Sheriff asks after a few moments as he holds Riley who seems to have fall asleep again while he was holding him.

"We are just waiting for the Director to get permission for us to operate overseas, if we go without this then there would no point in any of us coming back the other side. Also we need to know as much as we can about what happened the last time Stiles was taken to Egypt." Hotch advises before the door opens up to show a small team of Soldiers gathered with the leader waiting to enter the room, each of them carrying a large bag and several weapons.

"Sorry to interrupt but I am looking for Sheriff Stilinski, Agent Hotchner and Agent McCall. I was advised they were all present in this room." The leader states as he steps into the room, his eyes sweeping the entire room with a small smile showing on his face when he sees Riley.

"Well you are in the correct place as the three people you are looking for are right here, I'm Agent McCall but you can call me Rafael, this is Agent Hotchner and his team from the BAU and on the sofa is Sheriff Stilinski with everyone else in the room either friends or family." Rafael steps forward introducing himself before pointing each person out.

"Sir and Madams, I am Commander Backley of the US Special Forces out of Washington DC, outside is the strike team under my command. I overheard that Agent Stilinski is in grave danger and needs immediate assistance so we dropped what we were doing and headed straight here to offer our assistance." Commander Backley advises surprising those present that a high ranking member of the Military would drop everything they are doing just to help Stiles.

"We are very grateful for the assistance Commander but may I ask what your connection is to Agent Stilinski?" Hotch asks, voicing the question that was currently residing on everyone's lips.

"I am sure you are all aware of Operation Nightfall, during this mission me and my team were known as Strike force Nightfall. Our mission was simple, to locate and extract Agent Stilinski from Egypt but even I am not to proud to admit he ended up saving us instead." He states his eyes locating the screen showing Stiles been held, who finally seems to be waking up.

As Stiles seems to wake up, the door to the room he was in opens up and in walks Kate and Theo who both seem a lot happier then the last time they had been in the room with Stiles. They both seem to stroll past Stiles and take a seat in the two chairs sat near him.

"You have good timing in waking up Stiles, you have a visitor. This is your last chance to answer our questions otherwise we have no control on what happens next." Theo advises his voice sounding generally concerned for what would happen if Stiles didn't help.

"I have nothing more to say to you, either kill me or let me go as I am never answering any of your questions." Stiles states lifting his head up to stare directly at Theo and Kate, before Kate rises from her seat and heads back to open the door.

As she opens the door the sound of high heels hitting the floor can be heard echoing against the stone floor getting closer to Stiles as a new person enters the room. She walks into the room swiftly walking over to where Stiles sat, smacking him furiously across the face before leaning down to plant a kiss on his face.

"Why do you always have to make things so difficult for me, Stiles? " The lady states causing Lydia to catch her breath as she speaks, working out who is in the room now with Stiles.

"Lydia, who is that?" Scott asks noticing the reaction coming from Lydia as the lady on the screen spoke.

"It's Andrea, Riley's Mum!" Lydia advises as Andrea on the screen takes a seat in front of Stiles who slowly lifts his head back up to stare directly at her.

"I make things difficult for you! What about you? What you did to me? What about Riley? You abandoned him, as you only think about yourself and nobody else!" Stiles spits at her the anger showing in his voice as he glares at her.

"I didn't do anything but unlock your full potential, you have kept it hidden away for so long it was practically calling me to let it free. Don't forget I am the only one who truly knows the real you! So Stiles, where is Riley?" Andrea states trying to gain a reaction from Stiles as she pulls a knife out of the sheath on her leg and hovers it over Stiles's leg.

"Somewhere that you can never get to him, ever again!" Stiles states as a knowing grin appears on his face knowing she will never get what she wants before Andrea slams the knife deep into his thigh.

"Now, shall we try this again." Andrea states pulling the knife quickly out of his leg and holds it over his other leg.

"You might as well just kill me as I can't tell you something I don't know. Last time I saw Riley was just after your brother sliced his throat in front of me." Stiles states with tears running down his face causing those present in the room watching to look towards Riley.

"Liar!!" Andrea screams before repeatedly stabbing and slicing Stiles with the knife before Theo tackles her off him as Stiles's head drops.

"We both know he didn't lie to you, you and I both can hear his heart and it didn't change at all when he was speaking." Theo states grabbing the knife out of Andrea's hand while Kate heads to Stiles to check him over before she quickly backs away from him.

"Why did you do that for? He may not have able to give you the answers you need but we could have still used him." Kate advises her eyes flashing as though she was losing control of her powers.

"Do what? He's fine, he's just faking that he isn't. I told you, he is a very good actor when he needs to be." Theo states turning back towards Stiles before his eyes squint as though trying to listen for something.

"He may be a good actor but I don't even he can fake been actually dead!" Kate states before storming out of the room, slamming the door closed behind her before Theo and Andrea walk away leaving Stiles's body leaning over the chair un moving.

"No! He can't be, this can't be real. Stiles!!!" Lydia screams out before dropping to her knees as everyone else registers what just happened.

Thank you for reading - oh Stiles 😭😢 - how is Riley still alive? - new chapter will be up soon!!

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