Chapter 8

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Welcome to Chapter 8 - sorry for the confusion caused with this chapter going down and been reloaded - I wrote it well half asleep and wasn't a fan when I reread it later so here is the new version - pre warning this is a longer chapter, enjoy!!!

Lydia's eyes remain fixed on the screen that currently has Andrea's face staring back at her as everyone else tries to wrap their heads around all the details they had just received and to also try and confirm what their next steps are.

"How is she alive? Stiles had to do the ID on the body himself when she was found, how is this happening right now? Where is she?" Lydia asks breaking her eyes away from the screen and looking towards everyone hoping they had the answers.

"So the police file I have here shows that she died of an overdose but her body vanished three days later from the funeral home but after that there is no paper trail of where she went or what happened next. Let me run facial recognition to see if I can find her or where.. Oh no, this isn't good!" Garcia states cutting herself off as the computer dings and her face falls as she reads the information on the screens.

"Garcia, what is it Baby Girl?" Morgan enquires noticing the concerned look on her face and the sudden change in what she was saying.

"I found her or should I say Stiles found her. Facial recognition picked her up at Border Security into Mexico two days before Stiles arrived in Mexico for his visit, I managed to track the car she rented but the tracking got spotty as she arrived in one guess where." Garcia states sending the details over to the monitor so everyone could see what she could see.

"La Igelsia! So this must have been the reason why Stiles left the Calavera's so abruptly and never returned, she must have been the one to send him the message. But how did she know he would be there? Also if Andrea was there the same time of Kate, they could have met, shared their pasts realising they have a common enemy and formed the plan together to take revenge on Stiles." Chris points out causing the room to worry more at what this could mean for Stiles now this is personal not only for him but potential for the person behind all of this.

"I think the other thing we need consider here is that Andrea could be Supernatural and potential so could have been Riley." Braeden advises and the other Supernatural in the room nod in agreement at what she was saying.

"Maybe it's the same thing as with my Mum, she wanted to kill me to gain her powers back that she thought I stole when I was born. So maybe it's the same with Andrea, she wants to take the powers back from Riley. The only trouble is, she doesn't know that Riley is dead." Malia explains and everyone can see the logic she is working on which also makes them realise that Stiles will only remain alive as long as Andrea believes that Riley is alive.

Coughing is heard from the screen as Stiles seems to be waking up again after crying himself to sleep, they watch as he looks around the room noticing he is alone properly for the first time since he had been taken. He starts to pull on the restraints currently keeping him confined to the metal chair, as his face turned towards the camera everyone could see him clearly for the first time.

"He's not looking good, Garcia have you been able to narrow down the location at all?" Reid asks sounding concerned for his team mate and close friend.

"As the phone is off, I can't activate the actual GPS for it but I am trying to back trace the signal we are getting from the camera to narrow down the search radius but due to the heavy encryption on the phone its taking longer then normal." Garcia advises as she clicks on her mouse and starts typing more on her keyboard.

"Scott, what are you thinking? You have that look about you that something is not adding up to you." Rafael asks his Son noticing his face changes as he keeps his eyes fixed on the screen showing Stiles.

"I've only been in the Hale Vault maybe once or twice max and this looks nothing like I remember. Derek, it's not the Vault is it?" Scott asks while looking towards Derek Hale hoping that he was wrong.

"That isn't the Vault, you can't just leave and come back unless you have a member of the Hale family with you but everyone Hale related that is alive has been present in the room when they have left and came back in." Derek advises to the room making them all think why would Stiles want them to go there for.

"So if Stiles is not been held in the Vault, what is in there? Where is he? Where's my son?" Sheriff asks his voice cracking as he tries to control his emotions knowing he needs to be strong for Stiles.

"Maybe it's time we answer them questions, Derek can you take Scott, Rossi and Morgan with you to the Vault to investigate what is there." Hotch states switching to his leader mode, feeling like they seem several steps behind what is happening currently.

"Hello! Can anyone hear me, my mouth is getting as dry as a Pharaohs Tomb?" Stiles shouts before staring at the camera winking his eye before looking away.

"What was that all about?" Liam asks looking confused at the screen, thinking the alone time was finally getting to Stiles.

"Alright if you don't come in here I am going to start singing, maybe I will try and challenge myself and start by singing 30.0444 north bears in a forest. Wow this heat must be getting to me or is it the dehydration, I know I will start at 31.2357 east bears as that sounds like a better number." Stiles shouts again and Reid heads over to the board and writes down the two numbers Stiles shouted out.

As Reid is writing down the numbers on the board, the door next to Stiles opens with a guard walking in carrying a bucket before pouring the contents straight over Stiles's head.

"Well not exactly what I had in mind but thank you I am now cooled down." Stiles mockingly said with a cheesy smile on his face as the guard walks out of the room.

"I know where he is, Garcia type in the coordinates 30.0444 North 31.2357 East for me please. You are going to need a world map for it to work." Reid states walking away from the board and back to the table.

"Reid, what have you worked out?" Rossi asks wondering where the genius was going with this but had hope it was Stiles's location.

"I think Stiles's is telling us where he is, the random numbers to count from with the changing direction for each number, he is hot with a dry mouth indicating a desert and for all the references he could of made, why choose a Pharaohs Tomb?" Reid points out the hints within the well spoken and chosen words used by Stiles.

Garcia's computer dinged twice as her eyes lit up reading the information present on the screen.

"Your right, the coordinates and his camera signal both just came back to the same place Cairo, Egypt." Garcia advises pulling the map on the screen with a pin signally the location found.

"So what do we do? We can't exactly just get on a plane and head to Egypt to save him." Emily states looking towards the superiors in the room.

"You may not be able to but we can, I am a well respected Arms Dealer and I have some pretty good connections all around the world. Also nothing stops Parrish taking time off work to go on holiday with a few of his closest friends." Chris states rising from his seat on the table pulling out his phone as though ready to book plane tickets for everyone.

"No, we need to do this via the book. We need to set Operation Nightfall into effect again and gather those that took place in the original rescue mission to come again as they will know what we are getting ourselves into. Me and Hotch can speak with the Director for sanctions on this and if he refuses I will go above his head and get a Presidential order if need be." Rafael states receiving a nod of agreement from Hotch, he knew the risks at stake if anything went wrong.

"Okay, let's go check out the Vault and hopefully by time we are back we will have some answers and you both will have good news for us all." Derek advises grabbing his keys before been followed out the room by Morgan, Rossi and Scott while Rafael and Hotch leave to use the privacy of the Sheriff's office for the call.

Thank you for reading - what or who do you think is in the Vault??? - new chapter will be up soon!!!

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