Chapter 38

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"So where are we going to lunch at?" I questioned my mother as I we walked down the stairs of the hospital. She insisted it was better for me to go this way since I could use the exercise for my Arc Reactor. I didn't argue though, because she was a scientist and all.

"Uh," her face contorted into confusion. "Just down the street."

"Well where though? Like Wendy's?"

"Yea that sounds good," she nodded and she continued to step down stairs. We got to the bottom of the stairwell pretty fast and stepped outside into the open air. I took a minute to stop and breathe while she looked around the city, almost as if she was making sure we were alone. I shrugged it off though. Ever since the whole "Hydra" incident we've kinda had a rocky relationship. I guess it's more of since the Isaac incident, but either way it's just been different. It's sad to think about, but that's just the way it was.

"Come on. Car is this way," my mother said and lead me around the side of the hospital. We walked for a minute or so in silence until we came to a black SUV. This was new.

"Who's car is this?" I asked as my mother unlocked it with the mini remote control and opened the drivers door.

"Mine," she told me with a confused expression.

"Is it new?" I asked and jumped in of the passenger side.

"Yep," she told me and started the ignition. 

"Can I turn on the radio?' I asked as she backed out of the space she was parked in.

"Uh, yea sure," she shrugged and began to drive through the parking lot. 

I pressed the power button and shifted through the music until I landed on a song that my mom liked. It was kind of a newer song, one that I didn't like very much but she jammed out every time she heard it. So I decided to leave it at that and sat back in my seat.

She furrowed her brows, "What is this?"

What the hell? "It's your song. I thought you loved it."

"Oh yea," she kept her eyes on the road. "I remember that now. Yea, okay, I do like this song."

I didn't say anything else. This lunch trip was turning out to be one of the weirdest ones I had ever been on.

"We just passed Wendy's," I told her as she sped passed the fast food place. 

"That one was too crowded. We're going to the next."

I looked behind us. The parking lot was completely empty.


"She couldn't have just gone to lunch with me. I just brought her lunch!" I panicked as I ran down the hall towards her room. I threw open her door and groaned when I realized that nobody was in there. I rushed down the hall towards the staircase, and heard the door at the bottom close. With all my strength and ability, I leapt over the railing to the stairs and landed on the platform below, basically fucking up my ankle in the process.   

I continued to run and limp down the stairs until I reached the bottom. I swung open the door and ran along the side of the hospital until I saw a black SUV leave. Frigga sat in the passenger seat, fiddling with the radio as the other me sped from the lot. I yanked my new phone from my pocket and snapped as many pictures of the car as possible, while attempting to chase after it.

The car left my sight as I panted and tried my best to put my weight on my right foot. While my phone was still in my hand, I dialed Tony's number, tears threatening to pour over my eye rims with any given moment.

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