Chapter 20

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"Frigga Jane Foster!!!!" a voice boomed, waking me up and causing me to sit up fast.

The door to my room opened and in walked my father covered in orange juice with wet socks followed by my mother with equally drenched socks. My dad's face was red confirming that he was angry and my mother looked too tired for what was going on. The orange juice made my father's hair look tangled and made it stick to his scalp.

I tried not to laugh as I said, "Yes Father?"

"Where art Loki," he placed his hands on his hips.

"Upstairs in his room," I said and my chin wobbled as I tried not to smile.

"LOKI!" he boomed and turned from my room. My mom just stayed with me. She looked me dead in the eye and walked over to my bed causing me to gulp. She knew I helped with the prank. Hell it was probably written all over my face. This woman is my mom, of course she knows. She knows everything.

"Orange juice. Really?" she sighs and sits on the bed. I gulped and she continued, "You could have at least used something clever," she cracked a smile.

"Sorry mom," I laughed while saying it.

"What about syrup and then feathers," she rolled her eyes and laughed with me.

"Too main stream," I laughed.

Suddenly my father and Loki walked into the room, except my dad was dragging Loki by his ear.

"Ow ow ow ow ow ow," Loki whined as he desperately tried to pull from his older brothers grasp and smacked his hand. My dad let go and smack his arm. Loki shoved him and my dad shoved him back.

"Boys!" My mom put her arms out at her sides dramatically.

"Loki is the one who has pranked us," My dad crossed his arms.

Loki grinned like a menace as my mom looked at me, which caught my fathers attention and he looked at me to.

"You pranked us as well?" he knitted his eyebrows and turned his head slightly.

"The wet socks and face drawing was my idea," I scratched my head and got out of bed.

"Face drawing?" my dad asked and turned to face my mirror. My mom followed after him and laughed when she saw herself. Loki snickered as my dad clenched his teeth.

"Oh calm down it was just a bit of fun," my mom smacked his arm. He looked back in the mirror and laughed a little at his appearance.

"Get prepared for training Frigga," he said and laughed.

"Ugh," I groaned, "It's like seven in the morning."

My father turned and kissed my mother, despite the orange juice in his hair and the marker on his face. Loki and I both groaned in disgust and looked away.

"Okay! Okay! I'll get ready!" I huffed and shoved them all from my room.

I rubbed my eyes and groaned at the morning events before locking my door and going straight to my closet to find my training outfit. It was clean and ready to train in. I slipped on the material and laced up my boots. I grabbed my mjolnir from my desk and headed from the room. I remembered my way out to the training grounds and found Arthur waiting for my father and I. By the looks of it I was the first one out here and my father was probably inside showering.

I stood next to Arthur and made small talk about the morning and my mjolnir until something hit me with a lot of force from the back causing me to face plant.

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