Chapter 20

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Welcome to Chapter 20 - we are back in business, sorry for the delay and thank you all for your patience - also thank you so much for everyone who has read, voted or commented on any of the other stories in the mean time - also I can not believe this crossover has reached 2k views!!!

Here is the next chapter, I hope it was worth the wait!!!

Just as Scott and Derek get Stiles up and linked between the two of them the electricity drops out of the room before a single beam of a torch starts shining through the windows. Everyone slowly backs away from the doors and windows getting themselves out of the torches reach, as the torch disappears a loud whistling sounds come radiating through the room smashing all the windows and glasses within the property.

"I'm here!!!" The former Commander Backley voice rings out as Stiles looks towards the actual Commander and they just exchange a nod of the head before he swiftly moves to Stiles's side.

"Are you sure Stiles? You are currently not in the best shape and we have less then an hour to get you out of here before your heart stops again." Commander advises as he kneels down in front of Stiles keeping out of the way of the torch light that is re-shining in the now broken windows.

"It is the only logical plan, let them not see what is happening right in front of their eyes. We can cause enough of a distraction for everyone else to take the back route out of here and we can regroup at the pick up location." Stiles advises giving a stern look towards the Commander as though trying to converge an unsaid message to him.

"Copy that! Scott and Derek give him to me and get everyone to move to the door nearest the back exit. As soon as we exit the front, everyone exits via the back and we will meet you at the pick up point." Henry advises as he switches places with Derek before Stiles nods to Scott to let go, he is reluctant to but something in his friends face is telling him to trust him.

As Scott and Derek finish explaining the plan and have moved everyone into place, Henry and Stiles turn back to face everyone hoping it wasn't the last time they would each other. Lydia was holding Allison tightly to her chest with her bag of things on her back, as Stiles locked eyes with them both they blew him a kiss which he caught and placed over his heart.

"I love you all! See you on the other side!" Stiles states before he and Henry turn back to the door and slowly open it up stepping out into the humid night to come face to face with who had been calling them, in front of them is stood Mark and his team who all had their guns trained on them.

"Well look at this, the two men who ruined my life. I must say I am surprised to see that you are all ready awake Stiles, I heard for non Supernatural creatures Kanima venom can take ages to leave their system." Mark snarls at the pair as they step into the light and he stares directly towards the pair.

"You have only yourself to blame, no one made you do what you did. I have no regrets in turning you in for your actions." Stiles snaps back towards Mark who just snarls more at him as Henry shuffles slightly adjusting Stiles against himself more.

"How dare you risk the safety of my friends, family and children? All of this for what a bigger pay day, there is still time for you to come back from this. Surrender now and I can get my friends and family to testify at what you have done to help me!" Stiles tries hoping deep down the man he knew is somewhere still inside.

"No! It's too late for me, if I walk away now she will kill me. You can't protect me from her, no one can." Marks stumbles out raising his gun at the pair, his hand shaking as he does so.

"We can protect you, we can protect all of you. Please just come back with us! Mark, you are not really a bad guy we know that. You were just put in a tough situation and made the wrong choice, but look at you now you used my identity to be able to come and save Stiles." Henry tries to calm things down as emotions are starting to run high.

"Don't you get it Henry! I didn't do it to save Stiles, I came here to make sure he died here. You can't save him from his fate Commander, not anymore. He died the moment I stabbed the Kanima venom into his heart, he is dead already but he just doesn't realise it." Mark laughs aloud as realisation comes across Stiles's face at what he had just said.

"Then why come here then, if you were so sure he was dead. Why even track him down here?" Henry snaps back tightening his grip on Stiles as he notices how pale his friend's face has come.

"I needed his body as proof, I was going to take it to them. They are going to arrange an exchange, Stiles body for Theo and the Children but I guess that deal is now off the table isn't it. So I am just going to have to take you and Allison now and that will just have to do, won't it!" Mark states towards his men who chuckle themselves at the words.

"Ha fat chance of that happening buddy. You know when I said you were not the bad guy, what I meant is that you are either really blind or just plain stupid! Did you really believe any of that bull we just came out with?" Stiles laughs towards him as Henry starts slowly moving the pair of them back towards the house.

"What do you mean? You have no way out of this, either you come with us now with Allison or once the Venom take effect once again I will just take you both by force." Mark advises cocking his gun again this time moving to aim it towards Henry more then Stiles.

"How can you do that, when neither of them are here anymore?" Henry states with a wide smile appearing on his face before he seems to disappear and reappear like a hologram.

"What? No!!!" Mark screams running towards the pair but ends up running directly through the pair straight into the door behind where they are stood.

"Catch us if you can!!" Stiles states before the images fades completely and Mark screams in rage.

Thank you for reading - new chapter will be up soon!!!!

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