Chapter 15

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"Frigga hurry up!" my mom called from downstairs.

"Coming!" I shouted back. I threw my backpack over my shoulders and then grabbed my suitcase and wobbled into the hallway. Loki was also in the hallway so he kindly took my suitcase and followed me out the door. Once we were all outside we started piling everything into the car. It was a mess but welcome to my family.

Mom quickly drove us down to Stark Towers where Tony and Steve helped us get our bags. We took separate rides in the elevator until we were all up the the deck. The deck had been completely cleared off so we could use the Bifrost.

"If this breaks my deck you're building me a new one," Tony said and sipped his drink as we pulled the luggage into and invisible circle.

"Building or Buying?" I asked as I helped my mom drag another suitcase over.

"Building," Tony confirmed and looked up at the sky.

I looked up there to as swirling winds formed. My mother grabbed my arm and my dad grabbed hers as Loki held onto my other arm. The winds  were grayish and got closer and closer to us until finally...


And 'woosh' is the only thing I can use to describe that feeling. It happened to fast. It was like the feeling of standing up too fast. But then it quickly subsided as I felt my feet hit the ground. My mother, father and Loki were still holding on to me as I looked up. I was in a golden, circular space. On a platform a few feet away was a man wearing a golden helmet with his sword plunged into a slot. Outside I could see non other than space.

"Thor!" the man boomed.

"Heimdall!" my father replied in an equally loud voice.

Heimdall... I think I read about him somewhere.

"And this is she, is it not?" The man said and raised his hand towards me.

"Ah it is," my father gave me a very proud look, "Frigga Jane Foster I would like you to meet Heimdall."

"How art thou?" Heimdall asked and shook my hand. He had dazzling gold eyes that reflected the stars across them.

"Very good," I said and smiled.

"I'll let you be on your way," he said to all of us and stepped into the platform, "King Odin awaits your arrival."

We all said Thanks and grabbed our luggage then headed down the rainbow trail. The colors gleamed and glistened as we walked. Silver strands ran through it like electricity.

Finally we walked into the busy streets of Asgard. People recognized Thor and Loki. They surprisingly also recognized my mother and I. We hopped into the back of a carriage where they took us to the most amazing castle I've ever seen. It was entirely gold and gleamed whichever way you looked at it. Immediately Three men came to take our luggage, promising that it would be in our rooms. We walked into the castle together and I was glad everyone else seemed to know where they were going because I had no idea. But somehow we ended up in front of the throne.

Odin sat, awaiting our arrival. On the table next to him he had a purple cloth draped over a clear box, but I couldn't see what was under it.

"Father!" My dad shouted. Loki only nodded and my grandfather looked at me.

"Frigga," he smiled.

"Hi," I waved, suddenly nervous. He stood from his throne and came down a few steps so he was standing directly in front of me.

"It's an honor to meet you, granddaughter," he shook my hand and pulled me into a hug.

"You too, grandfather."

"Now Frigga I've heard a myth about you," he looked away and held my shoulders.

"Like what?" I raised an eye brow.

"That you are able to lift your father's mjolnir."

"That's true," I stated. My father walked over to me and held out the hammer. Which I took into my own hands and my grandpa gasped.

"So it is true," he looked at the mjolnir, then me, then my dad, "I have a gift for you!" He cheered with a happy look on his face then retrieved the covered box and brought it over to me.

"Go on," he said and held the box towards me, "Reveal your destiny."



Hey guys! First person to guess what Frigga's gift is gets a chapter dedication!

Oh my god...sorry for not updating in awhile I literally had no motivation what so ever. But then a few of you commented and voted so I figured I write something!

So moral of the authors note is, Comment and Vote! It motivates me!

Arc Reactor Love and a Hulk Hug! ❤



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