Chapter 27

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Welcome to Chapter 27 - I am sorry for the delay in updating this story,  I generally didn't realise how long it had been since I had last updated this crossover - here is the next chapter, pre warning a picture is included - enjoy!!!

The plane finally lands on the edge of the Reserve after an hour of flying around wondering what the next move was and to try and process what had just happened. Watching someone you cared about turning to stone before completely exploding wasn't exactly a normal occurrence, the only ones that didn't seem effected were the twins.

As the plane landed, Derek directed everyone towards the Safe House that Stiles had created a few years earlier, as everyone took a seat inside a comfortable silence filled the room as everyone was stuck mainly in their own thoughts.

"What do we do now? I can't believe we just left him, he's all alone." Sheriff asks the room as whole, hoping someone can answer with a way that will allow him to see his son again.

"Right now we wait!" Henry advises as he places the kettle on before preforming a quick head count of those present in the room.

"Wait for what? How are you acting so calm right now, Stiles could be dead for all we know. Also how do we know that Kate and Andrea didn't follow us here." Morgan asks sounding quite irritated and upset at how calm the man in front of him is acting.

"Uncle Morgan, it will all be okay." Allison advises from the floor where her and Riley had started doodling on random bits of paper they had found.

"Allison sweetie, how can you be so sure?" Lydia asks the young girl who had such a confidence in her words as she tried to calm the adults rather than other way around.

"Front door, in 10 seconds." Riley states before a soft knock is heard on the front causing everyone to jump up and Hotch, Morgan and Derek taking out their weapons as Scott moves forward to open the door.

As Scott opens the door, they are all greeted by a man holding several pizza boxes in front of his face, but no one took a moment to put away their weapons.

"Pizza Delivery for a Sourwolf, we have a meat lover, veggie and plain with a whole load of sarcasm coming your way." The familiar voice stated while lowering the boxes from his face to reveal Stiles.

"Stiles? What? Is that really you?" Scott stutters out as he steps back to allow his friend into the house before they quickly close the door as he places the boxes on the counter.

"In the flesh! Come grab some food before it gets cold, you all must be starving." Stiles states causally as he removes his jacket and throws it over the nearest chair before opening the boxes up to show everyone the food.

Lydia was first to move as she stormed over to Stiles and slapped him across the face, the sound echoed around the quite room.

"You complete and utter arse Stiles Stilinski, how dare you do that to us and then just show up with Pizza like nothing has happened." Lydia shouts at him before storming towards the bathroom, slamming the door behind her.

"Well that went better then I predicted on the way over here, I imagined her screaming louder at me to the point that my ear drums would burst." Stiles states before walking over to where the twins are stood and wrapping them into a tight hug.

"Yay Dadda all better now!" Riley states as he holds onto his Dad tightly as everyone else moves to grab some food as the smell was making them more hungry then they realised.

"Are you feeling okay Stiles? I know what that process can take out of you." Chelsea asks as she joins the trio with a plate of pizza for each of them.

"Yeah I think I am, just tired mainly. Thank you all for protecting my children while I couldn't, I don't know what I would have done if anything had happened to them." Stiles states to the room as everyone apart from Lydia had retaken their seats each with a plate of pizza.

"Your family is our family Stiles, but you really need to explain what is going on here. I will be first to admit that I am slightly confused." Hotch states patting his young agent on the back, grateful and relieved to have him back.

"I promise I will explain everything but right now I need to make up to someone very special to me." Stiles advises while placing his plate on the coffee table before heading over to the door that Lydia had disappeared through.

"Lydia, I know I have no right to ask this but I want to ask for your forgiveness. Forgiveness over everything that has and will happen, you are most important woman in my life. To show you how sorry I am, I wrote you a poem." Stiles states while gently tapping on the door before pulling a folded piece of paper from his pocket, feel everyone's eyes focused on him as he starts to read.

I hope I never have to use

the word sorry again

For whenever that happens

It gives nothing but pain

I hope I never have to ask

For your forgiveness

I will never do anything

That ruins our happiness.

I am sorry

Silence entered the room once again before the faint click of a door lock is heard before Lydia's opens up the Bathroom door to come face to face with Stiles again.

"Do you really think you can write me a poem and expect me to give you like that?" Lydia asks stepping back into the room before walking past Stiles who follows her.

"No because they say action speak louder then words, I once asked you if you would do me the honour of been my wife but I never asked you correctly or was open about everything, so I am asking you again." Stiles states before getting down on one knee and producing a ring box.

"Well that is an improvement from last time, if I remember correctly you blurted it out in between bites of a burger. What makes you confident I won't say no." Lydia asks turning to face Stiles as everyone held their breath not daring to make a sound.

"There isn't but I love you with every breathe in my body, I swear I will defend you and our family to my dying breathe and as witnessed recently that takes a lot for me to get to that stage. I may not be the same goofball you once knew, but the love I feel for you will never change. So as this Stiles 2.0 shall we say, will you Lydia Martin do me the honour of been my wife?" Stiles asks while opening the ring box to reveal what is inside.

0 shall we say, will you Lydia Martin do me the honour of been my wife?" Stiles asks while opening the ring box to reveal what is inside

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"I'm sorry Stiles, but I don't know if I love you in that way anymore." Lydia advises before turning around and walking out the door leaving everyone present dumb struck at what had just happened.

Thank you for reading - aww Stydia broke up!! - new chapter will be up soon!!!

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