Chapter 15

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Welcome to Chapter 15 - thank you everyone for the votes and comments on this crossover - here is the next part of this exciting adventure - enjoy!!!

As everyone tries to come to terms with the news they had just heard, the announcement rang out advising they would arrive at the landing site with the next thirty minutes and they needed to prepare to leave as soon as the craft hit the ground due to enemy watch planes been spotted in the area.

"Alright I know we all must feeling quite mixed emotions currently but right now we need to set them aside until we have Stiles safely back on this plane. Garcia just sent through the latest aerial photos of the suspected holding area and the heat signatures are coming our suspicions are correct." Hotch advises pressing the clicker for the new area photos to appear, everyone can clearly see the target building as you have one heat signature sending of waves of energy coming from the north east corner of the building.

"Alright so this is how we are doing this, we are going to cut power and enter simultaneously from four different breach points, Supernatural's your targets will be taking out Theo and Kate from play while we take out any other foot soldiers under Andrea's command." Commander Backley starts laying out the plan once again to make sure everyone knows where they need to be and when.

"Once all targets are neutralised we head for the package, during the sweep of the building keep an eye out for any children present as we can't be sure that Andrea is lying or telling the truth. Once the package has been secured we will extract him back to the plane for swift take off as I do not want to be hanging around for too long." Commander finishes off his briefing before those staying behind wished them look before disconnecting the call.

As they were preparing themselves a silence fell over the plane, the only break in the silence came when Stiles started muttering to himself within his daze. Some of what he was saying could be understood by everyone listening but other parts were either too muffled or he was speaking too fast for everyone to be able to make out.

"Can anyone work out what he is saying fully? I can catch a few words but not enough to make a full sentence." Morgan enquires looking at the screen getting everyone to focus fully on what Stiles is muttering.

"He's just repeating the same sentence over and over again but it doesn't really make much sense to me, he's saying western wall chimes like church bells, Cinderella can't stay until the end of the Ball." Derek advises after taking a few moments to listen carefully to what Stiles is saying.

"Atta boy Stiles, he must know we are still watching and knows we are coming for him." Rafael states confusing some people on the plane as he pulls up the aerial pictures of the target building.

"Alright so Stiles is helping us with his position within the room, he's advising he's near the church wall to the west side of the room and he is advising we strike before midnight. Which means we have two hours to get to him before..." Rafael explains to everyone making it more clearer over what needs to happen and the time frame they are working on.

Soon after the explanation the plane landed dropping everyone off, Hotch set a timer on his watch to keep track of the time they have to get back with Stiles. As they head off in the direction of the target building they all keep their heads on a swivel looking out for any booby traps or lookout points.

Morgan adjust the camera on his jacket that is sending a live feedback to the team still at the Sheriff station while they keep providing them any updates of changes within the room where Stiles is been held. Since landing Stiles has gone oddly quite again and the only sound he has made since is slight grunting from when Theo came in to use him as a stress reliving punch bag.

As they gather around the edges of the target building, they can all feel their heart beats rising due to anxiety over what was about to take place, a quick time check showed they had forty five minutes left until 12am, Commander Backley held up three fingers before counting them down.

As soon as he reached zero they crashed through the door and start sweeping through the rooms clearing them of any civilians or hostiles, Derek and Scott quickly take down Theo before securing him with Kanima poison to paralyse him until they got him back. Chris spotted Kate in the next room and raced over to her with the support of Lydia and Morgan, she jumped out of the window into a waiting vehicle before disappearing out of sight.

"This is Morgan, female suspect has escaped out of ground floor window. Is currently heading southbound in a black pick up truck with no licence plates visible." Morgan radios through to the rest of the groups before the three rejoin the others to make their way further upstairs towards Stiles.

"Ground team this is ground control, please be advised main suspect has entered room with target and is armed with a knife." Garcia's voice comes through everyone's radio as Commander Backley takes the lead heading upstairs with his gun drawn.

As they all sneak slowly across the corridor, clearing each room as they pass they can't block out the screams emanating from the room directly in front of them. In between the screams they can hear questions been asked by Andrea to Stiles and whenever he didn't give an answer she liked a fresh wave of screams is heard.

"Tell me Stiles! Where is he??" Andrea screams as everyone positions themselves ready to breach the room.

"You are never going to find him, not now, not ever." Stiles snarls back at her before a fresh wave of screams is heard as Morgan kicks down the door into the room as Andrea grabs a new knife and holds it to Stiles's neck.

"It's over, place the knife down and step away from him! Don't think I won't shoot you!!" Commander Backley advises stepping into the room with his gun trained on Andrea's head ready to fire if need be.

"Shoot me and he will never get to meet his Daughter or survive long enough to see Riley again. Now you wouldn't want that now would we?" Andrea advises pressing the knife into Stiles's neck more as a thin line of blood appears as her other hand disappears into her pocket.

"Andrea, this is your final warning! Drop the knife and step away from him now otherwise we will shoot you." Hotch shouts his eyes trained more on Stiles then on Andrea, as he started to notice that Stiles seems to be struggling to breath more and more.

"Andrea, please listen to me. I am a mother also, just think of your children. Think about the future you would give them if you die here right now, don't leave this legacy behind for them." JJ tries hoping to appeal to the mother instincts within Andrea.

"You have got to be kidding right, do I look like I actually care about my children? Why would I care about the brats that stole my powers? I only want to know Riley's location so I can kill him and Allison together." Andrea states laughing before pulling a piece of metal out of her pocket and stabs Stiles in the back of the head with it before slicing open his throat.


Thank you for reading - new chapter will be up shortly!!! 

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