Chapter 9

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"Bye mom I'll miss you," I gave her one last hug before she got into the car and left. It was Friday and mom was leaving for her expo. Tony and I had practiced flying everyday. It was really fun.

I sighed and looked up at my dad. I explained to him that Emily knew who he was already so he didn't have to explain it all. He was actually dressed in casual clothing again today. Just a pair of black jeans and a red and black flannel shirt.

We walked into the house and I glanced at the the clock. It was almost seven so I ran upstairs and changed into my pajamas. It was just a pair of leggings and a hoodie. The doorbell rang and I rushed down the stairs to answer it. I saw my dad in the kitchen and stopped.

"Try to be normal and not act like you're from Asgard," I said.

He chuckled and turned his phone in his hands. My mom and I had decided to get him a phone so he could contact us and stuff. We had already programmed our numbers and some other people's into it. He hasn't really touched it until today.

"I will certainly try," he said. I nodded, satisfied, and ran over to the door.

"Frigga!" Emily saw me and gave me a hug.

"Em!" I hugged back. She stepped inside and closed the door.

"I brought movies!" she smiled and held up three movies. Batman, The Notebook, and The Holiday. I smiled and lead her into the house.

As soon as we started towards that kitchen my father came out and said, "Frigga! I must gain knowledge from thou! How does one work this cellular device?"

My jaw dropped and I face-palmed myself.

So much for being normal.

Emily kinda giggled at my side. I couldn't help but giggle with her as he just stared at us in confusion.

"Dad I'll show you later. I'm going upstairs with Emily to set up our stuff," I explain, trying not to laugh. He just nodded so we walked upstairs. I burst open the door to my room and flopped on my big bed. When Emily and I usually sleep over we share a bed (not weird at all) so my bed fits both of us.

"So," I asked, "What's new?"

She flopped down next to me, "That's my catch phrase, thank you very much. And apparently Noah thinks your cute."

"What?" I asked and turned my head so I could face her.

"Yup," she popped the 'P' at be end, "He told me in History today."

"Wait so it was Noah Hatch?!" I say strait up. Noah Hatch was one of the cutest guys in our school.

"Of course. Noah Baker his going out with Kimberly remember?"

"Oh yea," I said, "So he actually said that?"

"It's the truth," she sat up, "What do you want to do first?"

"Uh how about we pop some popcorn and put in the first movie?"

"Sounds good," she said. We both grabbed some blankets and pillows then made our way to the living room. I have a television in my room but we prefer this one because its bigger and there is more room. She set up the pillows and blankets while I went into the kitchen, "Hi dad."

"Could you help me now?" he asked, pleading.

"Sure what do you want to do?" I stuck the popcorn in the microwave and made my way over to the kitchen table where he was sitting.

"I would like to contact the your mother but can't seem to get it to work," he explained and shoved the device in my hands. It was a nice smart phone that Tony had given him, one that was the same design and software as mine, so I knew how to work it. He was on the camera and so far he had taken about 23 selfies.

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