Chapter 28

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"You lost our daughter!?!?!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. I looked around at Thor, Loki, and Tony.

"Darling that was not at all our intention," Thor said. His face was red and his a tear streamed down his face. He whimpered every few seconds but he was trying to be strong. Under his mask I could see he was just as distraught as I was. Tony was still in his suit, his mask was down, making it impossible for any of us to see his face. Loki was silent. He made no noise and just stared straight ahead and every once in awhile a quiet tear would fall down his face.

"She's fucking missing!!!!!" I screamed as my vision became even more blurry. I cried and wiped my tears as I paced the room. Suddenly two arms wrapped themselves around my shoulders. Thor pulled me into his chest as he shook with sobs. Tony sat down down on the floor, his metal suit clanking against the wood. He pulled his helmet off his head, showing a face full of tears and puffy eyes. He sniffed and rubbed his face.

"Tony can't you ask JARVIS to locate her?" I sobbed.

"I tried," he sighed with his head in his hands. "Whereever she is, JARVIS can't find it. Something is blocking the navigation."

"I-I think I know where they may be," Loki said, his voice wavering a little bit, but not cracking.


"Help. . ." I was leaning against the door to my cell and weakly hitting the door with my fist. Earlier I was putting more effort into my beckoning call but I gave up, so here I was, doing nothing. I didn't have anymore of that weird water left, so I was thirsty. The last thing I ate was a slice of pizza before I went trick or treating, that was two days ago.

"I'm fucking hungry I thought you needed me alive dick brain!" I yelled and kicked the wall, then slumped to the floor. Suddenly the trap door in the ceiling opened and out fell a plastic box and another water bottle. It shut with a slam so I quickly pulled the food into my lap. It looked like chicken nuggets, but covered in a metallic coating. I slid my thumb over the coating then rubbed it in between my two fingers, it felt kind of thick but I shrugged and ate anyway. I know, I'm stupid for it, but I needed to eat.

"What's this coating?!" I yelled. But nothing happened. I gave up on someone answering me so I just ate another one.

About an hour later a tiny trap door on my cell door opened. I watched in amazement as a garbage grabber collected my empty food container. I thought quickly and grabbed it. The guard on the other side tried pulling it back but I planted my feet against the door.

"Let me out if this hell hole!" I screamed and tightened my grip.

Suddenly a stinging ran through my body. It felt as if each nerve in my body was on fire. My vision became blurry and I released the garbage grabber. I fell back on the padded floor and the smaller door shut and locked. My hands immediately found the metal device on the back of my neck and the electrocuted feeling subsided. After I caught my breath, I heard a voice.

"Tsk Tsk Frigga that is not how we play our game," Isaac said. His voice filled my cell.

I wanted to say something back. Cuss him out and yell until I couldn't anymore, but I couldn't. It felt the electric shock was going straight to my heart, rendering me speechless. I didn't know what was happening, it didn't feel like this when I very first got shocked.

I don't know how long I laid there. It must have been at least five minutes. The feeling was so overwhelming I didn't want to move. It was painful, it felt like it sucked my life out of me. Like any energy or strength left in my body was suddenly gone and the life had drained from me. Finally I rolled over onto my stomach and pushed myself into my knees. I felt winded just sitting up, so I rested my back against the squishy wall.

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