Chapter 16

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I remember being little and being different from everyone else my age. I mean I could lift my mothers car. That's not normal. I remember thinking I was the odd man out, I was the weirdo, I was the different one. My mom did her best to explain to me that it was good to be different. She did her best to tell me that there was a reason I was different, and I thought it was so horribly awful to be so different. I remember thinking I was going no where. I thought I could be so great and be a hero. Like in all of the movies and books. But I was me, just me, and I was different. I couldn't do anything about that.

But now I can.

All I had to do was lift the purple, silk cloth that rested on top of this box, and I could reveal my destiny.

Never once did I think I would be standing in front of the King of Asgard, trying to comprehend what my destiny would be. Finally, after all these years I could understand why I was so different. But what if it wasn't what I expected.

"Go on Frigga," my father nudged me. I snapped back into reality and glanced up at him then looked back at the box. I lifted my shaking hand to the cloth and gripped the corner. I re-thought everything that could be under this box.

A book?

Some ancient paper?

A amulet?

All at once I ripped the cloth off the box. What was in the box was something I could never have thought of.

What was in the box was a second Mjolnir. It was sleek, smooth black. Everything was black, the handle, and the metal. The leather strap on the handle was a deep maroon color and the words engraved on the side were also tinted in the maroon.

Whoever holds this hammer, if be worthy, shall posses the power of Frigga.

I beamed into a bright smile. The quote on the side was perfect. I hadn't even touched it yet but I felt a strong pull towards it. More than the pull that my fathers mjolnir had on me. I felt like I needed to touch it to be satisfied.

"Go on Frigga," Odin coaxed, "Open the box."

"A-Are you sure?" I asked.

"Of course. It is yours. It was welded specifically for you," he smiled.

I opened the top of the box and the pulling feeling slightly faded. But not much. My shaking hand reached into the box until my fingers brushed across the cool black handle. I shivered, the pulling feeling almost got by now. Suddenly I wrapped my fingers around the handle and the feeling disappeared all together.

I lifted my hammer from the box with ease as a loud ringing noise echoed throughout the castle. My mom covered her ears, my father and grandfather beamed with pride and Loki smirked and gave me a thumbs up. I felt my cheeks form into the biggest smile ever as I ran my thumb along the black metal. It was so shiny and perfect. I loved it.

"I-I love it," was all I could say.

"Good I'm glad you do," my grandfather smiled, "Now since it is nearing dark, I will have a guard escort you to your rooms. I shall see you all in the morning for breakfast. Goodnight and humble sleep my family!"

With that he left the area and so did we. As we were walking through the long, Asgardian hallways, my mother spoke up.

"You know with that mjolnir comes great responsibility."

"Yea mom," I smiled, "I know." I was still staring at it. Memorizing every little detail about it.

"I expect good things to come from that. Understood?"

"Yes," I nodded. My mother and father waked into my fathers room. Which was his originally, not just a guest room. Now it was just Loki and I then another guard. The guard led me to my room, which was at the end of the hall and Loki walked to the floor above us, which was his room.

My guest room was huge. The ceiling had a giant chandelier and the floor was hard wood. There was a glass door that led to a balcony and maroon curtains covering that. The bed and rest of the furniture was made of a light colored wood. The bed sat in the center of the room, just right of the balcony doors. Next to the bed was a night stand and a maroon lamp sat on that.

The bed was made with maroon sheets and a big, soft tan blanket sat in top. There was more white, maroon, and tan throw pillows than I could count. The dresser was opposite the bed and was made of the same wood. It had a mirror and plenty of drawers. My luggage sat around it. Then on the wall to my far right was two doors. One led to a classy red, tan and white themed bathroom. The other was a closet full of dresses and clothes.

A note on the door of the closet said:

Frigga's Asgardian wear.
This room belongs to you, enjoy.

I smiled brightly and walked over to my bed. I placed the mjolnir on the nightstand and walked over to my bags.

Now it's time to put this place to the real test. I carefully took out my phone and turned it on.

Yes! It has Wi-Fi!


Hey guys look at this!? Two updates! What is this?!

Sorry it's a bit of a short chapter... More of a filler really..

I just wanted to get this chapter up and hopefully make another one soon. In the next chapter Frigga will start her adventures in Asgard! Yay!

Btw I've come across a lot of people pronouncing Frigga's name,

But actually it's pronounced f-r-i-gga.

Anyway I will be dedicating this chapter to the lovely @sativa0319 for being the first to guess what Frigga's gift was! Be sure to go follow her, because I am going to right after this chapter is up!

Arc Reactor love and a Hulk Hug! ❤


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