Chapter 1

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I looked at myself in the mirror. My hair was light brown with small traces of a glistening blonde. It was shoulder length and wavy but I had straightened it to look better. I had piercing blue eyes that I was told I got from my father. A knock at my door interrupted my thoughts.

"Ready?" my mom asked as she popped her head in the door. I nodded and followed her out to the car.

Today was my first day of high school. I wasn't very excited to be a freshman.

"Okay, now remember what I told you," my mom said on the car ride.

"Of course. Control yourself Frigga, people may be a little frightened," I tried my best to mock her voice but ended up laughing with her.

Soon enough we pulled up outside the school. I hopped out of the car and was about to close it before my mom said, "Be careful. Try to control it."

I nodded and watched as she drove away. The schools hallways were crowded as I made my way to my locker and briskly opened it. I shoved in my school supplies and headed to my first class, Biology.

The bell rang and students shuffled to their seats as the teacher wrote his name on the board: Mr. Jones.

He started to call roll and I didn't pay attention until he said my name.

"Frigga...Frigga Foster," he seamed confused by my first name.

"Here," I raised my hand.

"Interesting name," he glanced at me over the clipboard and continued to read off names.

My name was interesting. I remember asking my mom about it once and she told me it was my grandmother's name. The grandmother that was on my father's side of the family. I didn't ask any more questions after that  because mom didn't like to talk about my dad. Even though I had never met him.


The rest of the day went by in a breeze and I soon found myself packing my homework into my bag. I glanced over when I saw a figure heading towards me. I recognized her as my friend Emily and smiled.

"Hey! Can you come over later?" she beamed.

"No, sorry, my mom and I are having some people over," I gave her a half smile.

"It's fine I'll just see you tomorrow," she smiled and walked off as I walked to my mom's car.

"Hey how was the first day? Meet anyone new? Did you use it? Oh please tell me you didn't. How was lunch? Was it ok? Wait you didn't use it right?" she pounded me with questions as we drive out of the parking lot.

"It was good. Not really. Lunch was good and I didn't use it," I answered all the questions.

"Good I'm glad," she stated as we pulled into the drive way.

The rest of the evening went by quick, considering there was nothing to do all day. Finally the doorbell rang and pulled me from my thoughts.

"I got it!" I shouted as I ran over to the door and yanked it open.

"Darcy!" I said as I jumped for a hug. Eric was with her and I also hugged him and led then inside. They were supposed to be doing some science stuff later with my mom and I. My mom had called then over this morning, last minute.

We walked downstairs and my mom immediately shoved a GPS device in her hand.

"Holy shit!" Darcy exclaimed, "The readings are crazy! Sorry for my language Frig," she apologized with a nick name. Me and Darcy have always been pretty close, she was kind of like my aunt.

"They've been like this ever since this morning," my mom said.

"What does it mean?" I asked, honestly confused. Buy my question went unanswered as Darcy showed Eric the monitor. Eric was kind off like my grandpa.

"Do you think he's come back?" asked Eric, sending the room into a dead silence.

"Who?" I piped up, breaking the silence.

"Uh-" Eric started by stopped when a loud knock was heard from upstairs.

My mom rushed up the stairs and I followed while Darcy and Eric took another look at the monitor. I was about to run around the corner but stopped and hid to see who my mom was talking to.

I could barely see the giant man covered in armor standing on my porch. Lightning and thunder filled the air and so did a storm that I didn't even notice roll in.

He had shoulder length blonde hair and icy blue eyes. He had a muscular build and was taller then my mom. A red cape fell down his back and he held a giant hammer in his hand.

"What, what are you doing here?" my mom stammered.

"I have come to see you, and her," he added.

"I don't think that's a very good idea. Darcy and Eric are over to do science work and she is with them," my mom explained.

"I demand to see her, she is my daughter," he sounded formal and looked up as I walked over to them.

"Frigga I think you should be downs-" I ignored her and cut her off with my own question directed towards the man.


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