Chapter 23

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"Frigga, I don't have Isaac's phone number."

I gulped and looked down at the phone in my hands. The messages from Isaac still on the screen. I texted him back and asked which friend gave him my phone number.

Emily and I waited with anticipation for him to reply.

Isaac: Noah

Both of us sighed and I sat down my phone.

"Wanna go downstairs with me? I'm going to go see Darcy and Eric," I asked Emily.

"Sure," she shrugged and followed me out of the bedroom door. We both jogged down the stairs and into the living room. We turned right and opened up the basement door. I could hear them chatting downstairs as Emily followed behind me.

"Frig!" Darcy shouted and gave me a hug. "Hi Emily," she hugged my friend too.

"What are you guys working on?" I asked and rested my hands on the table.

"Something for Shield," my mother replied, her attention was completely focused on her work.

"Well what is it?" I pushed.

"Something important."

"Wanna tell me?"

"If I give you twenty bucks for ice cream will you go away," she rolled her eyes and dug her hand into her pocket.

"You know me so well mother," I said and took the bill she was handing me.

"Yea just don't get kidnapped on the way there," she rolled her eyes and waved her hand towards the stairs.

I laughed and bounded up the stairs with Emily.

"Sooo wanna go get ice cream?" I smiled at my best friend.

"You know me so well," she rolled her eyes as she quoted my words.

We both headed out the door and into the crisp October air. The sun was out but it wasn't too hot, it was moderately warm, making it perfect for a walk. Our shoes scuffed against the cement as we walked down the sidewalk. Houses decorated for Halloween gave us plenty to look at, making the walk not awkward at all. Of course I could never really be awkward with Emily, seeing as she is my best friend and knows everything about me.

"Interesting that people are already getting their decorations up. Considering there is still two more weeks until Halloween," Emily's voice cut through the silence.

"I know. My mom is going to put them up next week I think."

"So is my mom," she chuckled, "What are you doing for Halloween?"

"I dunno. I was thinking of just handing out candy cause I think I'm too old for getting candy this year."

"Why?! You have the best costume!" she exclaimed as we turned as corner. I guess she had a point, seeing as she was talking about the Iron Man suit.

"I thought of that. But I don't know if I'd want to use the suit," I said and kicked a rock into someone's lawn.

"That makes sense," she looked down at her shoes then back up and said, "You could use your training suit from Asgard? That would be so cool."

"That's actually a really good idea," I nodded as we turned to walk into the parking lot of the ice cream shop. The bell rang as we walked through the door. The inside of the shop was cold but not too cold. It was mostly empty except the bored employees and a father and daughter in the corner.

"What flavor do you want?" I ask when we made it to the counter.


Halloween was in exactly one week and I still didn't know what I was doing. I had however hung out quite a bit with Isaac lately. We've been to the park, the mall, and just hung out at my house. Emily is leaving Halloween weekend to visit her grandma and grandpa in Iowa. Which leaves me to spend Halloween with my mom and dad. I haven't asked Isaac what he's doing for Halloween though, I've been too nervous to.

"What are you thinking about?" Emily asked me as we walked home from school.


"I asked what you were thinking about," Emily rolled her eyes.

"Oh Isaac," I said honestly. Usually I would try a few lies first but she can tell when I'm lying.

"Really?" she said.

"Yea. I think I kinda like him," I shrugged.

"Well what about Noah?" she asked and walked a little closer to me to avoid a bush then moved back.

"I've hung out with Isaac more than I've hung out with Noah," I pointed out.

"True I guess," she nodded her head as we turned a corner. Soon enough we arrived at her house. Her house was always clean and never smelt like there was a meth lab brewing in the basement. My basement didn't exactly smell like a meth lab,

"I'm home!" Emily shouted.

"No body cares!" shouted back a deep voice. That would be her older brother Zack. He's usually in the kitchen or his room, there's no in between.

Emily only rolled her eyes and dropped her bag into the chair. I dropped mine on top of hers and followed. She flicked on the TV that sat on the counter and opened the fridge. I slid onto a stool and changed the channel.

"So what are you going to do about Isaac and Noah?" she asked.

"I have no idea yet," I honestly replied as I clicked on a new TV show that was about some people in space.

"I have an idea," she said and sat a container of ice cream on the counter.

"Oh no," I said, "Hope you didn't hurt yourself too bad thinking of that one."

She laughed, "Ouch, Frigga. Anyways what if you just find out what each of them are doing on Halloween then hang out with which ever situation seems more comfortable."

"Yea I thought of asking Isaac but I am kinda nervous to do that," I admitted.

"Why?" she sat down next to me and placed a bowl of ice cream in from of me.

"I dunno? I don't want him to think I am too clingy."

"Well what if I ask both of them for you then told you and you can decide who you want to hang out with. Then you can ask whoever to hang out."

"Oh no I can ask Noah myself," I said and took a bite of ice cream.

"Just not Isaac?"



Filler chapter sorry.

BBUUUTUT! within the next one-two chapters (hopefully one) things will get really really action packed and full of drama! I have something HUGE planned and it will basically be the biggest part if the story and tie it all together!

Anyways, vote and comment that means soooo much to me! I really want to know what all of your opinions are!

Arc reactor love and a Hulk hug! ❤


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