Chapter 8

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Frigga's POV

"Darcy look what I got!" I shouted.

"That's great kiddo! I saw you flying just a minute ago," she said.

"Watch I can do it again!" I ran and jumped off the deck and just free fell for a moment. I don't think I was afraid of heights anymore. As I got close to the ground, I blasted back upward.

"Look at you, a little dare devil," Eric said as I landed. I laughed and looked over at my mom and Tony. Mom seemed to be upset and Tony was scratching his neck. 

"What's the matter?" I asked as my dad walked over to me.

"Your mother would like you to take off the suit," he explained.

"Why?" I asked.

"She believes it is not safe for you."

I looked over at my mom and Tony just as he started to walk towards me, "Ok I talked your mom in to letting you keep the suit. But we have to put them away for now. She said you could come back tomorrow."

"Really?" I was excited to come back.

He nodded in response and we headed to the platform so JARVIS could take the suit off of me.


Back home my mom quickly made spaghetti and we sat down to eat.

"So do you and Emily still want to have a sleep over this weekend?" my mom asked.

"Yea," I said, "But if not then that's fine."

"Well Darcy wants me to go to a science expo with her this weekend."

"Where at?"

"Just on the other side of the city. But there will be different booths and exhibits each day so I would be home from Friday morning to Sunday night. And I think Eric wanted to set up our own booth," she explained.

"Ok," I simply replied.

"You and Emily could just come with us, or maybe plan it for another weekend. I could also not go, I wasn't sure about going anyways."

"Well what if dad just watched us," I shrugged and popped my fork in my mouth.

At this his head popped up.

"What?" they said in usion.

"Yea, what if mom went to her nerdy expo and dad stayed here to watch us," I explained.

"I don't think that's a very good idea."

"That's a great idea!" my dad said at the same time.

"I can look after them there is nothing to fret about," he explained

"Are you sure?" she asked both of us.


"Tony!" I shouted. I ran outside of the school and gave Tony a hug. Why did he come pick me up after school instead of my mom?

"Hey you ready to go?" he asked.

"Yea how come you came instead of my mom?" I asked as we walked to his car.

"So we can get started on your practie, duh. And everyone else is back at Stark Tower's so we better go now."

I nodded as we hopped in the car and started to drive. After 20 minutes of Tony's sarcasm and my witty comments, we made it back to Stark Towers. Sure enough everyone was there. Including my mom, Darcy and Eric. Apparently my mom wanted to watch me practice, even though she wasn't too fond of the idea.

As soon as I was in my suit, I met Tony on the deck. I followed as he blasted into the air and them randomly dropped. I watched as he did it over and over again.

"How can you be so care free? Aren't you afraid you will drop?" I asked him through our helmets.

"You just got to trust yourself. Race you?" He challenged.

"Oh its on."


Sorry guys I feel like this was barely a chapter. It was more like a filler chapter, and its a late update. So sorry.

But please comment and vote still (: I love reading all of your comments! (:

Arc Reactor Love (;


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