Chapter 30

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I added the picture to put less of a damper on this chapter, cause its depressing.


I've been here, in this tiny cramped and boring cell for two more days since I cussed out Isaac over the speaker system that he has wired to the room. I've been fed food that tasted weird, but everything I ate or drank had that metallic covering on it. I came to the conclusion that it was just how Dark Elves food was. Yesterday I put my suit back on, just to play around in and talk to JARVIS. Turns out JARVIS has checkers. I lost four games in a row.

But that's besides the point. Today was a weird day. I woke up sometime around mid day. You see my sleeping schedule was all fucked up now. I slept and woke up whenever I felt like it. I'll admit, it felt good to sleep for so long without having to worry about homework that I have due tomorrow. It's now November fifth, according to JARVIS. I had taken off my suit after I woke up, not realizing that I still had it on. As usual, after I woke up a container of food dropped from the ceiling tile along with some more metallic liquid.

Hours later, the door to my cell opened. I froze. The door to my cell has never opened. Maybe someone had come to save me. Maybe I was being set free. But if I was being set free then that means I wasn't a trap for my father anymore. Did they already kill him? Was I too late to stop it?

Instead Isaac walked carefully through the door, no guards, just him. I jumped up and held my ground.

"Calm Frigga. I'm just here to talk," he said and closed the door behind him.

"It's really stupid of you to come in here alone while I have my suit," I commented and relaxed a little. Knowing that the suit was here was much more refreshing.

"Just sit with me," he said and sat on the ground next to the door.

I stayed standing. I wanted the upper hand. "Where are your guards?"

"All of them are in bed for the night," he shrugged. I took a notice of how calm he was being, then slowly sat down across from him.

"So why are you here at night?" I asked.

"Why not? There's something I want to say," he admitted timidly. I nodded, encouraging him to continue. "I have always wanted to be the kind of leader my father was. Everything was always in order. But then I came to realize that he was the wrong kind of ruler. He was a bad ruler actually but he had been teaching me his ways. Making it the only thing I have ever known."

"Where is this going?" I wondered out loud.

"Be patient," he rolled his eyes. "There's no coming back from what I've done. I've done horrible, horrible things. And nothing will ever be better after this."

"What?" I asked, suddenly getting a depressing feeling, "Everything gets better. Everything is going to get better no matter what."

"I don't want words of encouragement. I want to just talk. And apologize."

"Talk about what," I quirked an eyebrow.

"Everything. I'm so so sorry. Frigga I'm so sorry," his eyes started to tear up.

"Dude calm down it's okay just let me go," I said becoming uncomfortable.

"No its not," a tear rolled down his cheek. "I'm so so so so sorry. It's all my fault. I'm sorry."

"Is my dad d-dead?" I cut straight to the point.

"No Frigga your father is very much alive. And I am so so sorry. Jal kahless Zhah waela."

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