Chapter 9

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Welcome to Chapter 9 - how nice am I providing a double update for you - pre warning long chapter again, enjoy!!

The ride to the school was quite and slightly awkward for those present, none of them really knowing each other or what situation they were about to walk into but knowing they need to rely on each other to keep them all safe.

"Okay so the entrance to the Vault is under the School sign, closest entry point is through the main entrance and down to the basement level next to the boys locker room." Derek advises as the SUV they were all travelling in pulls up in the car park and they all pile out.

"Alright we take this slowly, we don't know what is waiting for us so need to look after each other. All we know is whatever is here will help in someway to save Stiles." Rossi states as he and Morgan take out their guns as Scott and Derek eyes start glowing and their claws grow ready to attack if need be.

As they enter the basement level of the school they were surprised to see a familiar face waiting for them at the entrance to the Vault.

"Well it's about time, you can pop those away. You are not going to need them, what is here will not hurt any of us." Peter states as the group approaches him doing as he advises expect Derek who keeps his claws out ready to open the Vault.

"Peter, what are you doing here?" Scott asks unsure whether or not to be happy to see Peter or suspicious about his intentions.

"I am doing this for Stiles and Stiles alone. Scott, you always said to Scott there is always away to save people no matter what, well Stiles decided I was worth saving." Peter explains looking sincere at his words making Derek and Scott wonder whether he has actually changed for the better.

"I trust you Peter, if Stiles is trusting you then I will." Scott advises holding his hand out for Peter to shake which he does with a surprised look on his face.

"Shall we get on with this as Stiles currently isn't getting any more safer with us standing here. Peter or Derek if you don't mind." Morgan points out as Derek and Scott step back while Peter unlocks the Vault and steps back as the door opens revealing inside the Vault.

"Is that? But, how?" Scott stutters out as soon as the doors fully open and they all step inside the Vault and spot what Stiles had hidden inside.

"Calaveras! This is the reason he visited there so often, after he was taken Araya Calavera contacted me under a flag of truce due to the situation and she gave me what Stiles kept in her possession for me to keep safe and now here we all are." Peter explains before walking closer to the hidden possession in the Vault.

"Well this certainly changes everything. Let's head back to the station they are going to want to see this." Morgan states speaking for the first time since the Vault doors opened, him and Rossi in shock at what they are seeing.

"Peter, are you coming back with us or is this you done?" Derek asks his Uncle who he still didn't know how to feel about him, he risked his own life to face Hunters to help Stiles. Maybe he has changed.

"Oh I'm coming with you!" Peter states before standing up and scooping up the possession before walking out of the Vault with everyone else.

----------------------Meanwhile at the station---------------------------------

It had been ten minutes since everyone had left and those left in the room had not much to do expect watching Stiles on the screen or re reading Riley's folder again or those in the BAU asking the Supernatural creatures more questions about their abilities or what Stiles was like as a teenager.

The door to the room opens and in walks Rafael and Hotch both of who are looking more annoyed and frustrated since the last time they were in the room.

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