Chapter 14

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"Go fish," I nodded at the pile to cards on the table.

"Ugh," Emily groaned and reached for it.

"Any seven's?"

"God damn it!" she handed me a card.

Right after that bombing incident, they took in the guy for interrogation in the interrogation room of Stark Towers. Emily made it to her hospital in time with the help of Natasha and I. She was released two hours later so then we came back here and ordered a pizza. While waiting for the guy to get here we started a game of Go Fish.

An Hour after the bombing.

"No that's scary!" I shouted.

"Come on Frigga you faced your fear to heights, so this should be no problem. Plus you will be able to get more answers out of the guy, he won't be as intimated," Nick Fury said to me.

I huffed in annoyance and walked into the interrogation room, my suit clanking with each step. The room was grey. Just plain grey. Plain grey walls with a plain grey floor. With a plain grey table and plain grey chairs. A mirror was on the left of me, which if you have ever watched a detective show, then you know its a one way window.

The guys sat in the chair, head down and it snapped up when I sat down my helmet.

He eyed me coldly with his almost black eyes as I sat in the chair. The room was silent as we studied each other. His hair was jet black and his skins was ghostly pale.

Finally he let out a small laugh. I raised an eyebrow at this.

"They sent in the girl. Out of all the agents here they sent the girl," He emphasized.

"Yes sir," I nodded as he sat there with a smug grin on his face.

"What are you going to get from me," he rolled his eyes.

"What's you name?"

"I didn't do it!"

"That's not what I asked," I said, amused that he lost his temper so easily.

"Dean Smith," he huffed and looked everywhere but me.

"Why did you decided to bomb that building...Dean Smith," I asked.

He laughed, "What are you going to do take notes on me?"

"No," just asking. I mumbled.

"You're that Little Asgardian girl," He laughed a deep laugh, one that sent chills down my spine, "Thor's daughter. Odin's granddaughter."

I gulped, suddenly very afraid, "You, you...this is not what this is about okay."

"I have a grudge against Asgard you know," he said then looked me dead in the eyes. That's when I saw it. He wasn't a normal person, but I didn't know what he was yet. 

Just then three guards burst in the door. Two of them grabbed him by the arms and he started to scream and yell. The third guard asked me to leave. I obliged, picked up my helmet, and walked down the hall way. The interrogation rooms were just above the arc reactor so you could hear it humming if you listened carefully enough. I got several stares from the staff as I walked into the elevator, Dean Smith still screaming unrecognizable things.

Present Time

A knock was heard at the door and we both threw down our cards and ran to the door. Emily quickly paid the pizza guy with the money that her mom gave us and we started eating right away.

"So you're leaving to Asgard next week?" Emily asked as we ate.

"Yea on Friday," I nodded

"For how long?"

"Like a week."

"God I wish I could go with you," she said and took another bite.

"Yea me too."



Ok I should be updating within the next week.

Arc reactor love and a Hulk Hug! ❤



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