Chapter 11

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"I was gone for one fucking weekend and you got discovered and the god of mischief just happened to stop by!" my mother yelled. She was pacing the living room and my father and I sat on the couch. Loki sat in the chair.

"Ma'am if-" Loki began.

"Not now Loki!" my mom yelled.

"How could Tony and you be so careless and get seen!?" she targeted me.

"I'm sorry mom. I didn't think it would be that big of a deal that people knew I had a suit," I said. I had always been respectful of my mom so I immediately apologized.

She sighed and bent down I'm front of me, "Then you need to hide your strength from them."

I nodded and she continued, "Because they will most certainly so experiments on you."

Ok that definitely scared me and made me feel queasy inside. I didn't want experiments done on me.

"Did you guys already have dinner?" my mother sighed.

"Yes we have. Frigga has shown us this marvelous called take out," my dad sad.

My mom smiled and rolled her eyes them walked into the basement. She carried a backpack and a bag with her full of stuff from the nerd expo.

"I'll be upstairs," I said and ran up to my room. As I opened the door I sighed at the fact that I should probably start cleaning my room. I turned on Pandora and turned it up loud enough for me to listen to, but not loud enough that you could hear it from the basement.


It should be illegal for Monday's to come that fast. Because before I knew it, my dad was walking me to school.

"Bye," I said as I walked across the street.

"Farewell," my father  stopped and watched me cross.

Once I got inside the school I was overwhelmed by the crowded hall way. I barely made it to my locker to see Emily standing there, waiting for me.

"Hey!" she chirped, "What's new? I have news."

"Actually so do I but you go first," I wanted to procrastinate telling her. I decided on the walk here that I would tell her about me being spotted in my suit. I mean she is my best friend and all, it's not like she would do experiments on me.

"Ok ayanyways look at this," she handed me her tablet with the latest news pulled up on it. Sure enough it was a picture of Tony and I flying this weekend, "Cool huh? I thought it was."

"Actually," I said nervously as I got my books for class, "That's what I wanted to talk to you about. That's, uh, that's me. And nobody should know that."

"What?" she asked.

"That mini Iron Man," I pointed to the picture, "Is me."

"I figured!" she exclaimed, "It's it cool you're in the news though?"

I just shook my head, "I'm not supposed to be."

 The bell rang and we walked into Biology. That class went by quick and so did the next two classes until I was I'm History.

History is the class that Emily and I have with Noah, and I was nervous as fuck. The bell rang and I noticed there was a few empty seats around the class room, but Noah wasn't to be seen. Phew.

"Mr. Hatch you're late," said our history teacher, Mr.Williams.

"Sorry sir," he sat down in the empty desk next to me and winked. I rolled my eyes.

"Okay class today we are starting a movie so I'll turn off the lights. Ten notes," the teacher said and flicked off the lights.

The movie began and a folded up piece of paper got thrown on my desk. I unfolded it and read the words sprawled across it.

So Foster, what did you want to tell me?

I looked over to see a crooked smile painted across his face. I wrote a reply.

You remember that?

I shot him a smirk when he read it and he just rolled his eyes.

Yup positive, now you said you would tell me..

I huffed in annoyance and wrote my reply.


You know that mini Iron Man that everyone has seen? That's me...

I tossed it back onto his desk and waited for a response.

Really? Don't mess with me Foster (;

I smiled.

Yup that's me no joke.

Before I could hand it back the note was ripped from my hand and the lights were flicked on.


"Class I believe we have a note," Mr. Williams said, holding up the folded paper.

I felt my cheeks heat up and saw Noah blush and look down. I glanced to Emily to see her in complete shock. He was actually going to read my biggest secret out loud. Wait never mind, my strength is my biggest secret.

My heart was pounding as he started to read the note. Noah and I got a few weird glances while he was reading.

"You know that mini Iron Man that everyone has seen? That's me," the teacher read. If he could raise his eyebrows any higher then they would be stuck to the ceiling. I felt all eyes on me and thank god the bell rang just then.

I scooped my books off my desk and walked with Emily out of the class room.

"I can't believe he actually read it!" Emily exclaimed as we walked to lunch.

"Neither can I," I huffed. I was pissed at Mr. Williams. It had only been about 10 minutes but as I walked down the halls, I got weird looks. Man, new spreads fast.

"What are you going to do when you get home? Are you going to tell your mom and dad?" Emily asked.

"No. I'm going to go for a ride."

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