Chapter 7

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"For...For me?!" I stuttered. "Tony I'm afraid of heights I don't even know how I'll be able to fly I'm that."

"Relax, Spazoid. There's nothing to be worried about," he patted my shoulder, "Jarvis. Rename suit 13 'Frigga's Suit' then prepare it for wearing on the landing deck."

After he finished talking, I felt my phone buzz in my pocket.

Mom <3

I quickly answered it.


"Frigga I heard you and your father come home, where are you?!" she panicked into the phone.

"I- Uh. Dad and I sorta... kinda... maybe, went to Stark Towers."

"You what? Why didn't you tell me I could have drove you there. Wait how did you get there? Don't tell me he did the thing, with the hammer where he goes woosh," she rambled.

"Mom," I laughed, "The woosh thing?"

"Oh shut up yes the woosh thing," I could hear her smile.

"Yea that's how we got here," I said.

"Do you know how incredibly dangerous that is? Darcy, Eric and I are coming over there right now."

"Oh. Ok then."

"Bye, love you," she said.

"Love you," I replied before hanging up.

I followed Tony back into the elevator and up to the place we came from. He took me out onto the "Landing Deck" and told me to stand on a certain circle.

"Why?" I questioned.

"You have a lot of nerve questioning Tony Stark, now do as your told," he smirked.

"Meow," I said as I stood on the circle. He shot me a playful glare and stuck out his tongue.

"What are you doing with her?" Steve asked.

"Something cool. Now shut up and watch Sparkles," Tony said.

I laughed as everyone gathered around and watched. Suddenly the platform shifted and mechanical arms came from the floor, holding pieces of the suit.

I held my breath as the pieces surrounded me like a puzzle. It happened quickly and soon enough I was in the entire out fit.

"Whoa," I whispered under my breath. A mask covered my face and I looked up to see the same thing happening to Tony.

After he was fully armored, he walked over to me, "Ready?"

"For what?" I asked, finding it easy to talk and breathe in the suit. A screen appeared in my vision and a circle targeted Tony. A square popped up next to him and have me the basics, like name and age and such.

"To fly of course!"

I looked down. Even though there wasn't a Arc Reactor impaled into my chest, the suit still glowed right there. I looked up and gave him a small nod. I was as ready as I'd ever be.

"Ok follow me," Tony ran and jumped off the building. I ran to follow him but stopped at the edge. I watched as Tony was free falling for a moment before he blasted back towards the tower.

"Come on Short Stuff," he hovered in front of me, "It's easy and completely safe."

"How about we just start small? Like hovering or flying to the roof or something?" I asked, nervousness laced in my voice.

"Sometimes you have to run before you can walk."

With that he flew upwards.

I backed up a few steps before running and jumping. Remember that fear of heights? Yea well I didn't think this through. I found myself falling towards the street. Shit how do I work this thing?!

I tried to think about flying. Suddenly I veered upwards and towards the deck. I passed that and caught up to Tony. This wasn't as hard as I thought. I slightly lost my balance when I looked down to see everyone gathered on the deck, looking at us.

"Now I'm going to teach you about fun," Tony's voice came through my helmet, "Follow me."

Jane's POV

I tapped my foot in the elevator as Darcy, Eric, and I rode up. Finally the doors opened and I stepped out onto the deck.

"Where's my daughter?" I asked. Slightly infuriated that Thor had the nerve to fly her here.

"Jane!" shouted Steve. He was always so sweet, "How are you?"

"I'm good. You?" I questioned.

"I'm fine. Oh by the way. Frigga she uh..."

Suddenly two figures zoomed passed the deck then shot upwards. My jaw dropped as they purposely fell then shot upwards again.

"Is that..." I said, stunned.

"Our daughter," Thor confirmed.

"What the hell?!" I shouted.

"You have to admit, she's pretty good," said Clint. I just stood and stared. I watched as the bigger figure (Tony) stopped the smaller one (Frigga) and pointed to me. Frigga nodded and the two of them flew towards us and landed.

Frigga popped her mask open and ran towards me, "Mom look what Tony made for me!"

I nodded to her, "Go show Darcy and Eric," I said then turned towards Tony, "Explain."

"Well...uh...Shit," Tony sighed.


Oh my gosh! I loved every single one of you comments! I love reading your comments they make me so happy and make me want to update more so please comment!

Thank you very much (:

Love y'all! (Now I'm Country)


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