Chapter 25

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Welcome to Chapter 25, I want to say a massive thank you to everyone who has read, voted or commented on this random crossover - I honestly didn't expect it to reach 1k reads but it has now just reached over 5k which is crazy - so as a treat here is a new chapter with everyone's fav gifs - enjoy!!!

The entire room held there breathe as they watched the screens, all of them thinking how scarily familiar this felt to only a few days ago when they had all been in this same position. The only difference really this time was at least they knew exactly where Stiles was.

"Scott, I have managed to get the connection up. Rafael, if you have your laptop to hand can I send the link to you as want to keep mine free for the live feeds to Stiles." Garcia explained before Rafael quickly grabbed his laptop out of his bag and handed it over.

"Garcia, thank goodness. Are you with Scott? I have been trying to reach him, but no calls or messages seem to be getting through." Deaton's voice rings out once the dial tone fades away, Scott lets out a sigh of relief that his has worked.

"Yeah Deaton I am here, Kate and Andrea are here and have shut down communication in and out of the Hospital. A full evacuation has been done minus us, but we are unsure if they are aware of our location. They currently have Stiles surrounded with us having no way of getting to him in time without making our presence known." Scott quickly explained to Deaton, hoping the urgency of the situation was clear to his mentor.

"Then you are in luck what you asked me to grab and bring to the Hospital was handed over and placed in a secure room just before the lockdown occurred, I came back here hoping to try and gain contact with you to make sure you found it and to try and keep an eye on what was happening." Deaton explains and everyone can't help but notice the relived look appearing on Scott's face at this news.

"Oh, thank god for that! I was concerned when I got here that you weren't here yet and then the shutdown happened. Any idea which room it was placed into as we could really use it right now?" Scott asks causing confused looks to appear on the other's faces wondering what this was and why it was so important.

"From what they described when I asked, they said it was in the room that sounds like where you found Stiles in standing spaced out the time he was been overtaken by Void." Deaton explains making Scott quickly move away for the laptop he was currently over to the screen everyone was gathered around watching Stiles in the room.

As Scott looked at the monitor, he noticed the item he had been enquiring about just an arm's length away from where Stiles is currently standing. Before he can make him aware both Kate and Andrea step into the room with Stiles.

"Well look at what we have here! A lost little lamb who has lost his flock!" Kate states as she and Andrea start circling Stiles who still has not moved or made any indication that he has even recognised there present in the room with him.

"What are we going to do? We can't leave him there alone with them, they will kill him and this time I don't think he is strong enough to survive." Lydia state frantically as she can't remove her eyes from the screen, she is amazed by the amount of law enforcement and brain power in the room they can't think of a way to help.

"We don't need to! All the help he needs is in the room with him currently. Garcia, can you connect me with the PA system for the Hospital." Scott states before everyone gives him a look like he is crazy.

"I can but Scott if you use it, they will know we are here." Garcia advises trying to work out what Scott's plan was and why he would take this risk.

"I know but right now we need to shake Stiles from whatever state he is in to help save him. I understand the risks, but I think the risk of doing nothing is higher then doing this. Besides, we can barricade the doors from anyone entering and hide away Mum and Reid with the twins just in case they get through." Scott explains and everyone can tell he has thought this plan through, in someway its as though he knew this was going to happen.

"Alright say we do this, how are you going to shake Stiles from his current state using just a PA system." Lydia asks wondering how this whole plan was going to fit together, she wanted to save Stiles but did not want to put the twins in unnecessary danger. Stiles would never forgive her or anyone else if anything happened to them.

"Well as you told me once before Lydia, how do Wolves signal their location to the rest of the pack?" Scott states as he grabs the microphone connected to the PA system.

"They howl!" Lydia quickly states before grabbing her ears as everyone else follows suit as Scott lets out one of the largest roars to ever rock Beacon Hills.

"They howl!" Lydia quickly states before grabbing her ears as everyone else follows suit as Scott lets out one of the largest roars to ever rock Beacon Hills

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"They are still here! I thought you said everyone was out. Find them and kill them!!" Andrea snarls at Kate and towards the door where the guards are currently stood waiting.

"NO!!!!" Stiles screams out but his voice wasn't his, it was almost carried the same power as Lydia's Banshee scream, as he spoke the power sends Andrea, Kate and the guards flying off their feet into the nearby doors and tables.

As everyone in the Visitor's room looks at the screen after hearing Stiles scream they watch as Andrea and Kate slowly rise back to their feet but don't approach Stiles, instead they just start the study the young man in front of them.

"Let's have some fun shall we!" Stiles states before giving them both his signature smile.

Thank you for reading - any guess as to what Deaton and Scott have in the room with Stiles??? -  new chapter will be up soon!!!

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Thank you for reading - any guess as to what Deaton and Scott have in the room with Stiles??? -  new chapter will be up soon!!!

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