Chapter 23

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Welcome to Chapter 23 - sorry for the delay in updating it's been a combination of broken keyboard and other stories needing more work - I would like to say a massive thank you to everyone who has read, voted or commented on this crossover - it has just reached over 4k views which is insane - a bit like this intro the chapter is nice and long including a picture also - enjoy!!!

Rafael POV

The journey back somehow seemed to take ten times longer then on the way to save him, as soon as we were airborne JJ was at Reid's side who seems to have finally woken up and was wondering what was happening, I instead was watching Parrish trying to patch up some of Stiles's newer wounds with Scott's help.

I watched how they seemed to spread some of the cream over the deeper wounds before placing newer bandages over them before starting to clean away some of the dried blood to make sure no other wounds were hiding in plain sight.

"How is he?" I ask knowing the answer was probably still the same as when we called Melissa not long after take off but a small part of me really hoped for some good news right now.

"Still the same, currently has no heart beat still but his wounds are showing small improvements already and he doesn't appear to be in any pain." Scott advises as he replaces the blanket back over Stiles's body before quickly cleaning his hands and coming to sit back down next to me.

He look exhausted but I guess that's how we all look currently, the past few days and week have been long and very stressful but hopefully this was now the end of it. I glance over to Lydia and Allison and notice they are both fast asleep, both of their faces showing no care in the world.

"Ladies and gentleman, we should be landing at Beacon Hills Hospital in the next few minutes. Please prepare yourselves for landing." The pilot's voice rings out and I breathe a sigh of relief that we are home already,

As the wheels touch down on the ground Lydia opens her eyes, I notice they look straight over to where Stiles is lying before undoing her belt and carefully picking Allison up trying hard not to wake her.

Morgan and Hotch decide to carry Reid's stretcher between them while Parrish and Derek carefully lift Stiles's up between the pair of them. As the doors open I spot the relieved yet worried face of Melissa's waiting for us all, as we step down she races forward and engulfs me, Scott and Chris into a group hug before letting go.

"Dr Phillips is waiting in the main triage room for Dr Reid with Dr Geyer on stand by for Stiles in the private room that has been arranged as requested. Everyone else Noah, Riley and Garcia are waiting for you all in the relatives room, if you want to all head there then once any updates are available I can come provide them to you all." Melissa advises before issuing Morgan, Hotch, Parrish and Derek forward to get the two wounded inside first.

We all head quietly down the stairs until we get to the relatives room and step inside, as soon as we walk in Riley, Noah and Garcia's heads all look quickly in our direction before Garcia and Noah drop what they were doing and rush over to greet us all.

"Oh you are all a wonderful sight to see!" Garcia states at Emily, Rossi and JJ while giving them a tight group hug, they really are such a close knit family.

"Thank you all for saving my son!" Noah stumbles out before grabbing us all into a tight hug also which I think we all need just as much as he does.

"Ali!!" Riley's voice breaks through the silence currently in the room as everyone release everyone from their hugs to watch Riley running over to where Lydia is carrying Allison who appears to be stirring from her sleep at the sound of her brother's voice.

"Ry Ry!" Allison quickly snaps her eyes open before wriggling in Lydia's arms before she places her down as the twins run towards each other embracing in a tight hug as they reach other before Riley lets her go.

"Ry Ry!" Allison quickly snaps her eyes open before wriggling in Lydia's arms before she places her down as the twins run towards each other embracing in a tight hug as they reach other before Riley lets her go

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(A/N This is what Riley and Allison look like - the little boy is a baby Dylan O'Brien and the little girl is one of them if you combine two pictures together this is what you child will look like.)

"Ali it's Gramps!" Riley states pointing towards the Sheriff who kneels down next to the twins and holds his arms out for them to run into, the ahs echo around the room at the sight of the family reuniting before Riley and Allison let go and head off to play and draw in the corner.

We all take a seat and it seems to finally hit everyone the emotional journey we have just been on as tears start been shed before the door opens up to show Morgan, Hotch, Derek and Parrish arriving in the room. They quickly say their hellos before taking a seat.

"How's Reid and Stiles?" Garcia asks once everyone seems to have composed themselves once again and a comfortable silence fills the room.

"Reid is going to be okay, he has to remain in for a few days for observation but seems to have walked away better then it could have been he has a few cracked ribs and a mild concussion." Hotch advises as Morgan sits closest to Garcia and pulls her into a comforting side hug as he speaks.

"Any news on Stiles?" Noah asks looking mainly towards Derek and Parrish both of who seem to move uncomfortably at the question as though unsure what to say.

"Dr Geyer is with him now, all he would say is if this was a normal situation he would be asking us to take him directly to the Morgue and to express our deepest condolences. He said he will come down with Melissa once he has any further details." Derek advises from his seat next to Scott, I felt my heart drop into my stomach when he said that, I had seen first hand Stiles's injuries and what he had already survived but still.

Before anyone can say anything more my phone dings with a message, I wonder who that could be from as I hadn't had a chance to report to Headquarters that we were back and the operation was a success. I look at the message on my phone and knew as much as I wanted this all to be over, it was far from it.

"Dad, what is it?" Scott asks as I look away from my phone and notice that everyone including the twins are now looking at me waiting for me to answer.

"I just got a message from Henry, they managed to track down Andrea and Kate to the other air strip and it appears they have commandeered a plane and are heading our way. No sign still of Mark but he did advise Chelsea, himself and Arnold are on their way." I explain and notice the instant change in everyone's behaviour as the twins head over to Noah as though wanting his protection.

"Attention! Attention! This Hospital is in lockdown with immediate affect, please can all non essential personnel and visitors please exit the Hospital via the North entrance." An automated voice rings out causing everyone to jump to their feet.

What is going on right now?

Thank you for reading - do you prefer the first person POV or the third person POV??? - new chapter will be up shortly!!!!

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