Chapter 13

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"Full name please," Director Fury demanded as soon as we sat down at the table.

"Frigga Jane Foster," I replied and folded my hands on the table.

"Age and Date of birth," he said as Agent Hill wrote on a clip board.

"Fourteen and May twenty first of 2004," I stated plainly.

"Anything special we should know about?"

I gulped. I wasn't supposed to tell them about my strength, "No."

"Mother and Father," he asked.

"Really?" I rolled my eyes, "Jane Foster and Thor Odinson."

"I do not like your attitude," he said without looking up.

"I'm sure you don't," I said without thinking about it. I slapped my hand over my mouth quickly.

The next thing he did shocked me. He smiled. Then chuckled a little bit, "You remind me a lot of your Uncle Tony. Welcome to SHIELD."

He stood and stuck out his hand. I quickly shook it just as Tony and my dad emerged from the elevator.

"Fury do you want a soda!?" Tony shouted.

"Coke please," he nodded. I was shocked. I excepted Nick Fury to be uptight and harsh, not sharing soda with Iron Man.

"Frigster what do you want? Mtn.Dew?" he reached into the fridge.

"Of course," I nodded and I caught the can as he tossed it. My dad went and plopped down on the couch so I sat next to him.

"Father Odin has a gift waiting for you on Asgard," he nudged me.

"Really?" I said as Loki walked onto the room.

"Yes really," Dad nodded, "And I have even spoken to your mother so we will leave Midgard and go to Asgard next Friday."

"No way!"

"I'm coming too," Loki butted into the conversation and sat on the couch that was opposite of me.

"Me too," my mom said, I hadn't even realized that she came in. This was amazing, I was going to Asgard next Friday with my family. I can't wait.


"Just a little harder than that. Give it more thought," said Tony as he and I practiced on using our suits to hit targets. I did what he said and hit the target right into he center. Today was Friday which meant we left for Asgard in exactly one week.

I hit the target again but with my left hand this time. I blew a bigger hole in the center.

"Good job Frigster!" he shouted and opened a soda. He tossed me one and it clanked as I caught it with the metal hands of my suit. I followed Tony up to the top of the Stark Towers. He landed gently and I sat next to him. We popped open our sodas at the same time and were silent for a minute.

"So you leave for Asgard in a week right?" Tony sipped his drink after asking.

"Yea-" I couldn't finish what I was going to say before a huge boom was heard.

We both snapped out heads to the sound and saw a explosion toward the other end of the city. Immediately police sirens were heard and panic erupted.

"What the hell?!" Tony stood and I did as well, "Follow me Kid. It's time that you learn to fight."

I nodded and followed him off the building. He flew straight in the direction of the explosion. I was right behind him until the screen in my head piece lit up and circled a man running towards Stark Towers. I slowly landed in the same street as him and his myself behind a car. Once I got a closer look I noticed the gun he had with him. Just a pistol but still.

I watched as he ran towards Stark Towers. He was trying to get in the building! Before I knew what I was doing I sent a blast out of my hand and hit him directly in the back. I stepped out from behind the car and flew to him shortly. He rolled and a look of Terror covered his face until he saw me. Then he laughed. He laughed.

"What's funny?" I stepped on his chest.

"You're the girl," he laughed, "You're the little girl!"

"I'll show you what I little girl can do if you don't tell me what you're doing with that gun."

"Why don't you go back home," he continues to snicker, "No little girl is fit for an Iron Man suit."

I clasped my metallic hand around his throat and lifted him into the air. The grin disappeared off his face and he tried prying my hand from his throat. On his fingers, my suit detected gunpowder.

"Frigga put him down," a voice came from behind me. It was my dad. I dropped the man on the cement with the realization of what he had done. When my suit detected the gunpowder I realized it was him who set off the bomb.

"He's the one who set the bomb off!" I shouted and put my foot back on his chest.

"Are you sure?" he asked and put his hand on my shoulder.

"Positive," I nodded and turned to look at him. He was dressed in his Asgardian attire, obviously ready to fight someone.

"Then I will take care of him. Go find Tony," he sat his hammer on the mans chest after I moved my foot. I watched as my dad sat next to the man. I flew upwards and started to search for Tony.  Instead of seeing Tony right away I noticed Clint on top of a building looking for the culprit of the explosion below.

"Clint I already found him," I said as I landed on the edge next to him.

"Where is he?" he asked.

"I think he was using the bomb as a distraction to get into Stark Towers. He was on his way there when I got him. Right now he is over there being held down by my father," I informed him.

"Got it," with that he ran down the stairwell. It was the fastest I've ever seen anyone run.

I headed towards the explosion again. On my way I noticed Steve and Natasha getting people away from the fire and smoke. Loki was helping them and Tony was flying around, still looking for the mastermind. I hovered where I was and talked to him through the suit.

"Toaster! I already found him!"

Tony's head flicked in my direction, "Where?!"

"He's in front of Stark Towers. My dad is holding him down."

Tony didn't say another word as he blasted off towards the building. I surveyed the area below. Then I saw something that no one wants to see. Emily, with the help of Natasha, stumbled from the building. Clouds of smoke surrounded her. I panicked and rushed to her as fast as I could.

Emily as asthma.

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