Chapter 40

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All I rememeber is running as fast and as far as I possibly could. As soon as my mom and I left that building, I booked it to my right. I had no idea where I was going, as long as it was away from here. I heard my mom call my name and start chasing after me, yet I kept going. I was dodging bushes, walls and other people. My arc reactor was acting up, making me wince every time I took another step. But I had to keep going, I mean I had no other choice now. The Hydra camp is surrounded with a tall, dark grey, thick brick wall. I took a sharp turn to dodge a guard and found myself headed straight for one.

I couldn't climb it or jump it, there was nothing around to propel myself up with. I couldn't turn and run along the wall, I had to get out now. So I took a deep breath, braced myself, and ran straight into the bricks. To my luck, my plan worked and I shattered a hole in the wal with my strength. Unfortunately I tripped and landed among the bricks. My head was pounding and my arm was throbbing. I stood up, weary and my vision was blurry. Yet I ran. I ran as fast and as far as I possibly could.



"Do you have the address?" I asked as I yawned. Six in the morning is too early for this shit.

"It's already in the GPS," Bruce told me and buckled himself into the back seat. Natasha was in the back with Bruce and Thor was sitting shotgun. I'm guessing you can tell where we're going, so I'm not going to explain that much. Natasha had a few guns on her, Bruce had one as well. Thor was dressed casually and not in his weird space shit, yet his mjolnir was on the floor in between his feet. And me? Well of course my suit was in a suitcase in the trunk. We didn't let Jane tag along becasue we didn't want to basically drive her to her daughters funeral. Or possibly one of ours.

I drove out of the parking lot of Stark towers and followed Jarvis' directions.


"Shut the fuck up!" I shouted and hit the steering wheel.

"She will not cease the act of kicking my seat!" Thor yelled back at me. He turned around to face her, "Like a toddler!"

"Well there's no leg room!" She kicked the passenger seat once more.

"I'm a big man!" Thor yelled.

"Or a big woman!" she fired back.

"You're just green with envy because my hair is better than yours," he huffed. Bruce busted up in laughter until Natasha smacked his arm.

We had already been driving for two and a half hours and everybody was annoying the hell out of me. According to Jarvis we were about half way there. I sighed with relief when I saw a run-down gas station at the side of the road. I quickly turned into the parking lot and pulled up to the gas.

I jumped from the car and leaned agaisnt the door, my anxiety having the best of me right now. The other fuckers got out and I felt a weight be lifted from my shoulders as they walked inside. I pumped gas into the SUV and watched them wander around the Quick Stop.

After awhile they came back out with bags, upon bags, full of snacks.

"Ready?" I asked as I finished pumping gas.

"We got you an Arizona," Bruce tossed me the can as we got in the car. Everyone climbed back into their regular seats as I started the car and pulled out of the parking lot. I wasn't sure how much more of this bullshit I could take right now. I really just wanted to invade that camp and destroy Hydra right now. Is that too much to ask?

Daughter of ThorOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz