Chapter 18

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Welcome to Chapter 18 - yep I am treating you to a double update - hang on to your hats as things are about to go down - pre warning extra long chapter coming your way, enjoy!!!

Once the roar settles down, everyone moves back towards the duo as Scott slowly reopens his eyes and frantically starts looking around.

Once his eyes land on his Dad he seems to calm down slightly before accepting Derek's hand to help him stand, he held onto Derek while he regained his balance before he looks directly at his Dad.

"What happened? Why is everyone looking like someone died for?" Scott asks as he pulls away from his Dad, reading the faces in the room as the dizziness leaves his vision and he feels his wounds heal

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"What happened? Why is everyone looking like someone died for?" Scott asks as he pulls away from his Dad, reading the faces in the room as the dizziness leaves his vision and he feels his wounds heal.

"Well technically Scott, it was you that died but Stiles used his powers to bring you back." Emily advises before bending over to check on Stiles as Scott turns around to his friend lying on the floor below him.

"Stiles! What happened to him? Where is everyone else?" Scott frantically asks looking at his best friend who looks lifeless on the floor.

"He was skewered on that pole there before we carefully lifted him off, he did advise before he passed out that he was unable to move or feel anything but we are hoping that once his healing kicks in it will sort itself out. Commander Backley is still MIA and JJ is with Reid on the jet already as Reid also got hurt in the explosion." Morgan advises as he helps to bandage Stiles's wounds up with the help of Emily and Rossi.

"Alright but where are Chris and Parrish? I haven't seen them since we landed, did they even enter the building with us?" Scott asks as the others look around wondering how they didn't realise they were not with them.

"Parrish Argent, can we get an update now on your location please?" Rafael asks into the radio hoping to get a reply from the duo but no reply was heard only static.

"Sheriff team, this is ground team. Do you copy?" Hotch states into his radio but again only static is the reply he gets back causing everyone to get concerned.

"Okay we need to get out of here now! Something isn't sit right with me. Is Stiles ready to be moved?" Rafael asks the team working on Stiles before noticing the concerned looks on their faces as he asks them about Stiles's condition.

"Well his wounds are all wrapped up as best as we can until we can get him to the Jet and its not like we are going to cause him any pain moving him as he won't be able to feel it anyway seeing as is he dead again." Morgan advises standing up before slinging Stiles's body over his shoulder as Emily and Rossi rise up with the med bags.

"Wait, did you just say dead? Like actually dead this time and not like the time he lowered his heart rate." Lydia asks in a panic, her face paling as her eyes lock onto Stiles's body over Derek's shoulder.

"Lydia, it's going to be okay. Remember we will get him back just like we did the last two times we thought he had died. He brought me back, he can bring himself back." Scott advises grabbing Lydia's hand before guiding her out of the room as everyone else follows watching where they step.

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