Chapter 12

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"Toaster I need to go for I ride!" I shouted and dropped my bag in the chair. Mom had drove me here after school, I was really mad at Mr. Williams and Stark Towers was where I wanted to be.

"Just go out to the landing deck and suit up!" he called from the hall, "I'll be out in a bit!"

I huffed and jogged out to the landing deck and stood on the circle, "Jarvis, suit me up please."

"Right away ma'am," the voice of JARVIS said. Robotic arms emerged from the platform and pieced together my suit. Tony walked out onto the deck as soon as I blasted off. But I didn't care, he would catch up soon enough... That is if the flight wasn't too long for him.


"It was so embarrassing though!" I groaned and took another lick of ice cream.

"I bet," Tony nodded, "Passing notes though? That's so cliché Mini Me, you should know better."

"Well it's not like I could tell him in person," I explained, "That's just awkward."

He nodded and looked out at the view. The view from the top of the Eiffel Tower is absolutely gorgeous. I've been to Paris once with my mom and decided that it seemed like a good place to go to calm down. My suit clanked against the metal as I shifted over a little bit.

"Boys are stupid," he shook his head and licked his ice cream. Just as he did the scoop of ice cream fell out of the cone and fell 1,060 feet to the ground below.

I laughed harder than I've laughed all day as Tony stared at the ground in shock. He sighed and took my ice cream.

"Hey!" I complained as he licked it.

"Its mine now! I already licked it," he stuck his tongue out causing me to chuckle a little. I listened to the sound of Paris and watched the night sky.

"Ready to go Grumpy?" Tony flicked down the mask on his suit.

"I'm not grumpy!" I mimicked his actions and stood up.

"Whatever grumpy pants," he hovered a little.

"Whatever Toaster," I said, "Race ya?"


Toaster: Liar. I won.

Me: No I touched the tower first!

Toaster: I made it to the city first

I laughed to myself as I was texting Tony and walking to school. Mom wasn't very happy that I just took off to Paris...well without her that is.

Once I walked into the school it was like every pair of eyes was on me. I could feel my face heating up as I heard murmurs throughout the crowd. I looked down and quickly made my way to my locker, where I saw Emily waiting for me.

"Did you see the news?" she immediately asked.

"N-No...why?" I was suddenly nervous.

"Hold on," she unlocked her tablet and pulled up the news on it then handed it to me. I scrolled through article after article of me. There was a picture of Tony and I on the Eiffel Tower from last night. In another one was a picture of my dad and I walking to school. One picture was from my Instagram and another was of my mom and I at the store.

What the actual fuck?

Before I could say anything to Emily, Noah walked over to us.

"Hey guys," he waved at us.

"Hey," Emily and I said simultaneously.

"Oh you're lookin at the news huh?" he nodded towards the tablet.

"Oh uh yea," I gave it back to Emily.

"Sorry about getting caught in Mr.Williams class yesterday," he apologized and shuffled his feet.

"It's okay. It's just as much my fault as it was yours," I shrugged. The bell rang, signaling that it was time for class so Emily and I walked off to Biology. I took a seat next to Emily and as I sat down I could hear low murmurs throughout the room. I shrugged it off and started the bell ringer.  Mr. Jones started the a long and boring lecture on biochemistry as I zoned out.

I was ripped from my thoughts when the door swung open with a large amount of force and hit the wall behind it. My father walked into the room wearing his Asgardian attire with the mjolnir in one hand.

Several gasps were heard and I sighed.

"I am here for the one we call Frigga Foster!" his voice boomed through the room. I stood up, "Right here dad."

"SHIELD has requested to meet you so gather your things and follow me," he waved his hand out the door.

Every pair of eyes was on me as I shuffled out of the room. I stopped at my locker and got my backpack then followed my father outside. Heads poked out of classroom doors as we walked outside. Half the school probably followed us over to the doors. Tony was waiting in a black mustang for us. I opened up the back doors and tossed my bag in first.

"Ay! Wait! Don't get in!" Tony hollered, "Grab that suitcase!"

I reached down onto the floor to retrieve a small gold and red suitcase.

"It's your suit," Tony nodded at me thought the rear view mirror, "Put it on."

I did as I was told and opened the case then tossed it on the ground. I placed my feet on the indicated foot marks and watched as most of the school recorded my actions with their phones. The familiar metal formed its way around my body and my mask flicked closed. I turned to look at Tony and he gave me a thumbs up so I blasted upwards and towards Stark Industries. I heard cameras flashing and cheers as I flew out of the school parking lot.

Before I landed on the deck I noticed two black Hummers parked on the curb. That must be SHIELD.

The feet of my suit met the concrete of the deck with a clank and I walked into the building as JARVIS removed my suit. By the time I was

inside I was left in my Converse, jeans and my T-shirt.

"Frigga Foster," a deep voice said. I looked over to see a tall man with a bald head and an eye patch.

"Yes Sir. That's me," I smiled.

"Hello I am director Nick Fury and this is my assistant, Agent Hill," he gestured towards a lady with brown hair that was dressed in all black, "We're just here to ask you a few questions."



SHIELD is apart of everything now! That means Frigga has to keep her secret from them! To you know what Frigga's secret power type thing is or do I have to make it more obvious? Let me know!

Much Love! ❤


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