Chapter 10

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Welcome to Chapter 10 - thank you everyone for guessing what you think the mystery is, read on to find out if you are correct - enjoy!!

"Is that who I think it is?" JJ asks first as the shock gently leaves the room and everyone returns to their senses.

"Riley!! But, how? He was killed in Egypt, he shouldn't be here right now." Rafael asks his voice shaking as he speaks while Peter walks over to the sofa and gently lies him down before slowly stepping away and turning around towards everyone else who looked at him confused and angry.

"Why you? Of all people, why trust you and the Calaveras with Riley over anyone else? He had me, Lydia, Derek or the rest of the pack, he had his Dad, my Dad or the entire BAU but he chose you." Scott whisper shouts towards Peter trying to comprehended what Stiles must have been thinking at the time to trust Peter.

"For this exact reason, out of everyone he knows I am the last one expected to have been trusted. But that is the exact reason I was trusted, me and Stiles gained a connection while trapped in the Wild Hunt that no one was aware of, so I became the perfect person to help him protect Riley, if the time ever arose." Peter explains before taking a seat at the table with his eyes fixed on the screen showing Stiles currently asleep in the chair he is tied too.

Everyone thought about what Peter had said, thinking that he and Stiles were right no matter how much they hate to admit it. Peter was the perfect person to keep this secret, any enemy would pick Peter last to get information out off.

"Sheriff, are you okay? You haven't really said anything since we got back." Derek asks walking closer to the Sheriff, who is currently fixed staring at the sofa.

"Yeah! It's just a lot to take in, he looks so much like him when he was this age. But I don't understand how he is here right now, the records show he died in Egypt." Sheriff states watching the sleeping form of Riley on the sofa.

"Not long before Stiles and Riley were taken, Stiles found evidence that Andrea was still alive and he became concerned that she or her family would try to come take Riley away or worse. The plan was for Stiles to get assigned to Beacon Hills Sheriff office as an FBI consultant once he had graduated so he could introduce Riley to everyone and have the protection of the pack." Peter starts to explain as everyone gets comfortable with the Sheriff sitting next to his Grandson.

"But as you all know, things did not go to plan and while Stiles was at school Riley was taken from where he was been looked after. At this point he was assigned at Quantico for three months while he tried to track down who had taken him, he managed to get a capture of the person from the CCTV camera to see it was Andrea's brother Roman who had taken him."

"Stiles managed to track him down to an abandoned warehouse just outside the city limits but was ambushed. They had lured him into a trap using Riley as the bait, Stiles woke up inside a shipping container with Riley. I then heard from him a couple of months later asking me to go to a location in Egypt to collect Riley, I could hear in his voice that something was wrong but when I pushed it he wouldn't answer me."

"I arrived in Egypt later that night and headed to the location in the morning, when I arrived there I found Riley with a few friends of Stiles along with the file I gave you, a note from Stiles and a bag of his things. I followed what the note advised me and brought Riley to Mexico and handed him over to the Calaveras under a flag of truce." Peter finishes explaining what he knows but everyone still notices the holes in his story that probably only Stiles can answer.

"What did the note say?" Rafael asks wondering how Stiles got Riley to safety but never stayed himself as Peter pulls the note out of his pocket.


I don't have a lot of time to explain, take Riley to the Calavera's club in Mexico. They will be expecting you, give Riley to them with the bag and advises them I will be there as soon as I can. Inside the bag you will find two plane tickets to get you and Riley back to Mexico, flight leaves at 07:00 tomorrow morning, Henry will give you a ride to the airport.

Head back to Beacon Hills afterwards, don't come back looking for me. Your priority right now needs to be Riley. Remember your promise to me, no matter what you hear keep him safe.


The note seemed to draw up more questions for those who heard the note been read out, if Stiles managed to get Riley to safety why remain in Egypt and not come back with Peter and Riley or stay with his friend Henry.

"I followed the note as instructed and dropped Riley off with them, a year later Stiles was brought back and as soon as he was cleared he made a trip to see Riley and has been doing so every chance he can as Riley has been with them ever since the day I dropped him off." Peter starts explaining the rest of what he knows up until the point of Stiles's disappearance.

"Stiles never fully explained what happened in that year he was in Cairo but he was a changed man, he was always on edge as though waiting for something to happen. About two week ago I received a message from Stiles advising he need me to do him a job, he had heard rumours about Andrea been spotted in La Igelsia and wanted me to check it out and report back to him. He advised he had time off coming up so would be in Mexico collecting Riley ready to bring him to Beacon Hills, as you know I did find her there I notified Stiles who came and had a confrontation with Andrea."

"She kept asking him questions about Riley, his location, whether he had shown any powers yet, but when Stiles refused to answer she started threatening him advising unless he wants a repeat of Egypt he should give her what she wants."

"I noticed when she mentioned Egypt he started freaking out internally but was hiding it quite well on the exterior before he told her to leave and never return before he left and then the last time I heard from him was a message asking me to bring Riley back to Beacon Hills but to hide him as he was in danger." Peter finishes explaining as Riley starts stirring on the sofa, he slowly opens his eyes and everyone notices he has the same eyes as his Dad.

"Wolfy, rahh!" Riley says looking at Peter before he moves his head to look at the various different people in the room before his eyes land on Sheriff.

"Gramps!" Riley states excitedly before sitting up and giving the Sheriff a tight hug, who is surprised at first before returning the hug surprised he knew who he was.

"How?" Sheriff asks with a cheesy grin plastered on his face as he holds tightly onto his Grandson, never imagining this would happen.

"What, you think Stiles would allow Riley to live with the Calavera and not know who his real family is? Riley takes this with him everywhere he goes and between me, Stiles and Calavera we taught him about everyone." Peter explains pulling a folded piece of paper out of the bag he brought in with him and opens it before lying it on the table for everyone to see.

" Peter explains pulling a folded piece of paper out of the bag he brought in with him and opens it before lying it on the table for everyone to see

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Thank you for reading - you were correct it was Riley!! - what really happened in Egypt?? - new chapter will be up soon!!!

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