Chapter 14

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Welcome to Chapter 14 - thank you everyone for all the votes and comments on this story so far - hopefully this chapter will answer any questions from the previous chapter - pre warning gif involved - enjoy!!!

As the gravity of what everyone had just watched settled in, a single thought seemed to appear on everybody's mind at the same time, luckily one of them decided to voice it.

"Am I missing something? Who is Chelsea?" Derek asks directing his question towards the Commander but to his surprise it was Peter who answers.

"Chelsea and her partner Arnold are very close friends and allies to Stiles, they are the friends that I collected Riley from on my arrival in Egypt." Peter explains settling any confusion as to who that was and there connection to Stiles.

"Correct, now back to the story as everyone is on the same wave length and we are almost there." Commander Backley states before starting where the video had left off.

"After Stiles separated from us an explosion erupted from underneath him sending him flying through the air landing several feet ahead of where he had been, we raced over to him and I noticed the majority of his body was covered in deep burns and cuts along with a deep piece of shrapnel stuck in his neck." Commander Backley paused as the video of that time flashed on the screen from his body camera as him and Chelsea reached Stiles.

"Medical staff arrived and tried everything to bring him back but they called it after several attempts, we covered his body and hid it behind one of the tanks as we needed to go find Riley

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"Medical staff arrived and tried everything to bring him back but they called it after several attempts, we covered his body and hid it behind one of the tanks as we needed to go find Riley. Chelsea guided us in the direction that she had saw Riley last been taken in and we found him been carried towards a helicopter by a man Chelsea identified as the gentleman who had kidnapped them." Commander Backley continued explaining after giving everyone time to digest what had happened.

"We approached the gentleman and advised him to release Riley or we would take him back by deadly force but he refused and pulled a knife out and placed it against Riley's neck. I heard shuffling behind me and I glanced over to see Stiles stumbling into the open his hands raised begging the gentleman to not do it, I was so stunned to see him alive again it didn't register within me to how this could be as our priority currently was Riley.

Stiles offered an exchange deal with the man, stating if he let Riley go then he would go with him. I shouted at him to not be so stupid but he just ignored me and kept slowly walking towards Riley and the man. As Stiles walked further forward the man shouted deal before he.... I'm sorry this is hard to talk about." Commander Backley stated wiping an escaping tear from his eyes as the sounds of Stiles's waking up echoed around the now quite plane.

All eyes locked onto the screen as they watched Stiles's eyes peel open before he launches into a coughing fit before groaning aloud, not hiding the fact that he was alive still from anyone listening.

"Okay I will admit that one hurt, ouch!" Stiles spluttered out coughing again before he spat out a mouthful of blood onto the floor.

The door into the room he was in opened up before the sound of slow sarcastic clapping can be heard echoing around the room as footsteps enter to reveal Andrea and Theo coming into the room.

"Wow Stiles, now even I have to admit I am impressed. I heard only rumors of what you could do and what you can survive but to see it in person it is impressive." Theo advises as he pulls Stiles off the floor putting his chair back onto to it's four legs.

"You have no idea what I can do or what I have survived!" Stiles snarls before breaking into a coughing fit again, spitting out another pile of blood from his mouth before looking back at Andrea.

"Stop just standing there staring at me and ask me what you want to know. Ask me!!" Stiles snaps at Andrea who grabs a chair sitting directly opposite Stiles before pointing to Theo to leave.

"When we last spoke you said the last time you saw Riley was just after my brother sliced his throat in front of you, so what happened next then?" Andrea asks her voice shaking slightly as though unsure whether she actually wants to hear the answer he has for her.

"Before he slit Riley's throat I made a deal for him to take me with him instead of Riley so after Riley died I froze and he dragged me onto the waiting helicopter but what you need to understand was not long before this happened I was mortally wounded, I was blew up and a piece of shrapnel pierced my neck." Stiles starts to explain in between deep breathes taking the occasional break to spit out any blood in his mouth.

"You see I had no intention of going anywhere with your brother but I needed to get him away from my comrades so when I felt like I was further enough away I grabbed the shrapnel out of my neck and stabbed him and the pilot before diving out of the helicopter not caring whether I lived or died.

I woke up on the ground fully healed with the sun beating down on me, I got off the grounded to see the helicopter burning on the ground so I turned and headed back in the direction of my comrades who were been attacked. I took out all those attacking them before I made my way over to Riley's body who was been carried by a dear friend of mine.

I held onto his tiny hand and wished with all my might that I could save him and you know what it worked, my little boy was alive again and safe from you and your crazy family. Ha!" Stiles laughed in her face noticing the clear shock currently plastered on her face at the news.

"Riley is alive! Where is he? Where is my Son?" Andrea asks pulling the knife out of her back pocket again and holding it towards Stiles's neck.

"He is not your Son, not anymore. You gave up that right the moment you abandoned him with me. But don't worry he is alive and safe in a place you will never find him, ever!" Stiles states a wide smile plastered over his face knowing he has the upper hand over her.

"He will always be my Son as I am the one who gave birth to him, fed him his first meal, comforted him when he first cried and you will never be able to take that away from me. You are going to tell me where he is or else!" Andrea threatens even more pressing the knife into Stiles's neck making small beads of blood appear.

"Or else what? You have nothing you can threaten me with!" Stiles snarls as those watching both on the plane and at the station hold their breathes wondering what has happened.

"Don't be so sure handsome! I am more then happy to make a deal with you, you tell me where Riley is right now and I will let you meet Allison." Andrea smirks at Stiles before stepping back swinging the knife in her hand.

"Who's Allison and why on earth would I want to meet her?" Stiles asks confused at to why this person would be so relevant to him and make him want to give up Riley's location, he only ever knew one Allison and she was dead because of him.

"My Daughter or should I say our Daughter!" Andrea smiles smugly as she watches Stiles trying to work out how it could be possible.

"Ha, nice try. Me and you have a Son together that's it and that is only due to one stupid night together. We never will have another child together." Stiles states sounding unsure of the words that he is saying to her.

"True we have had only one night together but that's all it took. Oh come on Stiles, don't be so thick. Riley and Allison are our twins!" Andrea states before walking out of the room laughing, allowing Stiles time to process what he had just found out.

Thank you for reading - Riley is a twin!!!! - new chapter will be up soon!!!

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