Chapter 45

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*6 Months Later*

You know that state of sleeping where you're still asleep and don't want to be disturbed, yet you can still hear the things that are happening around you? I hate that state. It's the worst.

"Well she wrote a note on her door. If it's before ten AM then go away." I heard my mother read the note I left on my door last night.

"Maybe all she wants to do is sleep," Natasha's voice said.

"But it's her fifteenth birthday, I want to start celebrating it."

"Maybe we should come back after ten then. It's only nine."

"You have to think of it this way," Tony joined in. "Frigga had this mind set when Thor came back. She automatically started believing that he wouldn't leave. This would be the last of her celebrating holidays without him. We all already celebrated Christmas without him here. I bet that was hard for her."

My mother spoke up, "And now she has to do her birthday without him." She sounded like she was beginning to realize the issue.

"Right," Tony said, "I bet she thought of celebrating every birthday with him."

It was silent outside of my room. I took that moment as the opportunity to swing my legs over the bed and pull myself up. I flicked the switch underneath my nightstand and turned off the light from under my bed. I waltzed over to my door and swung it open.

"He's right," I said and shut the door again.


A lot has changed in the last six months. From the color of my hair (now turning a blonde color), to the newest status on Nick Fury. The imposter we had downstairs escaped the cell back in January. Our security cameras caught someone else helping him out, but we have no idea who it was. That left us with absolutely no clues to finding the real Nick Fury.

We pronounced him dead last month, April 21st.

Landyn was trusted enough to stay out of her cell during the nights now. So that resulted in her having the room next to Natasha and right underneath mine. I'm not sure if she has completely lost the Hydra mindset but as Tony put it, she has displayed improvement.

So here we are.

Six months later without a father in sight. I figured he would come home when all the bad things stopped happening. Because trust me, they stopped months ago. In fact it was like everything somehow got ten times better for us. It was nice to have a break like this and stop worrying about everything and anything for a while.

But six months of a break was a little too much for me. Especially when I wasn't able to see my dad.

As far as school was going, I was being home schooled the rest of my freshman year. It was great for me honestly. Actually, back in late February Tony and I were able to piece together a very, very thin Arc Reactor. Both him and I have been using this model for quite awhile now. The new device is able to seem like it's flat against our chests. It's made with a type of "Breathing Glass" that allows it to stay against our skin. It literally just looks like I have a glass circle pressed into my skin. The glass glows a soft blue and is even more high functioning than the last Reactor.

Things have been going good for a really long time. As of right now, it seems like nothing can bring us down.


I stepped out of the elevator into the main area. Bruce was napping on the couch and Tony was in the kitchenette area. Nobody else was in sight.

"Hey Frigster," Tony turned to face me. He was wearing a red apron that displayed the phrase Kiss The Cook.

I laughed, "What are you doing?"

"Cooking you dinner," he rolled his eyes, "Duh."


"Don't play dumb I know it's your birthday, kiddo," he turned back to the stove and continued to stir a pot of spaghetti, "Mtn. Dew is in the fridge, knock yourself out."

So I did just that.

I listened to Tony sing 80's rock and watched him dance around the kitchen, almost burning the food in the process. When Tony cooks, he dances more than he cooks. It's horrifying.

"So," Tony said as I helped him put the food into serving dishes. "The big one five. Fifteen. Fifteeneroono. Fifty teen."

"Quit it," I laughed and dropped the cooking dishes in the sink.

"Thinking about getting your permit?"


He let out an enormous laugh, "Yes dummy."

"Well," I laughed at Tony's laugh a little, "I was supposed to take drivers ed druing my second semester. But I was homeschooled."

"You can always take it during the summer."

"Yea but why drive when I can fly."

He looked at me straight in the eyes before cracking a small smile, "I've taught you well."

We set up the table together and eventually everyone came wandering in like a bunch of lost cows. My mom seemed to be awfully cheery, even considering the events that happened this morning. My mom , being the social butterfly she is, generated most of the conversation at dinner. I guess the whole day she was helping Pepper make a cake downstairs. I laid down the law with the cake. They were not allowed to sing happy birthday.

And thank the lord they didn't. It's truefully the most awkward part of a birthday. Don't argue me on this.

After the cake was all served up and we each had a few scoops of icecream to fill our plates, the eight of us gathered around the television to watch a movie. I rested close to my mom, lucky to have her for this years birthday. Hell, I was lucky to have her for all my birthdays. I just didn't recognize it until now.

I was lucky to have all of these guys. Despite the fact that my dad left again, they were still here with me every single day. I couldn't have asked for anyone better to keep me company while we waited for my dad to return.

Looking at myself in the reflection of the mirror on the wall, I saw my piercing blue eyes looking right back.

I was told I got these eyes from my father.

And to me, they would never look the same again.


Short chapter I know,
but I've made the decision to end the book right here.




so with this new book there is obviously going to be new characters
and when you start to read about these characters, feel free to throw out comments who YOU picture as the character.


cause sometime within the beginning of the book i want to do another contest for the actors/actresses

also comment some cool things you want to see happen to the story and I might toss those into the story with a chapter dedication, follow (on Wattpad and any social media), credit, etc.

im honestly horrifed to end this book tbh. ive been working on this "project" for over a YEAR
like this book is my baby
and now its over
what do i do

see you soon


Arc Reactor Love and a Hulk Hug


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