Chapter 21

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•One Week Later•


"Swing left!" Arthur yelled.

I swung my mjolnir to the left but my dad narrowly missed it. I ducked as he swung back and I stuck my leg out, causing him to trip. I held my mjolnir up and let it take me into the air. My dad followed behind seconds later.

"That is enough practice for this evening," Arthur called up to us. My dad and I huffed simultaneously and landed.

"I am pleased to say that Frigga has done very well with her training and can now fight you,"  Arthur said , "I will now allow King Odin and Miss Jane out to watch you two duel."

We nodded as Arthur ran inside. Tonight was the last night in Asgard, we were to leave by tonight. We had already stayed for a few extra days. So today was a Sunday, meaning I had school in the morning and my mom wouldn't let us stay longer because she didn't want me to miss more school than I already had. All of out bags were packed already and I got to take my training outfit home with me. Also I got to take an Asgardian vase and a blanket, which were gifts from Odin.

Arthur returned shortly with my mom and grandfather. They went straight over to the side of the yard where a bench was placed. The two of them sat down and Arthur told us we could start.

My dad and I both knew the rules of dueling by now. So we each used our mjolnir to go to the other side of the court yard.

"Begin!" Arthur shouted.

My father and I looked at each other he swung his hammer around his head and threw it at me. I jumped over it, using my mjolnir and then came back down and stepped on it just as my father had summoned it back to him. My feet stayed put on the mjolnir even though I was flying across the courtyard. I positioned my mjolnir just right so as soon as my dad clutched the handle, my mjolnir hit him square in the gut. I heard my mom clap from where she was sitting and I rolled my eyes, yet I turned to smiled at her.

My dad must have took that as his chance and swung his hammer sat me, causing me to fly back towards the other half of the field.

"Thor!" my mom screamed at him.

"Its fine mom!" I groaned and stood up. I grabbed both of our mjolnirs and threw them both towards my dad. He dodged mine but got hit in the leg by his, causing him to fall flat on his face.

"Okay that's enough!" my mom yelled, "Frigga you can fight your father, great, now stop hitting each other."

"But there has not been a winner announced!" My dad slumped his shoulders and kicked at the dirt.

"Yes well we have to get home and frankly I don't like watching my daughter and her father hurt each other!"

"But it doesn't even hurt!" I whined.

"Inside. Now," she huffed and headed inside. My father and I looked at each other and just laughed.


"Goodbye," I hugged my grandfather as we stood on the Bifrost, ready to go back to Midgard.

"Frigga hurry now," my father said. I nodded and ran up onto the platform to give Heimdall a hug too. He chuckled as I waved and ran down to my mother and father. Loki was to stay here in Asgard for a little bit, until he decided to visit us again.

Heimdall stuck his sword in place and the golden sphere around us began to shift. There was a flash of light and a gust of wind. My feet landed lightly on a platform and our luggage followed.

"Point Break!" I heard a familiar voice call, "Frigster!"

"Toaster!" I yelled and ran into a hug.

"What are you doing back? What makes you think I'm ready to deal with you again?" he rolled his eyes and took a sip of some drink he had been holding.

"The fact that you've had nobody to fly with this past week," I crossed my arms over my chest and rolled my eyes just like him.

He laughed and wrapped an arm around my shoulder, "Good to have someone just as sarcastic as me."

"I'll get you bags," Steve said and walked over to our bags. My dad lifted two of them from the ground and Steve grabbed one and reached for another. Except he couldn't lift this one of the ground/ He tried a second time but still couldn't lift it.

"Sorry Cap," I laughed, "That one had my mjolnir in it."

"Oh," Steve's cheeks turned a pastel shade of pink.

I laughed and walked over to my suitcase and lifted it with ease.

"Speaking of your hammer, let us see it!" Tony exclaimed and sat on one of the chairs on the deck.

I nodded and pulled the black weapon from my suitcase. It seemed to shine, even though it was getting darker outside. Well maybe it only shined for me.

"Wow," Steve smiled and Tony whistled.

"Imagine using that with your suit, Mini Me," Tony nodded his head and took another swing of his drink. My imagination buzzed at the thought and I smiled.

"Its about time we get home," my mom said.

"Ooh can I use my mjolnir to get home? Like dad does?" I pleaded.

"It'd be a shame to say no," Tony butted in and shrugged, "Let her learn." He stood from his seat and walked back into the tower.

"Why not," she smiled and shrugged.

"Yes!" I cheered and thruster my mjolnir into the air. I smiled to myself as it took my upwards.


Sorry, short chapter, but here's the moment you've all been waiting for.....

Drumroll please!

The actress for Frigga Jane Foster is Ciara Bravo!!

Thank you for all that voted but, don't think I forgot, the first person to vote for Ciara Bravo was : ruff1258

This chapter will be dedicated to her and go follow her because I am going to right now!

* dramatic pause as I follow ruff1258 *

Have a great day!

Arc Reactor love and a Hulk hug! ❤


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