Chapter 33

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"Get the fuck out! You can't make me talk about anything! I won't! I demand to see Tony!"

"Sedate her. Now."

•One Hour Earlier•

"Alright that should stop the pressure that the metal is causing. If you get anymore headaches within the next few hours then let me know," Lindy said as she finished injecting the shot into my arm. I have had killer headaches all day. She wiped my arm with a sanitation pad then pressed in a Band-Aid.

"Thank you," I smiled.

"Also, SHIELD is coming in about forty five minutes," and with that she left the room.

I didn't want to be interrogated by Nick Fury anymore that I was yesterday. I didn't want to talk about Isaac and he couldn't make me. That's a human right or something...right?

The time on my phone told me it was 2:46 and that I had a new text from Noah. I smiled to myself and unlocked my phone.

Noah: How's my hospital stricken girl? (;

He had been texting me since last night and I was so grateful for it. I was kinda upset that I didn't get to see Noah or Emily recently so the two of them are planning a day to come visit.

To Noah: Tired (: what about you?

I was more nervous than I should be about my SHIELD meeting. The television that was on my hospital wall was playing re-runs of Last Chance Home. Some TV show that Emily and I were obsessed with until they stopped the series. I stared at the television, not even paying attention to the show, but just thinking. I thought about all my time on Asgard, and how powerful I had felt with the mjolnir in my hand. I thought about the way my suit made me feel. The strength and courage that it bestowed upon me. I thought about how I was the one that captured Dean Smith. But also how I was one of the factors that caused him to escape.

Before I knew it, it was 3:30 and a knock was at my door. I flicked off my television and walked over to the door.

"They're here," Lindy informed me then walked across the hall to Kirsten's room. As I walked down the hallway, time seemed to pass more slowly than it should have. This is it. No turning back, I told myself as I prepared myself for every possible scenario. I prepared myself to talk about Isaac and to apologize. Only if that was necessary. There is no way in hell I would apologize if I didn't need to, I had a right to be upset.

I turned the corner and saw Nick Fury, Agent Hill, two guards from SHIELD and none other than Tony Stark.

"Toaster!" I shouted and ran at him. He turned to face me and his face broke out in the biggest grin. I ran and jumped into his open arms. He caught me and have me a bear hug as he spun me around. The joyus hug only lasted for a moment though before be put me down and grabbed my shoulders.

"I am so glad to see you!" He grinned.

"Happier than you are to see tequila after a long Monday?" I replied.

"Touché Frigster, touché," he smirked and slapped my shoulder.

Fury cleared he throat, making everyone look at him, "If we may begin the interview. I don't want this to take any long than it needs to." I nodded and we all followed him into the same conference room from yesterday. Expect this time the blinds in the windows were pulled, so we didn't have a view of into the hallway.

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