Chapter 21

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Welcome to Chapter 21 - thank you everyone for your patience while I update this story - as an apology for the delay you are been treated to a long chapter with a gif included - enjoy!!!

JJ was pacing back and forth on the Jet while waiting for everyone to arrive, she had received a message not long ago advising the new collection point and to have the pilot to ready for take off as soon as they arrive. Also she had been advised to not trust Commander Backley or any of his men. That confused her the most over how much support he had provided getting everyone this far but right now she couldn't really focus on it. Her main focus had to be Reid and getting everyone else out of here and back to Beacon Hills.

As she turned away from the entrance to head to check on Reid a truck engine rumbled outside, she quickly turned back around and popped her head out of the door and noticed everyone piling out including a few she didn't recognise.

"Hey! Where's Stiles?" JJ asks as soon as everyone has grabbed their things and have started making their way on board with Lydia carrying a young girl in her arms.

"Stiles is with Henry, they are going to meet us here when they can. Any sign of Commander Backley?" Hotch asks as he reaches JJ and places his bag down on the nearest chair.

"No! No sign of him or any of him men since they left us here. What's going on? Who is the gentleman, lady and young child?" JJ asked confused by the new arrivals as Lydia straps the young girl into a car seat that was fastened to a chair.

"We are friends of Stiles, my name is Chelsea and this is my partner Lieutenant Arnold Shortstaff. In relation to young child, this is Stiles's daughter Allison." Chelsea advises introducing herself and Arnold before waving at Allison who is happily sitting in her seat looking out of the window.

"His daughter? Stiles's daughter? You mean the one Andrea mentioned to him that he would never see?" JJ asks sounding confused as she stares at the little girl noticing the similarities between her and Riley.

"Long story! How's the kid?" Morgan asks once he had boarded the plane, he had been completing a quick scan of the area to make sure no hidden surprise are waiting for them.

"Still out of it, I would say the sooner we can get him properly seen to the better." JJ advises before leading Morgan to where Reid is currently lying in the makeshift sick bay.

Hotch heads back down the ramp and joins Scott, Rafael, and Derek looking out for any signs of Stiles and Mark's arrival.

"How long do we wait?" Scott asks knowing either his Dad or Hotch needed to make the call of when they leave before they risk everyone.

"Sundown, if we have no visual confirmation before then we take off at sundown. Those are the orders we have." Hotch advises looking towards his watch as the mood seems to shift between the four men stood on the edge of the ramp watching and waiting.

"That only gives them just over forty five minutes to get here, can't we send someone out to meet them. They won't be getting here quickly especially if Stiles has stopped breathing again." Scott states hoping they can provide some help, he is not leaving here without Stiles. Not now, not ever!

"We can't risk it! We could either lose more people or show the enemy where we are. They are on there own, it's the way it has to be." Rafael states placing an arm around his Son as he knows that is decision is not easy for him.

"You may not be able to risk it but we can, after all that is what we are stationed here for. We are going to see if we can locate, try to give us as much time as you can please. Lieutenant Arnold Shortstaff states as he leaves the plane with Chelsea and load back into their vehicle quickly pulling away.

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